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  • ^_^

    My EX build with him is so friggin' perfect I can kill anything on any difficulty without any problem at all. :lol:
    Aka är Random. ^_^

    I don't like when they're talking about Sports :(
    Heheh, jag har rätt så dålig humor och min bror beter sig random just nu ^_^

    Yeeah I<3The Neeeeews T-T after disney
    How fortunate! My favorite char is also Kuja right now.

    Kuja + EX mode = GODLIKE :lol:
    I think I may do, but I don't want to understand right now. Since I'm different, and as you say, it will only lead to arguments which you don't like.

    Subject change?
    Nej det var ett skämt. Du luktar ödla. ^_^

    I knooowwww... :D

    Du luktar som stark senapsill med lite magisk paprika på, plus lite ingefära och fransk vinäger. ^_^
    Lulz... just joking! :D
    Then you don't admit that you've been proven wrong. D:

    And you still hide away from my lying arguments...
    OMG du snackar svenska vet du hur kul det ser ut ^_^
    Nu är det väl inte så svårt att lista ut vad jag och aka skriver.
    Does that count for your lies too? D:

    So you admit your being proven wrong, and still won't accept it?
    If I feel that I am being proven wrong, then I am proven wrong. Then I answer with something like "Yeah that's better" or "Why didn't I thought of that?".
    Your lying with no reason, and get so angry when I explain how my theories would work. D:
    Yeah, Jag håller med om att det blir rätt distraherande,
    och allt sabbas på engång. =O
    watchin' my brother when he plays final fantasy 13 =D
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