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  • That's legendary!

    DreadnoughtDT, spamming with Dreadnought missiles. :cool:

    That should totally be your trademark!
    Do the same then, or play all races and learn what ticks people off and do just that. :p
    Most certainly was and I do understand you. I've only seen 1 kind of rush/push as Terran against Zerg that is almost impossible to defend. But the others are just frustrating. Of course I lacked scouting, of course I didn't expand in time, of course I was too micro relying, of course I teched too much and getting too few units.

    Getting cheesed over 80% of all your games is frustrating beyond belief. You almost don't want to hit that start button on the matchmaking system anymore. But if you would've payed full attention to everything you did, you would indeed have a counter.
    No, I'm telling you it's no cheese. It's just massing.

    Massing is easy to counter because all you have to do is counter with 1 single unit.

    Why should it matter? Some people who just started playing Starcraft 2 (and example of RTS, nothing more), plays a few games and instantly gets annoyed over how the enemy can start attacking him/her after 2 minutes in the game. They say the game suck, it's imbalanced and cheesy. All because they don't know how to play.

    But for more experienced players it's more about "how do I counter this?" or "I always get beaten by this particular strategy", etc.
    Alright this is just ridiculous.

    Your didn't get it in time because either:
    You scouted too late and couldn't act in time.
    You messed up your build order and economy

    That's your alternatives, which one is it going to be?
    Because the game is imbalanced.

    Seriously, that or you just suck and can't counter it.
    Like me, I suck at some counters in SC2. One dude stormed my base with a bunch of hydralisks and 11 Ultralisk. I can't counter Ultralisks and still haven't learned. They stormed my base and it was GG for me. >.<
    No worries.

    But yeah, that's what they practically is. Not everyone have time to scout everywhere outside their base. But in 1v1 it's no problem with cheese, I can handle it with ease. It's when we play 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, when all of the opponent focuses on cheesing one player.

    This one time, I was playing 3v3 with two friends. A probe came into my base and built 3 pylons, trying to cannon rush, then Zerglings started to attack, it was a 6pool aswell, to top it off the third player reaper rushed me. All while the protoss player also did a proxy. ****ing cheese city. <.<

    So they destroyed two of us by unfair methods, while the one was left standing was the little more... inexperienced one. All they did was trying to amass reapers and Hydras against Siege tanks. They purely sucked ass and had trouble finishing off a Terran who didn't even have higher ground to his base.
    Zealot rush:
    They do alot of gateways as Protoss and spams Zealots in your base.

    Gateway proxy:
    Same as above but close to your base.

    Bunker rush:
    Rax proxy in your base with bunkers for the marines to hide in and shoot any attempt to get closer while they go in and out to destroy your base, teasing you.
    Rax proxy:
    The player as Terran builds barracks outside your base and constantly sends marines at you.

    Megarax (this one is easy to beat though):
    The player as Terran does nothing but marines, barracks, command centers, supply depots, and SCV's. Everything needed for expanding and quick units since none requires gas.

    Mass Void Rays:
    The player wall off his/her base as Protoss and fast tech to Void Rays, gathers up an army and push out. Kinda easy if your playing Terran or Protoss but as Zerg... >.<

    Mass Stalkers:
    Just plain annoying that they mass 80 units and just spam you with unupgraded **** when you actually try to make a good game out of things. Of course it should be scouted and dealt with swiftly so it's not that hard.

    Mass Banshees:
    An army of flying units that can only hit ground and pretty much devastates everything and can cloak.

    Marine Marauder push:
    Marauders are OP as Terran so they can just make an early push with Marines and Marauders and destroy your base.
    Yeah, seriously, team games is just who can win the grand cheese cup. <.<

    Cannon rush:
    The player makes static defenses as protoss outside your base, or inside, destroying everything you have.

    Reaper rush:
    The player fast tech to Reapers, upgrade their speed and then assault your base with just 4 of them early on to destroy pretty much everything.

    The player does not make any workers as Zerg and saves up for a spawning pool. As soon as it's done they immediatly do 3 Zerglings (total 6 when they hatch) to storm your base when your pretty much defenseless.
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