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  • Hiya DT. Just keep your head about the whole DMC drama erupting on the boards. Don't let it get you worked up - if they want to have fanboy/fangirl hissy fits about not getting the right rattle, then let them. They'll feel like idiots when the game is released because I'm betting this game is going to exceed our expectations and blow all the previous games out of the water. It's their loss if they can't get over their biased views. Just wanted to drop by and say I'm on your side concerning this. People really need to get out from under the rocks they live. Everyone knew the next game was going to be nothing like the previous, so it's not like we weren't prepared for this. Anyway. Cheer up, keep cool, and c ya around.
    I wanted to say that because I remember you saying a few days ago that you felt that you were one of the most immature people on here. -----:mad:

    I still don't like the new look. :p The hair doesn't bother me as much as the face. If it looked more like him I wouldn't mind so much, but I really don't see a resemblance.
    Can I just say I think you're acting very mature about all this DmC drama? I'm telling you this cause you seemed upset. Rep for you.
    WHEN! it comes to reading.

    Yes, I have trouble to read even fanfics I do find interesting. Like Meg's FFXIII fanfics. I liked them, but something made me not want to read them.

    I gotta get some sleep dude, until tommorrow.
    I'll have to make a few things clear:
    I have a really really hard time getting into reading new things. The only things I do read about is stuff I already know for sure I'm really interested in. Such as Final Fantasy or Starcraft.
    I tried picking a random fictional book from the library once and forced myself to read through all of it... I did not like reading it nor did I get into it.
    Sorry dude, I've tried reading fanfics before, but it's just too much. >.<
    I told you befor, the problem wasnt Nero that was something else about his mysterious past , I couldnt concentrate on the game cuz I was just askin myslef who's him :\ it was the problem
    but it just WAS not anymore :(
    Dude, we'll just rage if we continue. I can't bear it and I've got some heavy stuff to do tommorrow. Let's talk about fun stuff.
    But this... is not what any fan want. It's like they are dissing EVERY SINGLE devil may cry fan to get more new fans.

    They can go **** THEMSELVES!
    It has no feel of DMC in it at all. They as you said, butchered Dante, and when they had introduced a new character they just ****ted that and took him out.

    Why reboot something so incomplete? FIX IT INSTEAD!

    *Nuclear launch detected*
    "OH ****! Where is the red dot!?"

    BAM! GamE OveR! O _ O
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