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  • M
    Lets go there?

    ooc: wow my brains tellin' me somethin? bad time :P
    I know it does. If only because I won't have to deal with being told I'm in the worst, most immature, ignorant class they've had in yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaars. *eye roll*

    I'll try to, so long as you don't mind me using a pre-made character (Xavier) because I'm lazy. He can be evil or good, considering he's schizophrenic and bi-polar.
    I can smell you :lol: awesome lets go!

    ooc: damn i gonna fall asleep soon ^_^
    yeah that will be damn awesome

    ooc: my eyes hurt and i wanna go to sleep but don't wanna leave you D:
    Yeah, sorry. High school's been kicking my ass all over the place - algebra, science, exams next week, walking a mile uphill every day, crushing on a straight girl who's also a senior. I can try and join the DMC RP if you want me to, though. I won't be able to post before six or seven my time everyday, though.
    i hope i can meet your guys mom ^_^

    ooc: it's only 1:34
    Kinda, yeah. I haven't really had too much time to RP, let alone get on my computer before eight most days.
    *looks down and talkin' quiet* alright lets go..

    ooc: like this time? ;) Jk!
    *smiles* yeah time to go!!! *jumps happy away wron' way*

    ooc: i didn't thought about that :lol:
    Heheh good lucky with that ^_^
    Thanks your to ^_^

    ooc: yeah in THAT way, i was thinkin' of somethin' else ^_^
    Thats good! *walks to angelus and hugz him*

    ooc: then maybe you are :P but then your mine idiot :3
    *walks to lance* are you dead?

    ooc: cuz i'm werid ^_^
    thats goodie :)

    ooc: i won't lie about this but if you meet me you'll be rude
    yeah as hell *pokes angelus* are you... alive??

    ooc: yeah and the first i will do is to make you visit sweden! >:3 now you get scared huh?
    *walkes up and look at angelus* huh? *then look at DT* AGH! oh you scared me ^_^

    ooc: i call it gods baby, ppl in my school says that i belongs to satan and they don't want anythin' to do with me, i maybe do belon' to him XD heheh right? :lol:
    *look up then falls asleep*

    ooc: your so lucky dude
    *kiss back* alright i will

    ooc: d'aww thats soo goodie :3
    yeah you maybe have right there.

    ooc: so how is it with tonkies? :)
    yeah thats it. nothin' thats why its have to be somethin'

    ooc: yeah! thats hella awesome *glomp*
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