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  • Tch. Look who's talking. *takes out sword* *glares*
    With you on that. *runs away with DT* AHHHH!!!! To the fallout shelter!
    *glares* *fingers sword* What do you know?
    Yeeeeaaaah.....*grabs blast shield*
    Ehhhh......not really. Thanks for trying though.

    Lightning's tough since she's bipolar.
    Lightning: I am not.
    Me: I know, but you act like it. XD
    Hmmm....I get lightning, but not Lightning. XD

    Oh whatever. She sucks anyway. XD
    Xavier's not above rape. He didn't go to jail because he hit someone with a baseball unprovoked, but because he raped a girl whilst off his meds and drunk. But I doubt he'd get anywhere close to killing Xevnas, considering...human demon lizard. >.<

    Better be. ;_;

    + Be right back. Gotta start dinner.
    Nice change. I'd change mine, but then it wouldn't be of Lightning. :P

    OOO! I should find a dragon from Lightning. *runs off*
    Why? Because he hit Daryl or because he's a ****ing crazy awesome badass Aussie who doesn't afraid of anything?

    Maybe... If Xevnas shows interest. >.< Xavier doesn't go around hitting on any guy - or girl, since he's bi - he finds hot.

    You shouldn't have. Ignorance is bliss, and you just ruined my bliss.
    The most immature thing I did over there was push Marcus and Miguel together. But Marcus told me he had on a crush on Miguel so I was just trying to help. >.>;

    Xavier only hit Daryl because 1. Daryl was rubbing it in his face that he had Derek; 2. Daryl's a dick who deserved it; 3. and Xavier's a ****ing crazy awesome badass Aussie who doesn't afraid of anything *shot*

    Bad thing Xavier is teh evulz.

    I'm really, honestly, surprised. I thought you were an only child. It didn't make me feel so lonely that I seem like the only only child on this site. ;_;
    I only really talk to my small group of friends in this area between two other groups that run around, jumping on each, and screaming at the top of their lungs, so we got grouped with them and labeled as immature. :/

    So, Xelicor uses a baseball bat to beat up fags? O.o Also, Xavier's a scaly, if you couldn't tell from when he called Danny and Drakon hot, so yeah... >.<
    Also, I thought you were an only child.
    *still bows* it's nothin ma'am, i just.. was with ma'am

    ooc: think i have to sleep now night *huggiez*
    Yeah, most likely. I always hated being stereotyped. I mean, I know I'm not the nicest, most informed, mature girl around, but I'm pretty sure I'm more mature than the juniors that yell "Penis!" during passing. *sigh* It's also like saying all lesbians like flannel. >.> Sorry, I haven't told a gay joke since lunch, I needed to get it out of my system before I imploded.

    Well, since I think Xavier's more awesome when he's hitting people over the head with baseball bats *coughinthenameoflovedesucough*, I'm going to make him evil. >D
    ye-.. yeah i'm mika... Miaka Ma'am it's nice to finally meet you *bows*
    They're not calling me, myself, immature, they're calling ALL of the freshmen immature. That's like saying everyone who cuts themselves wears black and listens to emo music. It's just really getting on my last nerve.

    Cool. If I have him take his meds, he can be good. If he doesn't, he can be evil. So, any particular preference?
    wow, shes beautiful.

    ooc: yeah to-.. wait a minute!
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