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  • Yeah been very busy lately but things are calming down at work so schedule should be more empty soon. Good talking to you too, take care.
    with a t shirt? wow.
    you know it is pretty late. i have to go and sleep. cya later.
    Well ive been doing 10 hour shifts at work 6 days a week, along with doing 3 hours in the gym afterwards and then had lots to do other than that. So havent had any time to actually sit down for any length of time or any time to myself. Topped off with 3 hours sleep last night and another 10 hour shift today. Had some more done to tattoo and kept sticking to the bedsheets and made me uncomfortable so woke up nearly every hour.
    im going out in the frozen snow with only jeans and a warm winter jacket. of course im freezing in my legs. tried to warm them when i got home but it got colder in the warmth.
    Glad you did so, but you're free to laugh considering you are so many miles away. I'm scared of opening my window, in fear of a crow flying in to peck my eyes out whilst I'm sleeping XD :lol:
    for me it is always the temperature i want. never cold and never to hot. but being outside makes me getting frozen legs and coming home with ice cubes around them
    What is a conspiracy is the very fact that Russians are trying to take over my home town. Well, believed by me and my friend. We saw an unusual amount of crows staring at us from all around on the beach, and assumed they were spies disguised as birds and formed by Russian technology; sent to scope out our land to see our weak points. Then funnily enough, there was a pirate ship; which we gathered was actually a Russian Submarine disguised as a pirate ship.

    Well, when a weird floating orange thing started heading slowly towards land from the sea, we left :lol:

    Odd that I told you that, but oh well :lol: XD :p
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