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Dark Drakan
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  • Ah...another original's fan. Let me guess, you like kol too??? I am not a fan of klaus but i don't hate him either. Yeah, the characters were wat drew me to this series. Ever since season 1.Stefan's my fav character.I like most, no, all of them but some of them died really soon. Like mason and mikeal. I really thought they could fit for a longer role.
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    I dont like Stefan, seems too much of a whiner to me. I like Damon more for his sarcastic and badass attitude. Klaus was multi layered as hes badass but also shows he cares a lot sometimes when people betray him he shows he hurts but then takes some great revenge. I didnt care for Kol but I did also like Elijah as he was quite honorable.
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    I shall have a listen when I get home, never played any of the Castlevania games but new trailer looked pretty cool.
    Chaos Raiden
    If you have not played it, try out the first Lords of Shadow game on PC. There will be a ultimate edition available for PC in August with extra stuffs and tweaks.

    After listening to it, do you mind telling me whether it is recommendable to use it on my blog's music player or not? Much obliged.
    Hey Andy. I just thought I'd drop by and ask how things were going for you lately =)
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    They have gotten worse, plus car has broken down now too. Who are you going to see?
    Oh **** man I'm sorry to hear that. What a groggy time of the year too with lack of a summer and all =/ I'm not so sure on who is playing there at the moment. It's just up in Bristol. Some friends of mine are in a band and they're playing up there :)
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    Yeah & just changed venue for my wedding to a larger venue which is costing more so im on a money saving mission. Then my latop & car break in the same week. Hope its a good gig then, June isnt far away.
    my thread was not meant to cause flamewars, it was only to add some levity, and if you view the first page, people talked positively, the thread only went to **** after terrutas, who btw, is on my ignore list, has for the past month repeatedly insulted me, passively insulted the mods and said they don't do their job right, seriously, he's insults me, cause an flamewar, and then tell me to grow up and get a life
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    Well regardless it had a negative tone from the start, even if it was meant in a lighthearted way. It was a thread about trolling & insults which only breeds more insults & trolling. Lots of members have been warned even those that were not mentioned & some will get bans next time. So a lot of people are on final warnings because im bored of it all now.
    Hey I know how you like Halo, so I just thought to say I'm writing a Halo game story-line based on Arbiter after the events of Halo 3. It's entitled Halo Elite and it's in the FanFiction Section of the Forums if you want to check it out and give me some much needed feedback. Thanks :)
    Hey buddy. I have made a thread in the FanFic Section called 'Pen To Paper'. Basically it's somewhere I put down my ideas for my Devil May Cry - The Anime thread that I have in the FanFic Section also. Because the library doesn't allow me to view that thread of mine, it's blocked. So I was wondering if there was anyway in which I could post up the information considering I can't get into the thread itself =/
    Yeah pretty sure it's only that one thread. I think it has something to do with me having posted up about guns and weapons and stuff. They're really strict on things like that, so it denies me access =/
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    Dont know if thats a way around it if your library filters it out unless you post them on your profile then copy & paste them into the thread when you can get to another computer. Surely more threads would be blocked rather than just that one if it was because of gun content etc.
    Yeah some other threads are blocked for me. However, if the thread has two pages then for some reason I can view the second page and then I am allowed to go back to the first page. Whereas in my Anime thread it has only one page, so it blocks me from viewing it.
    Hi. I just uploaded Sleeping Dogs soundtrack, which consists of Chinese instrumental music heard in the radio stations in the game. Download it if you are interested.
    Hey Andy, mate. Pretty sure you've already noticed, but there appears to be a lot of negative comments flying around about the new DmC game. Seems it's caused quite some controversy. I somewhat noticed it seems to come from when people ask questions about why the reboot was needed in the first place.
    Perhaps such questions shouldn't be allowed to be debated upon, because it just seems to cause chaos. We had the same thing when VS threads were around, and they themselves got banned. Just putting this out there.
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    People are entitled to an opinion, but when they start insulting others for theirs thats where the issues start. These people merely need to be reported & dealt with. Cant tell people who dont like it that they simply have to & cant voice any opinion against it. There is a mature way to go about this however & some people are simply not going about it that way.
    I completely agree with you on that one mate :)

    Hey Andy, could you check out the 'Ask the staff anything' thread when you get any spare time or whatever, please? Would appreciate it man.
    Lol, I heard the Corey Taylor Christmas Song...
    Loved it!...XD
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    Xm@$? Came out originally in 2010 if its that one, it is good though.
    Chimera Khaos
    Chimera Khaos
    It probably is, never heard it till last night, and now it's my fav Christmas song...XP
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    Typical Corey Taylor lol.
    FarOut with the FarCry avatar ;)
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    Yeah pretty much it, I dont need anything else really if I did I would already own it. So due to the overwhelming game schedule at this time of year there are lots of those I want so its a no brainer.
    Yeah and you don't have to have brains for no brainers. I think o.O Christmas shall be special this year. Give me chocolate, alcohol and videogames. And a load of drugs that were legally prescribed (No, just kiddin' on the drugs bit) lol
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    Yeah booze and lots of games = perfect christmas.
    How are things for you Andy? :)
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    At least its coming, happened to me a couple of times after issues with the banks systems.
    yeah banks what good are they anyway except paying my wages and benefits in. Oh, well quite good actually then I suppose.
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    They dont pay it in really, they just accept the payment from someone else on their systems and hold the cash. Seem to even make a meal of that these days.
    hope im helping by reporting any spam thought it would help you some
    Dark Drakan
    Dark Drakan
    All reports help us to find it so thanks, didnt see this message sorry for the slow response.
    Laurence Barnes
    Laurence Barnes
    no problem happy to know my reporting is helping
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