Collarbone is an annoying place to have tattooed as its needle on bone and quite sensitive on bicep and inside of arm and the bend between forearm and elbow. Also meant to be quite sharp feeling on wrist as its one of most sensitive parts of your body (hence the reason they test babies milk there to see if its warm).
I have 2 but my new one is a large black tribal design. Fills shoulder blade, goes over shoulder onto my chest and down my arm to my elbow. When its finished i will post some pictures.
Its like bad sunburn and if you knock it or anything it feels like sunburn being slapped with a metal ruler to describe it the best i can. Worse stage is when it scabs as you have to be careful not to damage the design and also your skin dries out totally. So have to apply cream to it and everytime you move you can feel how tight the skin is and how dry. This usually lasts about 7-10 days.
Not as much as you expect but there is an element of pain in it of course. I mean after all you are having a needle pierce your skin and put ink into it at a very fast rate. Also as my tattoo is large the sessions can last from 4-8 hours and can get quite sore after that amount of time. Also depends where you have the tattoo as some parts are more sensitive than others.
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