B B Black Angel Dec 26, 2008 Sorry Amy, the time warner cable guy is messing with our internet right now, fixing some problem with the T.V.
Sorry Amy, the time warner cable guy is messing with our internet right now, fixing some problem with the T.V.
LordOfDarkness Dec 26, 2008 Kind of what she said. She said the poem was sweet :lol: ^^ I'm just chatting here, and waiting for my sister to get around
Kind of what she said. She said the poem was sweet :lol: ^^ I'm just chatting here, and waiting for my sister to get around
LordOfDarkness Dec 26, 2008 I'm glad you're having fun on your laptop Wow, I should be going to bed soon
LordOfDarkness Dec 26, 2008 No. Make that the taste of chocolate and love Is there anything sweeter than that?