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  • True. Its like that here too. You either have the parents that let their kids get away with murder, then you have the parents that beat the living **** outta their kids for no ****ing reason. Two extremes to child discipline. Why cant parents slap kids on their ass anymore without nearly killing them or something? The world is ****ed up.
    Yep, its the kind of thing that won't end well :(
    Hence my urge to add a thrid choice :D

    Ah well, next dose of flaming (since Staff Prescence) I will lock, shut and remove rep ahA! -enter evil laugh here- :D

    Annnyways. ^_^
    Ha, if I was a member then, I've would of hacked them for you and send Trojans to them. I hate pedophiles. ARGH they make me sick! I nearly killed one at the mall for touching all over my niece. I broke his nose, blinded his left eye, broke his arm, fractured his ribs, and nearly choked him to death. I was 16 at the time. I was arrested and was gunna be charged as an adult, but I was let off and I was congratulated by local ppl for beating up a local pedo. I have deep hatred for pedophiles.

    But because of my Senior year of HS I havent been keepin up with soaps.
    I almost wanna go, "awwwwwww" when you described Steve and you. :lol:

    Um, and isnt that like borderline pedo-like that some here hit on your 7 year old daughter? Yeah, thats ****ing creepy alright. I seriously hope that they were playing.

    I hate when soaps consistantly kill off characters, then bring them back as tho not a damn thing happened. As The World Turn is notorious for that shnitzel!
    Well, I'm not ashamed to admit I jack off though. I'm really not ashamed to admit anything really.

    Also, I didnt even know you were a mother. Hell, I didnt even realise you were married to devilmaycry until late. I hate being noisy in other ppls affairs unless it involves me so I only know as much about a person as they're willing to tell. A need to know basis, lol.

    Oddly tho, only older women attract me as late. Maybe its their maturity, their various experiences ( sexual and emotional ), I dunno. Older, motherly women also seem so.....exotic. In the case of older women, I actually dont care how they look either. I had one experience with an older women b4. I was captivated by her, but I wont go into that. Most of my associates find this kinda odd 4 an 18 year old though.

    But yaw only have TWO soaps!? We got like 5-9 soap operas on non-cable/satelite TV alone! I typically watch All My Children and As The World Turn, but you prolly have NO clue what I'm talking about.
    And do u own a PS3?
    I cant find many here besides myself that do.

    If you do my PSN is Esura
    Um, I know that it was prolly serious but I couldn't help but laugh when you said that your ex should of went to jail.

    But Im not into porn THAT deeply. I'll sell my porn to get Little Big Planet for PS3 in a heartbeat! :lol: :lol: I never watch porn all the way through also. I get too tired so afterwards I watch soap operas (yes I watch them, doesnt make me a homo) or some anime.

    But I can think of hella moms id wanna ****, like my teacher and my neighbors. Women who are mothers (excluding my mother of course) oddly turns me on. Kinda sick huh?
    Well, don't feel bad about it *if you do* I'm the same :lol: I lack that drive to learn new things... it's not laziness... Things just don't appeal to me some times... I don't mind music, but I can't be bothered to play an instrument because that isn't what I want to do :lol:
    :lol: Yeah... *Thanks for the cookies*

    And the way I see it... If I can't be bothered to play a real guitar, then there's no way you're getting me to play some plastic piece of **** or w/e... :lol:
    *cookie falls from mouth* Um, trying to eat here :lol: Yeah, I guess... But that's just absolutely pathetic :lol:
    I guess it's the way these days... Like, how someone will slave to get tons of points on Guitar Hero, rather than actually learn to play a proper ****ing guitar :lol: I guess people will watch that "stuff" because it's easier than doing it in reality :lol: I guess...
    we have it for lessons so its not that bad but i never hgave any work to do on the computers soo.....

    wb love u

    *Gets out pen and notebook and jots that down* Thanks for recommending that place to me... I shall look into it later on :)

    :lol: On another note, I can see you are having quite an interesting "to say the least" conversation about pornography :lol:
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