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  • i know :lol: my mate plays halo 3 and is amazing but when she speaks everyone is like " what , its a girl "
    juicey ideas ! and i dont know half the peroples name son here :lol: i dint even know your name was shron til 2 days ago !!!!
    ok thanks sharon !( hope u dont mind me calling u sharon ) :) :lol: and she knows my second name as it was on facebook , so she calls me damien wicks and im like " who are u , my mother "
    little d keeps using mine and lod name's ( user and real ) in her chats with devil slater and other friends .... we have told her to stop it and she says she wont do it anymore and then 5 mins later it is " damien* shut up , ryan** shut up ) it gets annoying , is there anything u can do ?

    *= me
    **= lod
    Yeah, I hope it will.

    Wow, that must be really fun. Hey, at least ya not sat on your own bored out of your mind like I am.:lol: Just wait another 7-9 years :lol: more fun for you:P

    Girls are the worst I have to say, just because most of my mates are infact girls so I have to listen to them talk about sex -.-' Sometimes I wonder "Why do I even bother?" :lol:
    My internet connection is starting to act up again -.-' My Laptop stayed connected for 3 weeks (Yes I didn't turn it off for 3 weeks, but it was on power saver^_^ I was ill) Also, if your Web Browser is good, the use www.iloveim.com ;) it works.

    I am doing good. I haven't been to the doctors for the second time yet, but it doesn't really bother me to be honest. I should be back at college on Monday - I have a TON of work to redo (I want to so I can get better grades and get my motivation back) so that's gonna be rather hard, but that's life ^_^

    So, how are you seeing as I never asked:P
    :lol: I won't ask any questions...

    :ninja: I was just thinking about how fussy I am... If you manage to find a Unicorn, be sure to tell me :lol:
    How much do I have to pay you for the massive duck? Plus delivery? :lol:

    Good to know you are good :)

    :lol: No, Steve informed me he doesn't swing that way >LOL<
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