Concerns and Discussion about the Cameo System

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Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Jul 7, 2012
In Heaven smashing all the babes I killed
I find it odd that no one here (or almost anywhere) seems to be talking about this. Not just the cameo system but how Capcom seems to be implementing it into the campaign and co-op. I feel that this is rather important since this a pretty big change/alteration to the previous formula outside a potentially bootleg co-op mode so I made an isolated thread about this. Like I have a few questions and concerns about this system as well as interesting notes about it.

So what we know is that the game is primarily single player but has a Dark Souls like drop in, drop out multiplayer system where we are paired with a random player. Apparently no match making or player invite and Itsuno's reasoning was so players can make friends with new players each time (kind of bullshit to me and reeks of naive "trying too hard to be different and innovative" Japanese game design that Nintendo and many other Japanese devs are known for) and if there is noone playing the same level as you (get to that detail later) at the exact time you enter that level you matched with random online player data or if offline (random dev team player data). Now here is why tons of questions and issues arises.

1. They described one player as a guest so is it possible to just drop into someone's play session? So its not at random chance but something we can control. Is there a lobby we can wait to see who is playing and choose to just jump into those games? At what point can we jump in into another player's game/level? Can we say jump in during the middle or where ever and it automatically replaces the ghost data (which lets the other player know) and we can only assume the role of the character(s) the other player didn't select?

Is progression tied to the host so if say the guest is behind them or well dies/quits (I guess in this case they're replaced with player data) can the host still continue without them or progression is locked until both parties complete their respective battles/journey (not too much of an issue since we are no longer being timed for missions)

2. Next is the issue with player data. I have played other games with this system before like Bloodborne but those weren't a big deal since the combat there is more about effectiveness and not getting killed and having a set AI come help you didn't hinder how you normally played that game. With DMC the combat is more about combos and combat freedom and I wonder how different player data would react to a live player. Would their actions be the same each time? What data are they taking into account and how will it be implemented? My main concern is how dynamic will the AI for the player data will be or its not really taking player behavior into account but what their current moveset/build is? Is it player data for that level (the last level and stats the player who played that level was at with that character) or is it player data for that account in general for that character meaning the whole shebang. My worst fear is that its recorded and it plays out exactly how that player played that level with that character. I'm not hoping to coordinate with an AI but I just don't want it to get in my way or bug out for some reason.

Its not an issue when its on one side of the map doing its own thing but this could become an issue during actual co-op moments. However this does mean big implications for the original level/mission structure.

Before when I heard there will be some missions where we can choose between 2 or 3 characters I just thought we played that level as that character but it seems picking one character means you go down a different path with occasional crossover (if any at all) for that mission where the level is designed for that character (so no Grim Grip sections for V and Dante). So a Mission 7 with Nero is a different experience with a Mission 7 with V well from a level design perspective at least also a combat perspective too.

So this opens even more slew of questions for this idea too. Will story and dialogue aspects differ based on what character/path you have chosen? In the latest trailers we see V activate his DT (for what appears to be the first time) in a cutscene where the environment is the same as Tip 04. So will we miss that cutscene if we pick Nero instead? Are there certain upgrades and abilities we don't get if we don't play certain levels with certain characters? Are there boss fights in these type of missions and if so do we fight alongside the other players when fighting them or only certain character/routes come with a boss fight (or their own boss fight)?

The only concerns and questions I have for this system right now. Feel free to discuss this topic however you like.
I'm curious if I'll be banned if I use trainers, mods, or other game enhancing tools.

Without coop invites, I honestly don't care how they treat it. Still makes me wonder though.
I'm curious about this too for a few things:

1. How will the co-op work around people who are combo mad heavy? Nero has his pulling mechanic so if someone else is doing crazy air combos, can I just snatch that demon away from them, thus breaking that combo?

2. Do upgraded characters take into account? Like I could still be at level 1 of my abilities and devil arms, while their levels higher then me with more weapons and moves.

3. What characters will they be able to use during the campaign? While I'm Nero, will they be Dante or V?
I'm curious if I'll be banned if I use trainers, mods, or other game enhancing tools.

Without coop invites, I honestly don't care how they treat it. Still makes me wonder though.

Now that is a GOOD question. Hmmm

As long as I can turn it off, it's fine by me.

Well this is a game made by Itsuno. He tends to be somewhat short sighted and rather idealistic. I hope we can but in these missions the AI/data character will still be there. Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2, Anarchy Reigns, and many other games (recently is playing Yakuza 0 does this too) have AI characters in the background who can assist the players. They're AI is turned down and balanced so they don't get in the way too often but are still helpful nonetheless. Sometimes they're just there to help distract the enemies while you deal the actual damage. So having an AI partner next to you wont be the worst thing ever especially since the moments where you have to work with one will probably be designed around it (probably more open spaces and larger/more frequent enemy swarms) as stated by Itsuno.

So I doubt they will give us the option to completely have the other character to be removed.

I'm curious about this too for a few things:

1. How will the co-op work around people who are combo mad heavy? Nero has his pulling mechanic so if someone else is doing crazy air combos, can I just snatch that demon away from them, thus breaking that combo?

2. Do upgraded characters take into account? Like I could still be at level 1 of my abilities and devil arms, while their levels higher then me with more weapons and moves.

3. What characters will they be able to use during the campaign? While I'm Nero, will they be Dante or V?

1. Well we see collaboration in the trailer where a Nero grabs a lizard and throws it at Dante where that Dante performs a Real Impact on the lizard that was thrown at him. All the while V is locked on to the same lizard who is being tossed around. So I guess we can lock on and focus on the same enemy of another player. So in theory you can steal an enemy that another player is comboing. Don't see Capcom implementing features that would prevent that. Like I said before Itsuno and co. tend to be short sighted and idealistic. When co-op was rumored I was like "Oh boy I get to play online with my friends and some cool people online" then they revealed how it works "Oh great now I have to play with a bunch of random assholes". Its the DMC fanbase expect all sorts of fuccbois and cringe online as well as Donguri dick riders.

2. Probably.

3. Well its a mission by mission basis rather than the whole campaign but they never specified if its random picked or if its structured that someone can join available play sessions (and thus is forced to picked the character that wasn't already chosen).
From what I've gathered the cameo system isn't another name for co-op. You don't fight alongside each other you simply see each other fighting in the distance or behind a barrier. If this is like RE6 then it's possible that you might see an AI in the distance if there are no players to take up the event and the game might even record your gameplay when you play as a different character on the same stage.
From what I've gathered the cameo system isn't another name for co-op. You don't fight alongside each other you simply see each other fighting in the distance or behind a barrier. If this is like RE6 then it's possible that you might see an AI in the distance if there are no players to take up the event and the game might even record your gameplay when you play as a different character on the same stage.
I believe they showed scenes where there is no barriers separating the characters.

Yeah there are like tons of times we see the characters interact with each other and work closely together in the same area/field.

Also I have another question. Say one player wants to use a divinity statue/Nico's van will the game completely stop for both players or the other player can progress without them? Will there be no divinity statues/van in these levels?
I still think you guys are over thinking this. Chances are this'll just be a more sophisticated version of the RE6 system or even the Journey one and if the other player ever gets intrusive or has a bad connection the game will drop them and let the AI take over.
I still think you guys are over thinking this. Chances are this'll just be a more sophisticated version of the RE6 system or even the Journey one and if the other player ever gets intrusive or has a bad connection the game will drop them and let the AI take over.

That is true but all of the similarities between RE6 and DMC5 Cameo systems are rather obvious on face value but since the 2 games are radically different games there would be some differences in how to approach balancing it.

Even then that still leaves open how they plan to approach the whole multiple characters per mission idea.

Its been stated by Itsuno most of the missions we see with Nero and V are from Mission 3 and Mission 4 and going based off that Nero and V transverse radically different environments (that are within the same vicinity). Will there be exclusive cutscenes, enemy introductions, even boss encounters within each missions? Doesn't that leave open the possibility that to get the full story some missions will have to be played twice? Is this taken into account for the 15-16 hour runtime?

Imagine running into the ghost AI of Donguri. :nailbiting:

Or Donguri himself.

What are you going to do sit back and watch as Donguri's AI do all the work?
Think of all the creative Combo Mad you'll get out of this.
The Doppelganger Style in DMC3 already showed so much potential.

Looking forward to Nero throwing an enemy into Dante's Real Impact or something.
Didn't they show exactly that in a trailer?

That must've required a lot of setup to pull off.

I can see more combo vids being more Dante and Nero orientated. V seems so out there.

Speaking of V. Does the fact he has to make enemies enter a white state so he can kill them will factor into this and how? When the enemies are white...okay grayed can Nero and Dante deliver the killing blow? Then again I guess this whole gray thing never got fully explained and the exact mechanics so who knows how it works especially in tandem with Dante or Nero.

I have another question when Nero activates Ragtime's Quicksilver ability will Dante and V be affected too or can they move in stopped time too?

Can we disable the cameo system entirely ? I just want AIs around me not actual players. I don't want anyone "invading" my session.
I only play single player games.

Thanks to anyone who can answer that.

One official blog post does seem to imply the game will have an offline mode of sort.

Can we disable the cameo system entirely ? I just want AIs around me not actual players. I don't want anyone "invading" my session.
I only play single player games.

Thanks to anyone who can answer that.

One official blog post does seem to imply the game will have an offline mode of sort.

It has been confirmed you can play offline and will only play with developer AI. If your not online or have a PSN/Xbox Live service you won't get this feature.....I think. I think they confirm you can be online and toggle it on or off. Not so sure.
It has been confirmed you can play offline and will only play with developer AI. If your not online or have a PSN/Xbox Live service you won't get this feature.....I think. I think they confirm you can be online and toggle it on or off. Not so sure.
Even on PC ? I plan on getting for PC since I game on a 120hz monitor.

Good news if there is a toggle in the menu somewhere.

Just set Steam to offline mode and you're good.
I really don't want to have to do that for one game. It's very inconvenient in this day and age.

A game designed as a single player experience should have a toggle for a feature presented as optional. I'd hope you don't have to set your console to offline mode every time you fancy some demon-slashing action either.

Not a huge deal as long as the game does not force you to play with other real players I guess. I don't mind co-op or MP games even if I don't necessarily play them, it's just that when I want to game it's usually by myself only and I really hate having to share my game world with other players If I don't want to. A game that can't be played 100% as a solo experience is simply not for me.

Thanks again to everyone who quenched my fears. :)