So with DMCV coming soon, there are some things I've begun to wonder about what new weapons will have. Even more so with the game focusing on three playable characters. With Dante it would be pretty easy to decipher how he'll receive weapons, but for Nero, I think it will be similar to how it was with DMC4.
In Nero's case he's got the robot arms that he'll probably be upgrading throughout the game, however I think it will be a situation where different arms will have different affects or abilities. similar to styles.
One arm can create force fields

others can grab

and then some can shoot lightning

or a flying missile to surf on.

Different robot arms have different properties to them, and then at the end, you get the Devil Arm which will allow you to go DT. These are just some ideas in terms of arms. I would assume there's five or six arms to chose from. We MIGHT get new swords with different properties for Nero or new weapons that can interact with Nero's robot arm (like the arm is attached to the spear and it can soar around like a homing missile) but only time will tell.
As for Dante, I think we'll be able to see more Devil Arms for him to use compared to DMC4. Definitely see some Gilgimash, and shotguns in the future, but I just hope we get something similar to DmC with a scythe and of the like. I just hope if Vergil IS playable, they don't just shoehorn the weapons he's had for the past 12 years now.