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I got to write that DBZ BoG review...
I spent the whole day watching Dragon Ball Season 4. Totally worth it! Now I've seen Son Goku's battles with Piccolo Daimao and Piccolo. (Season 5 DVD) Totally awesome!
I want my own Kinto-Un! (aka The Nimbus Cloud)
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I keep telling myself just to get the rest of the novel's chapter outlines jotted down so I don't experience anymore of those, "Uh-oh, how do I connect this to that?" moments, but my brain also insists that I must run Ch. 5 through another edit, finish Ch. 6 (because yes, I'm still dragging my heels on it, lol), and that I should probably get over my "feels", and work on some of those more painful scenes I started months ago...

On the plus side, all this excitement for NaNo has definitely helped spur me into action; I finished Ch. 14's outline, and started 15's. :) (And spent an equal portion of time, if not most of it, tearing out pages, scratching out entire lines, and redoing it...all knowing that by the time I get to typing them up, they'll change again, anyway; seems futile, I know, but once the bones are there, it's easier to change it around, than to come up with everything from scratch without preparation).

By the time Halloween gets here, none of the butterfingers are going to be left...:whistle:
I guess I should take the plug up to mum now and shut down my PC and work for the night.
But then I look at what I've done and I think, 'is that all I've done?'
It looks way better, don't get me wrong, I tried real hard to chop and change where necessary and I think it flows as well as reads better now.
It feels like I've done buggerall.
I'm so conflicted.
I should go sleep on it.
really WTF is on tv at 11pm? UGGGGHHHH :vomit:
For some reason I've been thinking about what kind of comic books I've been reading as a kid, and... dude, I had a strong woman that wasn't just unnecessarily naked eye candy for men as my hero! Her name was Modesty Blaise, she was the main character with a guy as her sidekick, could seriously kick ass, often saving men from trouble, and her private life was relatively normal without too much angst.
I miss her...
I've been thinking about how bad I am with money. Right now I'm a bit under the weather and honesty can't taste a thing, but my paycheck came in this Monday and I've been dying to try a Gyro at the place that opened up down the street. The smart thing would have been to wait a few days when I can taste what I'm eating but... the temptation...She was too strong...

Muahahahahahaha! YES! Chapter Six is finally, finally completed! It only took a bloody month! :laugh:

Naturally, it ain't over 'til it's over; but, at least the first draft of it is done. *Wipes brow*

I'm not starting on the next chapter until November starts--well, the scene I already have for it, aside (that requires some revising, me thinks).

Welp, looks like I've gotta put the laundry away, and put the next load in the dryer. If it wouldn't ruin my sleeping patterns further, I'd take a nap, right about now. :dead:
I've been up all yesterday lunchtime to the late hours of this morning watching live streams ~.~
Mind you, I met some pretty epic streamers so I don't regret it one bit :P
Really need sleep now but one of my favourite streamers is due to go live in less than 2 hours ;m;