how would YOU have directed DmC?

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i like turtles
Supporter 2014
May 12, 2013
i'm just curious. it was inevitable that devil may cry were to be rebooted. so, i just wanna hear how you would've approached it. if i were taneem, i would've gone in a pretty similar direction. i was always intrigued by the idea of dante fighting an illuminati type enemy. kat would've been replaced with a character that we already knew like patty or lady. i would've added trish in there as well. probably a big middle finger to the twins, lilith would be this version's trish. but yeah. thats me.
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I would have made the game about sparda. Dante's already pretty firmly rooted as a character, but sparda is barely described over the course of 4 games. Sparda was the second in command for mundus, personally led the charge into the human world to begin conquering, but then for some unexplained reason turned around and forced mudus back through the gates, sealing the worlds apart with his sword and losing most of his demonic power. He (apparently?) rules as a feudal lord for thousands of years, and then runs into a woman who was apparently amazing enough to catch the eye of a multi-millenia aged god among demons. After having children, he vanishes off of the face of the earth, not reappearing despite multiple world-threatening crisis, mundus returning, and an entire city built to worship him


Dante's story's been told, let's look at someone else! Though hopefully they steer away from the ninja theory's version of sparda as a balding dad that spent his life running away and then was eventually defeated and captured by the tutorial boss of the game.
I may have tried to make prequel about Dante, but with some different background story to establish strong ground for future game. Instead of concentrating on him bringing down some big demon, rather concentrate on cases that lead him into demon-hunting business with game consisting out of 3-4 arcs. I think it's also would be cool to concentrate on him dealing with his personal feelings and interaction with other humans in game instead of 1-2 characters like in DmC, while keeping it entertaining for audience. Maybe something like Killer is Dead principle where different folks approach you each with his own problem.

In terms of combat I would take DMC4 and start building from there, while improving all faulty ends. I would like to make one big location per arc (like Darksiders did), each having 2-3 chapters in there.

It would also try to concentrate on enemies and their designs, especially bosses, making them not only cool looking but also interesting to fight with.

Oh, and I would also remove "social commentary", "nephilim" and "they among us" storylines.
Well for one thing, I'd probably have made it exactly like it was for DmC, but instead of rock, I'd focus more on rap music as a backdrop along with punk rock. As for the story, I'd keep it more or less the same of just killing demons who have ruled the world from behind the scenes, only on a more Hellblazer scheme with less demon propoganda and more demons raping human beings to give birth to antichrist spawns. Dante would be more darker and more cynical then he is in DmC in that despite him being harsh as hell and raw as ever, he'd be a humanist. I''d also have him cursing more then what was in DmC to express his anger for demons in general. I'd also add Vergil in there but not as the leader of an Order but as a part of the problem by being a rich tycoon who was questionable on which side he'd be on. Kat probably would be renamed but her purpose would still be the same. She'd honestly be more sexier and a gothic-like attire, but I'd do a hell of a lot better at making her a better female character then how DMC whores their females. The demons would also be alike, but Mundus would look more like a big tycoon with the fur coat and smoking a cigar. I'd have more blood, more gore, more horror, while still keeping the comedy, dark humor, and action.

Dante wouldn't be dressed in that lame anime crap like in DMC, but a more western punk/grunge style. Mostly a leather coat with a bit of red accents with a detachable red hood , leather jeans, and combat boots. The works. His hair would be black and in the same fashion as DmC now but there'd be that white patch in the back of his head from the beginning. He'd obviously smoke as a way to calm himself down from releasing his true powers since he thought if he didn't, he'd go crazy. A bit of facial hair wouldn't hurt either.
Vergil would be dressed in a black film noir-like trench coat with a bit of blue accents to it. He'd have his hair the same as it is in DmC now and he'd be wearing white gloves because he refuses to touch anything that's human related. Cause he'd be a douche like that.
Kat would dress like a girl trying to be grunge and tough but only coming off as cute. This is of course if Kat came while in the beginning of development.

I would destroy anything that fans held dear of their old DMC and rip it apart to make way for my action, griddy, and action filled DmC. No corny one liners, no bishonen bullshit, no anime cliches, no Nero, etc. The hack n slash comboing, the white hair, and the "jackpot" line would still be there, but other then a few other things, that's it. I'd turn my back on DMC and forget it existed once I have what I want to add. I couldn't care for the past. Only the future. Course I wouldn't say that out loud.

  • the missions would be 20
  • there'd be secret bosses
  • The difficulty would be cranked up higher then even DMC1 where if you can't counter at the right time or use the right weapon (which you'd have to figure out for yourself) you lose and have to start right from mission 1 again. But this is only on DMD mode. No pain, no gain.
  • There'd be DLC costumes for both Dante and Vergil
  • No items can be cared with you in missions during DMD
  • no holy water in DMD
  • no gold orbs in DMD
  • your attack power is slightly cut in half in DMD
  • you only have a beginner's amount of health for DMD
  • if you get SSS on every mission of DMD, you unlock bonuses like character creation, and all that.
  • Bloody Palace goes up to 1000 rooms
  • to win Bloody Palace, you must beat DMD.
Yeah, I assume you'd imagine my DMD being brutal.

The world would be a mix of urban streets and cities mixed with gothic modern cities as well. Something like Gotham in Arakham city but with mostly with the sun up. Limbo would still be a factor to control the world shifts and such and demons appearing.

These are just what come off the top of my head though.
- Have a bit more time to work on the harder difficulty modes, having it release in either March or April 2013.

- Never thought about colored enemies! (I still wouldn't mind it much, though)

- Only scrapped a few ideas and not a lot. They should've put in how Dante got the Ophion and the "How to cook a demon" scene in the Barbas boss fight.

- Have demon and angel versions of charged shots.

- Have Mundus' elite guard be an ACTUAL boss that talks and then have Drekavacs(can't spell it right) act different, but still tough.

- Could've had multiple paths.
  • A normal ending where Dante destroys Mundus and then the team just walks off.
  • A bad ending with Dante acting beserk, killing everybody, including his brother.
  • Dante vs Vergil being the true ending, but it should've ended with him and Kat walking together instead of the eye closeup. How to get to the true ending is by completing at least 5-7 secret missions and doing requirements in some missions.
- Put in a bit more moves

- Total of 24 missions, with taking up 12-15 hours of playtime to beat it. That's the reason why I said Dante has to have more moves, so that it can keep the players hooked to the end.

- Vergil's Downfall being longer, at least 10 missions by taking up 6-8 hours to beat it(That + DmC's playthrough = 18-23 hours of playtime! XD).

- Vergil having a counter Shishi Sonson attack.
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I would've made Dante be more self-aware in terms of clichés and stuff, like during the Mundus' Spawn battle if he just yelled "I don't have a pun for this!" and "This is literally the grossest thing ever!"

I also would've had him do more over-the-top things, like the slow motion getting dressed scene.
+1 for more self aware dante. Classic dante is so dorky it would be better if they gave up on the pretense of seriousness and just went full fourth-wall breaking ham.

I'm imagining him throwing some ultra grim-dark serious demon off of a rooftop and then yelling "hang on, let me throw you a line!"
+1 for more self aware dante. Classic dante is so dorky it would be better if they gave up on the pretense of seriousness and just went full fourth-wall breaking ham.

I'm imagining him throwing some ultra grim-dark serious demon off of a rooftop and then yelling "hang on, let me throw you a line!"

I don't want him to get to the point of breaking the fourth wall, but I do want him to get close to that. As in, he'd figure out the plot twist near the beginning because he's been through so much.
I don't want him to get to the point of breaking the fourth wall, but I do want him to get close to that. As in, he'd figure out the plot twist near the beginning because he's been through so much.
well, he's been known to edge a bit close to the fourth wall in the past. In the infamous agnus cutscene, most of his speech is directed at an audience that simply isn't there, and he never once turns to face the actual enemy in the room, instead repeatedly turning to face/point at the camera. In one moment around the 2:00 mark, the camera makes a really long jump, and dante actually pauses his speech for beat to turn and find where the camera went.


Also something I always enjoyed about this: when dante gets to "a being of such grand delusion as you" he isn't pointing anywhere near agnus, he's pointing squarely at the camera. We the players are the beings of grand delusion, not agnus. Subtle things like that, there need to be more of them if they ever do a DMC5
Combat would be handled by Capcom (of course) and it would still turn out like DmC had.

DmC would be semi open world. That entire city would be your playground. The more abilities you have, the more the city will unlock for you.

There would be security cameras all around. So if you get spotted, then you're going to have to fight. The more you get spotted and area known to be in the area, the more difficult the enemies become and Limbo becomes much more difficult to traverse (think laser beams in DMC 4).

With each increase of difficulty there would be larger orb payouts. Clear a city's hardest difficulty and you'd get a cutscene, a boss fight, and a weapon.

Customizable Dante. For story purposes, he'll keep the jacket and everything else until you've completed the game. What would alter Dante is how often you use Angelic or Demonic weapons. Now not just cosmetic changes, but the dialogue would be different and the way others interact with Dante in cutscenes would be different. Like a bonus scene for your affiliation.

Missions would remain structured the same as Devil May Cry is known for. With a cutscene and the number of the mission you're on appearing in some form.

Secret missions would open depending on your Angelic or Demonic affiliations.

Angelic and Demonic affiliations are not just for buffering the experience, but also customizing your weapons. Each weapon alters depending on which power you abuse. They do either considerable or minimal damage depending on the energy coded enemy you're fighting. Making one playthrough of the game more different than your second. So one secret boss would be extremely hard for the player whilst the other would be hard for the player.

Surprise encounters. This is a difficulty spike. The leader of the Order (Vergil) would send an special agent out to find and combat you, test you. You only get one shot per game to beat the agent of that playthrough and they can appear anytime you're exploring. Surprisingly, these special agents have moves similar to Nero, Trish, Lady, and Lucia. Their faces remain behind the mask and yet, they give off that familiar vibe in their cutscene and during the fight. The reward for defeating them all (Four playthroughs) would be Vergil's Rise. The entire campaign dedicated to Vergil and what moves he's making while Dante is doing his campaign.

Family focused cutscenes. Blue roses hidden in specific locations (i.e; a pizza palor, or a toy store, etc) would trigger these insights on how the family lived before they were torn apart. In Vergil's Rise, the blue rose fleshes out secret meetings with the special agents, giving them more background and stronger hints at who they would be in the original universe.

Endings would focus on affiliation. Angelic ending and you get a special Eva ending and Demonic ending would be a special Sparda ending (that doesn't reveal his face). Beat the game on Dante Must Die and get the Dante Full Devil Trigger teaser.
As in, he'd figure out the plot twist near the beginning because he's been through so much.
Yeah, Dante isn't Deadpool. There just really isn't any need to copy him (especially since he's already copied Blade and SotN Alucard) because they really are two different people -- and fans should keep that in mind, no matter how much they'd want to fuse them into one (extremely annoying) fallout abomination.
I'm imagining him throwing some ultra grim-dark serious demon off of a rooftop and then yelling "hang on, let me throw you a line!"
Seriously had tears in my eyes reading that. Funniest imagery EVER.:laugh:

I liked the concept NT had.
The 'writing on the walls' idea.
Dante with black hair - just better looking and more scruffy like classic Dante.
And less the 'world out to get him'. If he is inexperienced and just learning of his bloodline, there is no way he could survive it for so long.
Also loved the juvenile cussing, albeit it was overdone - there is a time and a place.

The initial rehab jail idea though- they should have run with it instead of making it some sappy backstory to relate with Kat. Imagine starting off being chained and interrogated, and Dante REALLY not knowing who exactly he is, and escaping the hell jail, collecting clues about who he is, gaining experience/abilities/weapons/power as he fights his way out. Sort of Temenigru style.
It beats the beginning we were given in DmC, in my books.
Make cutscenes with backstory/flashbacks of what happened prior to his arrest rewards/unlockables for finding and completing secret missions, so those interested in the story (with Eva and a shadowy Sparda etc) can play for it, and those who are more keen on the gameplay and just want to beat the game can skip the story segments if they like. So we don't have to sit through Vergil's unskipable speech about their history. I thought NT were good at story plots. They could have weaved it into the game instead of boring us to death.

And of course, bumping into Vergil randomly on his way, maybe whenever he accidentally steps/gets dragged into Limbo. Vergil could be on his own mission in Limbo to free Dante(possible DLC/SE Vergil being unlockable ala DMC3 style) where Limbo actually IS trying to stop him like in DmC, but he can deal with it because he's more experienced and such. And have him find his DT. Why have we not yet been given the privilege of seeing Vergil obtain HIS Dt? And in the stages where Vergil is losing power/in a real tough boss battle, the 'ghost' vision of Dante being dragged into Limbo can become more visible.
With the end result being where Limbo and the real world still merge at the end with the twins defeating Mundus in BOTH realms, as an ode to the jackpot scene.
And then a similar ending with the brothers facing off, just less the female angst PLEASE.

And no DT for Dante. Prequel to DMC3, keep it in line. Reboot or not.
And more gore.
And more gore.
Yes! Up the ante on horror in general, my friend! I would love a game in the series to return to the Resident Evil roots the series once had. I miss roaming a dark, creepy castle filled with dangerous foes lurking from every corner. I miss the claustrophobic atmosphere of being pinned down by several enemies in a narrow hallway and being forced to improvise combat maneuvers I've never seen or done before. I miss genuinely feeling threatened by the game's enemies and finding their designs finely repulsive. Everything you said would be great for a pseudo reboot/prequel hybrid, but as I said, the horror needs to be upped.
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I would made the same game NT made. and i will change the title and character name.
there you go one of the best hack and slash ever.
I would have done like NT did. It's a reboot after all, so it has to have a different style from the originals.
Things is, if I were Capcom, I wouldn't have rebooted the series in the first place.