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I wonder why Metroid fans consider the Tourian area so iconic of the series when it's in so few of the games. I guess because it was the final level of the last game and Super Metroid? I dunno...
Weeeeell, that was twelve bucks wasted. How did that bra get such good reviews when it's got no support?

+ This week has sucked. And by this week, I mean the last large number of days. I think I'm gonna just spend the next week in bed and not come out til my birthday. -_- Oh wait...I can't. Got chapters to post. Dang it.
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Sometimes I wonder if my hair has anti gravity powers. Like right now there is a strand that is running down next to my eye but then it suddenly decides curve out and become parallel to the ground
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I'm about to leave for work and it turns out later today we're supposed to have a winter storm coming in. I live in Louisiana so as you know that's not really normal so it has a lot of people maybe freaking out a bit. Then I just talk to my friend who lives in Canada and he's like "We get like 2 feet of snow and no one cares."

I bet they're looking at us laughing like, what a bunch of wimps.
Japan horror/ghost stories are cool. They actually have morals. And they're creeeeepy.
Why can't I sleep?!
Why does he always have to try and down play me? I know he's an insomniac! Point is he got some zzz in whilst I didn't, and I wasn't whining about being tired and wanting to sleep and being grumpy all day. But he did, and I didn't tell him off for complaining. But lo! Wait until I just mention that I can't sleep/am tired, then suddenly he's got his arms up in the air about it.

I'd like to see him keep a toddler and a bored autistic kid entertained while doing all the house work and hard labour in the garden until friggin 9pm. With less than 2 hours sleep. Maybe then I'll be less ****ed about his wailing.

I mean wtf.
Do you ever get that feeling someone is avoiding you... (at least, trying to).O_o

VeeBee.... YOU TWONK!:banghead: You have to sign into eBay before bidding! Why did you not think about that?!
Got Season 2 of Atlantis though... I just really wanted Season 1 though :dead:
I pretty much stopped posting on this forum... My life got a helluva lot busier! but I missed all you guys so I came back for a look:3
CT: Wonder who remembers me? ... Actually I haven't been gone that long...*Checks* Only since November? It feels like a flipping decade o_O
Ok, so what would a 13 year old girl appreciate more? Getting her nails done or having a professional make-up lesson and makeover?
I think the makeover might be a good pick?

CT: I really don't feel like shopping for school stationa-HAHAHAHAHA, he just whacked himself in the face with the brush. HA HA. Little punk. Oh. He's gone down....MAN DOWN! Lucky that trampoline was there to 'catch' his 'fall'.

I'm so glad I'm blessed with boys. Girls just don't do these silly things as much.
I don't think I'm gonna do a sequel to Switched until people start getting interested in the fic. It's...kinda a let down to write a fic and fall in love with it and get no feedback. I think I'll just stick to Fable and Batman for a while. *headtilt* Maybe a Fable and Batman x-over? :eek: :nailbiting: :whistle:
Family could you all just go somewhere for a few moments while i record voice clips for my video, no you are just going to keep making noise outside my room.... oh well thanks anyway
Why would you want to be friends with someone who apparently always upsets you with what they say? Why would you send them another friend request when you parted on bad terms and you know that it's not going to change?
I don't get it.

I need a new alias on FB. This woman won't stop stalking me. I've already taken everyone off my friends list who know her, like aaaages ago, to avoid this. Clearly changing my name to Master C Bosch didn't throw her off enough so....hmm.... lol.....I got an idea.... I'll change my name to Katie Holmes..... hubby always liked her....hehehehe.....