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I has a nude model of Credo :3 *doesn't know what to do with it...

Give it to Shadow? I think she knows what to do with it? xD

CT: 'kay I'm doing the Vergil and Julian drawings today that I promised eons ago to my friends. I'm even going to attempt Nite. Oh, and I'm testing my hand at manga-style drawings again, with a lot more practice and confidence so....*bouncy*
Hmmm...McAfee Internet Security or Norton Internet Security...decisions, decisions.

Go with Norton.

Getting pizza today in celebration of getting out early because the company is to cheap to pay for Over time! The point is "its Pizza Time!"

Give it to Shadow? I think she knows what to do with it? xD

CT: 'kay I'm doing the Vergil and Julian drawings today that I promised eons ago to my friends. I'm even going to attempt Nite. Oh, and I'm testing my hand at manga-style drawings again, with a lot more practice and confidence so....*bouncy*

*Runs around screaming*

Lol! If Shadow wants a pic made with him, she only has to ask ;) (the same for you and naked Dante... I also have Naked Nero...lol) They say "don't use for porn"... >.> I don't think many people listen to that...

CT: 5 DAYS TO GO!!!! (I don't know why I'm looking forward to it... ah well, I won't be wednesday...)
gonna have to count down for the release of 3 awesome games and try to pass the time till then XD in other news ... watch


dat cell division
That's the first I've heard of compatibility mode... :lol: (I'm still getting used to this laptop)

It's in almost all versions of windows, it's just slightly hidden so it's understandable if you've never heard or seen it before :P

Thinking: My sisters debt to me is getting closer to the £100 mark, which is around the point where I just outright say no. She really needs to start getting better at managing her money :/
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Reactions: Vergil's Waifu
*Runs around screaming*

I think I can do Nite justice but I just NEVERRRR like how Vergil turns out. Like the hair at the top that falls down? My hand has this automatic way of doing it, exactly the same, every single time *beats hand senseless*
I'm also giving up on the manga style. Felt like a total failure this morning after spending half an hour on trying to get Vergil to look manga-ish until my alter-ego said 'screw manga, let's play games'......so, yeah, I'm going to stick to my own style of art instead.
It's in almost all versions of windows, it's just slightly hidden so it's understandable if you've never heard or seen it before :P

That explains it :p

I think I can do Nite justice but I just NEVERRRR like how Vergil turns out. Like the hair at the top that falls down? My hand has this automatic way of doing it, exactly the same, every single time *beats hand senseless*
I'm also giving up on the manga style. Felt like a total failure this morning after spending half an hour on trying to get Vergil to look manga-ish until my alter-ego said 'screw manga, let's play games'......so, yeah, I'm going to stick to my own style of art instead.

I know what you mean, I hate drawing Vergil's hair too.
lol... my alter-ego says, "screw games, lets draw (or do something XNALara related...)" it's usually the latter... I didn't think manga was difficult (but in a way, I try to stay away from it... doesn't always work :3)

CT: haha! another great XNA pic methinks... it's a shame the snow blocks out the most difficult part...:(
Every time someone mentions Julian, my reaction is like a lil puppy who has just learned what the word "walkies" means :w00t:

NYAAAAA I thought I was the only one! XD

That explains it :P

I know what you mean, I hate drawing Vergil's hair too.
lol... my alter-ego says, "screw games, lets draw (or do something XNALara related...)" it's usually the latter... I didn't think manga was difficult (but in a way, I try to stay away from it... doesn't always work :3)

LOL that's because it's not difficult, my preference is to draw realistically rather than cartoon-ish (and manga is an in-between for me) I'm very fussy with details so I tend to kill anything manga with too much detail. I'm not giving up, though, I'll get it right, it just comes down to practice.

CT: I can listen to Mark Crilley all day, that draaaawwwwwl darrrrlin'. :D


Only realized now the reason he stopped nagging Trish is because she was waving her guns in his face. Yikes.
I'm also giving up on the manga style. Felt like a total failure this morning after spending half an hour on trying to get Vergil to look manga-ish until my alter-ego said 'screw manga, let's play games'......so, yeah, I'm going to stick to my own style of art instead.

Ugh, I wish I could draw in a manga-y style. :/ My problem is lack of confidence in it, though. (Seems like shading is important for it and I only shade art when I colour it....) Or I fuss over the details til it all looks cr*ppy. T-T

Okay...one last bowl of rice, then bed. <3
+ I need to exercise more.
++ I give up. Maybe I should just storyboard the novel and have someone draw all the panels for me.... T-T
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Ugh, I wish I could draw in a manga-y style. :/ My problem is lack of confidence in it, though. (Seems like shading is important for it and I only shade art when I colour it....) Or I fuss over the details til it all looks cr*ppy. T-T

My issue with it is getting the proportions right. I love shading, but it all goes to hell when I shade a deformed Vergie T_T
I also think I'm being too lazy. I haven't used lines for drawing in aaaages so I should probably start using them and stop trying to take a shortcut that doesn't work.
My issue with it is getting the proportions right. I love shading, but it all goes to hell when I shade a deformed Vergie T_T
I also think I'm being too lazy. I haven't used lines for drawing in aaaages so I should probably start using them and stop trying to take a shortcut that doesn't work.

Proportions are evil. :/ Vergie wasn't already deformed? *stabbed* x_x *meant it affectionately*
o_o Lines?
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Reactions: DanteStyle
Mr. Steve should make an app that acts as a street pass thing where people can "ninja" other owners of the app. You gain points by ninja-ing other people. The closer you are to them the more points you get. People can also block ninja attempts temporarily. Trying to ninja someone using a block will result in them gaining points instead of you. You lose points by being ninja'd by the person you just failed to ninja. The app could be sold for 99 cents and all funds go to running Mr. Steve's sites. :lol:

I just put waaaaaay to much thought into that. >.<
The new gloves sure are helping from getting my palms rough. But i don't feel the grip as with my bare palms. May be a week of use should give me the same grip as my bare palms.

@Winterfrost: Belated Happy Birthday.I wish you good health.