Capcom Halves Forcast: Blames "Excessive Outsourcing"

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Supporter 2014
Feb 9, 2013

I decided to post this before someone else does.


This just depresses me. I thought for sure that another game that had combat as good as DMC3 was in the works.

Not a DMC game, but one with combat mechanics that are just as good.

Things are looking less and less likely to pick up.

I might buy "Remember Me", but that may be the last Capcom game I ever get.

Personally, this is what I see for the game industry in general. A lot of businesses closing down, and the indie devs barely holding their own in the upcoming recession that will take place in a few weeks.

There's just no hope at all.

I'm going to go back to my own games and forget that the present games industry with their DLC and "always online" crap business models exist.

I don't think I'll be supporting either the old DMC nor the new DmC anymore.

I'm just... tired.

Maybe things will improve in the future (not for Capcom, for indies and the gaming crowd in general), but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
Will Capcom go back to their golden days now?

Would seeing their logo before the title screen let you know you're in for a good game? I sure hope so.
Those were the days. The Capcom logo before the Resident Evil 2 opening movie, so cool!
So long as they get their **** together, I couldn't care less. Gimme a God Hand 2. Now.

Like I said, I don't see that happening.

And I thought Red Steel 2 was more... "innovative" than God Hand due to the fact that while they both had similar desert themes and different camera angles than the usual hack n' slashes nowadays, only RS2 really made me enjoy playing it, while God Hand was only somewhat enjoyable to me.

It's all in different tastes in gaming, I guess.
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~reads the article. Remembers all teh fuss Capcom made about their own internal teams not being up to snuff or being creatiev enough back when they started outsourcing~

Yeah, they're trying to throw the other guy under the bus for their own bad management and laziness. It's a sign that Capcom really doesn't wann'a fess up to their responsibilities in the problem after being mired in lawsuits for foul treatment of staff and then their own supervision over outsourced projects backfiring on them. "Whoops."
~reads the article. Remembers all teh fuss Capcom made about their own internal teams not being up to snuff or being creatiev enough back when they started outsourcing~

Yeah, they're trying to throw the other guy under the bus for their own bad management and laziness. It's a sign that Capcom really doesn't wann'a fess up to their responsibilities in the problem after being mired in lawsuits for foul treatment of staff and then their own supervision over outsourced projects backfiring on them. "Whoops."

I'm actually surprised they are putting the blame on the very studios they outsourced to. Surely the right thing to do would be to own up to their mistakes, say they are sorry, and then try and work out a good plan for the future. Their attitude right now is quite cowardly to make others take the blame for their mistakes.
Sounds like Capcom is on its way to go bankrupt. I doubt we will see any good games from them in a long time. "Remember me" looks interesting, but I'm not keeping my hopes up.

It look like a lot of gaming companies have been struggling, things are getting tough [and it's no wonder, not everybody has a lot of money nowadays.]

But by the sounds of it, I don't think we're going to hear about another Devil May Cry title in a really long time. I'm kinda sad, I just hope Resident Evil doesn't get stuffed out.
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I don't think they are blaming the Western devs for anything. By "excessive" they mean that they are spending too much on them.
It look like a lot of gaming companies have been struggling, things are getting tough [and it's no wonder, not everybody has a lot of money nowadays.]

But by the sounds of it, I don't think we're going to hear about another Devil May Cry title in a really long time. I'm kinda sad, I just hope Resident Evil doesn't get stuffed out.

I think it will, since RE6 was more or less a failure.
well they did say they are going back to the "roots" so i don't really think president evil is out of the basket case yet

Hmm... Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Megaman... If at least those three get the attention they deserve, then I'll be pleased. Though a DmC2 was something I would have liked to see in the near future.
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