Which Vergil you'd like to see: villain or hero? [SPOILERS]

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Which Vergil would you prefer the most?

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Again,in my original post I said that we already knew the ultimate outcome,so they can portray him however they want before that,i.e a good guy and how he shows sparks of lust for power and eventually turn into what he is in DMC 3.I don't see what point you're trying to make.
My point is that NT don't really need to follow canons of the original DMC. They already showed us they can make the game much better by refusing obsolete ideas.
In particular, I believe that they can enhance the story of new DmC futher more if they just forget about "Vergil has to be evil" formula once and for all. He doesn't "have to" anything to anyone but himself.

Currently voting shows, that very little amount of DmC fans would like to see Vergil as hero. But the major part of us would prefer him at Dante's side. And for now this option is winning with huge gap. The gap itself is bigger than total amount of votes for each of 2 least popular options.
I know, this poll is not so representative because of total amount of people voted. But it's impressive already.
And if I were capcom's manager working with DmC franchise, I'd monitor sites like this and make conclusions from polls like this.
My point is that NT don't really need to follow canons of the original DMC. .
I know,and I never said otherwise,but that's what happened,it was a curiosity from the 3rd game and they cleared that up,it was an obvious decision.
So ve just have different POVs each of which has equal right to exist.

I guess, we should eventually create the same poll (but with "anti-hero" option added) at some site where the major part of DmC fans reside. I'm kind of true but silent DmC fan and usually don't communicate with DmC community. So I don't know where in the internet our community is located.
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It seems like this topic has run its course, gone off course, flew off a cliff, hit a cow and then exploded. >_>
Well I don't know if my point will be read by now... but Hey I'll post it anyways for the fun of it.

I've always imagined that somehow in some way that the "good" Vergil will try to fight his demon self from the inside. Maybe during a fight or something Dante or Kat says something to wake him up a little bit on the inside and then there's this eternal struggle. So would he turn a 180 in one game? Nope and that wouldn't really be realistic if he did and became all "good" again. But maybe in the end "good" Vergil somehow contacts Kat or Dante in Limbo/spiritually, tells them whats going on and they duke it out in his mind to gain control.

^sounds similar to someone else's post.. and a little like a bad fanfiction... I'm sorry OTL

My other idea was that once "good" Vergil is awakened again he tries to self sabotage his plans to help Dante and Kat while trying to regain control of his body.
I like this new conflicted Vergil. I just hope NT doesn't go for power-hungry Vergil with no other shades to his character from now on. So far, I think he's the most developed (and developing) character in DmC. They can do a good job by working on his personal issues.
So, my take is: I want a Vergil who struggles with his weaknesses, his fears, while he tries to do the right thing (protecting humanity).
I don't think that his relationship with Dante could become all sunshine and rainbows, not after all that happened,especially VD (even if Hollow Dante isn't the real Dante, it still stands for how Vergil sees his brother, so...). But I think that maybe they can work out a truce...
Well I don't know if my point will be read by now... but Hey I'll post it anyways for the fun of it.

I've always imagined that somehow in some way that the "good" Vergil will try to fight his demon self from the inside. Maybe during a fight or something Dante or Kat says something to wake him up a little bit on the inside and then there's this eternal struggle. So would he turn a 180 in one game? Nope and that wouldn't really be realistic if he did and became all "good" again. But maybe in the end "good" Vergil somehow contacts Kat or Dante in Limbo/spiritually, tells them whats going on and they duke it out in his mind to gain control.

^sounds similar to someone else's post.. and a little like a bad fanfiction... I'm sorry OTL

My other idea was that once "good" Vergil is awakened again he tries to self sabotage his plans to help Dante and Kat while trying to regain control of his body.

Mmmhh... Never thought of Vergil having two separated sides... Always saw Hollow Vergil as an incarnation of his desire for power, but not as a separated entity... Gotta think about it.
And, at this point, I'm suspending my judgement about what constitutes bad fanfiction... I'm starting to suspect that everything that has a good Vergil in it is in danger to be classified as such...
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I hope he stays evil.

Vergil has traveled to far into darkness to suddenly be good again. He's cut all ties with his the one he loved, his brother, and his own mother. He's also stopped believing in his father and has now made an army with the demons. He's gained unholy power that he will definitely use on Dante. But now foe me it's unsure what he's going to do next. It's obvious he doesn't care about humanity anymore, and he's not gonna be a good guy no longer. So he's probably going on to search for more power to fill that inferiority complex he's got going on with him. Plus Vergil was always meant to be evil since day one . I knew Vergil would be a bad guy, because he just had that antagonist look and air about him. Downfall just proved my assumptions and now he's traveling a different route for power.
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I thought Vergil already was the hero of sorts? I mean he did get the idea of giving mankind its freedom back. Sure, he did it with the mindset that he was going to rule over them afterward, but he did say he would treat them with respect. What's wrong with him acknowledging that he's not human, that he's stronger than a human and that he wants to protect them? I mean, really, if Dante didn't go all 'you're a douche, waaaah, you didn't tell me about this beforehand', then it wouldn't have been such a horrible thing. Would it?
I think Dante jumped to conclusions. Who says Vergil wouldn't have been a good ruler? He did say that they would be nothing like Mundus. I mean, think about it. Kat probably wouldn't have minded being a subject to Vergil (or Dante).
....okay, maybe she would.
Man. Whatever. I'm siding with Vergil.

Also, I don't see Vergil as hero or villain. I think he's in between. Does bad things with good intentions. Or does good things with bad intentions. Depends on how you look at it.
Man, I could subscribe every word you said. I'd have Vergil ruling all the way. I don't think he would be that bad! (well, maybe not after VD, but still...) :P
There can always be an off chance that Dante and Vergil will have this even more insanely, epic battle and through the whole fight Dante is trying to snap his brother out of it. By the time Vergil is snapped back from Hollow Vergil hes already dying of his woulds from Dante. I feel like NT will make some sort of redemption for him.. even if it's at the last minute before he dies. I don't think they would have gone so indepth with Vergil's character and really showed signs of him being a good preson if they didn't plan on redeeming him.
I don't think they would have gone so indepth with Vergil's character and really showed signs of him being a good preson if they didn't plan on redeeming him.
Mmmmmhhh... dunno. Maybe they just want to show what motives he has for becoming a total villain.
However, I hope that's not the case. I want to see him struggling to overcome his paranoia and fears, and become a stronger person! C'mon, Verge, you can do it!! :D
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A little offtop.
Let's imagine...
A few years ago, NT presents a brand new spin-off, with Vergil as playable character. The main playable character. The only playable character.
With deep and interesting storyline. With completely different POV at the same things. Vergil's POV. And not that pathetic-greedy-for-power Vergil we saw at VD, but smart and wise Vergil we saw at main DmC.
A game, that is positioned as "dark" version of DmC from it's very beginning. A game that is much more mature. And not because of blood or gore, but only because it's really adult drama. With storyline full of main character's (Vergil's) pain, struggle and difficult choises.

How do you think, will it be as successful, as mainstream DmC?

Just wondering.
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id like Vergil to be super mega evil for now. i mean murdering, genocidal, sociopathic evil that makes the old Vergil take a step back like "damn" so that his final battle with Dante is all the more epic and awesome.
then when he is defeated after the most awesome and amazing way and we think Dante killed him. we see he's still alive. he awakens in some strange place. with a complete loss of memory. as he explores his surroundings he finds a suit of armor which he wears thinking its his. soon after he rescues a group of humans from an attack. they dub him neo angelo, thinking its his name he takes it on. he is plagued by a laughing, sinister Vergil (like the dopleganger) that he thinks is his mortal enemy who is constantly trying to hurt him by messing with limbo, sending monsters after him or downright attacking him. not realising theyre the same person when he DOES learn this, he is racked with guilt and horror but chooses to push on to redeeming himself. the game ends with his death against a demon god who is on the brink of eradicating all life (said monster had already banished dante or hes off saving the universe somewhere else)

at the very end of the game after the credits we see Vergils grave and dante laying down a single blue flower. the tombstone reads "here lies Vergil, who lost his way and found it again"
A little offtop.

How do you think, will it be as successful, as mainstream DmC?

Just wondering.
I don't see why not. Vergil always had his share of fans and I think a lot of people even preferred his combat in downfall over Dante's. I would love a game with Vergil as the leading man!

Edit: I just read your post 788Masri and this was absolutely beautiful!
at the very end of the game after the credits we see Vergils grave and dante laying down a single blue flower. the tombstone reads "here lies Vergil, who lost his way and found it again"
A little offtop.
Let's imagine...
A few years ago, NT presents a brand new spin-off, with Vergil as playable character. The main playable character. The only playable character.
With deep and interesting storyline. With completely different POV at the same things. Vergil's POV. And not that pathetic-greedy-for-power Vergil we saw at VD, but smart and wise Vergil we saw at main DmC.
A game, that is positioned as "dark" version of DmC from it's very beginning. A game that is much more mature. And not because of blood or gore, but only because it's really adult drama. With storyline full of main character's (Vergil's) pain, struggle and difficult choises.

How do you think, will it be as successful, as mainstream DmC?

Just wondering.
I for one would be the first to pre-order it...:P

On a more serious note, I don't really know how the public would receive it.
I would personally find it a much appreciated change, especially if the storyline and character development are made a primary focus. I think NT's reboot was a good improvement from the classic series, which is more flamboyant, but it doesen't really go in depth in the description of the characters. DmC did a better job, in this regard, especially for Vergil, who is not shown as just the stereotypical who is power-hungry just for the sake of being power-hungry because we need to fit in a boss somewhere (the infamous line "Without strength you cannot protect anything" is not really much to go by).
But I recognize that many gamers loved Devil May Cry not because of the storyline, nor for its well developed characters. Its strengths were mainly in the gameplay.
We must also remember that DmC suffered a lot for being a change from the old series. I fear that another change could possibly alienate another part of the potential public.
It is a bet, I think: there would be good reasons to like this Vergil spinoff you're suggesting, but I honestly don't know how many fans (not counting Vergil fans, obviously) would endorse it.
I voted for Dante to turn evil alongside Vergil.

Just to see what would happen. :shifty:

You know, if done right it would make an interesting twist actually. Everyone expected Vergil to go evil but no one would ever expect Dante to turn to the dark side. Besides the dark side is more fun!

I could imagine the outrage if that happened though.
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You know, if done right it would make an interesting twist actually. Everyone expected Vergil to go evil but no one would ever expect Dante to turn to the dark side. Besides the dark side is more fun!

I could imagine the outrage if that happened though.

Vergil: Come to the dark side, Dante, we have pizza...
Dante: :w00t: Pizza!! Yay!!

Ok, sorry, couldn't help myself...:P
But truly, that would really be a turnabout...
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But truly, that would really be a turnabout...
Wouldn't it? lol. I don't mean to have Dante turn evil indefinitely and certainly not psychopath evil. However it would have been a weird turn of events to have Dante turn at the end of DmC and have whole sequel playing as Vergil trying to reason with him. But Vergil went insane instead so yeah...that's not happening. I really just hope the reboot verse doesn't play out exactly like the classic series. I welcome change muahahahaha.
Wouldn't it? lol. I don't mean to have Dante turn evil indefinitely and certainly not psychopath evil. However it would have been a weird turn of events to have Dante turn at the end of DmC and have whole sequel playing as Vergil trying to reason with him.
That is a COMPLETE turnabaout.:blink: But really interesting to see, in its own twisted way.

Or, maybe, Dante deciding to take Vergil's place as the ruler, and the twins fighting themselves for control over humanity?
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