Why DMC1 is still that damn good.

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Jan 6, 2013
First of all... Keep in mind this is no bashing thread or anything. I have all games, even DmC, and I liked all of them more or less.

But after replaying DMC1 and Kamiya's legendary version of Dante and the setting really is letting my head scratch what Capcom and yeah even Itsuno has done to it. Of course gameplay wise DMC3 and 4 are better but not about the atmosphere

DMC1 Dante was simply perfect... A cool main hero with awesome lines but never over the top action. Not even one of the other 3 Dante of the mein series ever came close to him. DMC2 Dante was awesmoe looking but flat in character, 3 maybe was a younger version but personally for me WAY to over the top... DMC 4 Dante was even more "annoying"

Same for the enemie, stage and weapon design... The whole Mundus Castle was epic, the puppets and all other enemies are still awesome to look at and not even talking about Nelo Angelo, one of the "enemies" whill will be rememberd by me forever

Look at DMC2 where we have fought boring tanks, helicopters or sky scrapers... Just meeh... DMC 3 made it better but still there were many boring demons as well as damn Chess figures... DMC4 was outright bad for me (excluding Credo)

Mentioning weapons... Yeah we hadn't much in 1 but they had some soul into it. Dante obtaining Alastor was just epic, Ifrit was awesome as well and personally my favourite hand to hand weapon so far... Dante getting Sparda after the last fight with Nelo was awesome as well. Same for the Devil Triggers which had a seriously unique touch to each other

The story and story telling... Of course the plot was simple but you clearly see how lovely it was written. Dante's line to Trish or Mundus won't ever be forgotton. Only DMC3 with the Vergil fights may be close to it

As i said above... I like all games... But no one will ever get close to the epicness Kamiya did with DMC1... And I seriously from time to time ask myself what he would have done in future games with Dante, if he would be in charge for DMC2.

Looking at Bayonetta, even if I don't like it more than any DMC game, you clearly can see how lovely detailed the main characters personality and enemies are

Thank You for the attention
I can agree with this DMC1 is my favorite DMC game mostly due to its atmosphere and Dante's personality fighting Nelo and Mundas was just epic and Phantom's my favorite boss in the entire DMC universe. If they ever make a DMC5 they need to take notes from 1 seeing how 5 should take place in hell that would give us alot of cool and unique settings and enemies :D
Dmc3's gameplay was better ? How ?

Because last time I check, the "choose your style" thing was pretty annoying. I rather prefer have a complete Dante than choose over 4 styles...

But overall I agree, the first was the best. Not because of nostalgia ( I play it for the first time two week ago ), but because it is damn addictive.

The sword slash feel brutal, the gun's sound is perfect, Dante fight like a mother ****er...

The only thing I regret from his successor is being able to change weapon with R2 ( dmc2 ), the DMC2 Devil trigger was way cooler, I juste wish the first Dmc was faster.
DMC1's combat was pretty basic, but everything else made the game for me, and it's my favorite in the series.
Gothic Castle
Resident Evil esque puzzles/text font/etc
Secret missions
Best DMD mode

All awesome.
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I have to agree DMC is epic but my personal favorite is 3. It let me feel like I was in control of my character with the styles and the combat with all of the jump cancels was just fun. Also the story was one of my favorites from any game ever. But I will admit the first Dante is a super badass haha.
I have to agree DMC is epic but my personal favorite is 3. It let me feel like I was in control of my character with the styles and the combat with all of the jump cancels was just fun. Also the story was one of my favorites from any game ever. But I will admit the first Dante is a super badass haha.

All the stories in the dmc franchise are ass. But I have to admit that the 3 has the least terrible story of them all.
But who cares, we do not play it for his scenario.

Young Dante was cool looking in 3, but the whole " yihiii " " wouhouuuu " " hell yeah " stuff was too much for me.

And music are pretty amazing in 2.
Oi, there is nothing better than 3 awesome and completely different DTs of Ifrit and Alastor and Sparda. While 2 was cool it was just one (Besides of DDT)... In 3 all versions look very similar and 4 is once again just "two".
Recently watched the cutscenes to DMC to get a refresher...

Was Vergil in this game at all? Or was their a character that looked like him?
Recently watched the cutscenes to DMC to get a refresher...

Was Vergil in this game at all? Or was their a character that looked like him?
Nelo Angelo is Vergil who was corrupted by Mundas at the end of DMC3 its still being discussed whether or not Vergil was killed or thrown back into hell
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Atmosphere, atmosphere, atmosphere!! This is what I missed in all of the later games. Maybe I was just a young chicken growing up, but the creepy music, the castle.....the marionettes *hides under bed* this game pretty much gave me nightmares and I loved it!. I have to say that's one thing I really missed in the others because they just didn't have the same effect for me (even though I like them for different reasons)

I also have to agree that the first Dante was a pretty spectacular mix of personality. DMC4 was too hot, DMC2 was too cold and DMC1 waaaaaaaas just right.

DMC1 and the reboot are probably a tie for me as nutty as that might sound to some.
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The gothic castle was what I liked best, because of atmosphere the music played a big part in setting the mood too. The castle theme reminded me of Resident Evil 2's police station. Both had melodies that sounded mysterious and eerie.

I'm glad they brought back a castle in DMC4, I also noticed that many of the enemies were basically nods to the enemies of DMC1. Like Blitz and Shadows, Scarecrows and Marionettes, Frosts and Blades made a return...Maybe all the DMC1 enemies with updated attacks to suit DMC4's faster gameplay style should have returned for Nero's playthrough if the game was finished, since he was supposed to spend most of his time in the castle. While Dante had his own set of unique levels, the forest level might have been exclusive for Dante, but that's to discuss for another time.

I <3 Castles and Gothic things ^_^
I don't miss DMC1's gameplay so much, but dear lord, dat atmosphere. How I miss it so much. DMC2 had a good urban atmosphere, but it was wasted with a poor overall game; DMC3 had maybe the dullest and least interesting of ambients, despite being such a great game overall; DMC4 had well-made, varied and detail-rich locations, but they were ultimately unmemorable; DmC's world had an appealing surreal and warped look to all of it, but after the first awes, it stops giving much of an impact.

DMC1 kept an eerie, dark atmosphere that was there with you during the whole game and it never stopped giving you chills. In fact, it only got more and more intense the further you got into the game. That alone made it an amazing experience.

If there's one thing the hypothetical DMC5 should ever bring back is that eerie gothic atmosphere. With that alone I'd be sold.
DMC1 is an amazing game, really loved it when I first bought it... Should start playing it again.
........Errr....I guess I'm different because DMC1 was my least favorite...or its slightly behind or tied with 2.

Extremely bad camera (DMC2 had that too)
Cheap gameplay gimmicks
F*cking Under Water levels that changes the gameplay from hack n slash to clunky 1st person shooter
Pretty bad story with horrendous writing (I still question why there was a fully functioning air plane on an island that haven't had humans on it for centuries NO A GODDAMN MILLENIA)
Didn't care much for this Dante, he just said cheap and extremely cheesy one-liners and wasn't that entertaining and frankly didn't seem that bright (like leaving the most powerful demon sword from your father and your mother's amulet in the Underworld wasn't something a retard would do...oh it was for Trish well he could've carried her out of the demon world and gave her a proper burial in the Human World if she is SO Human)

It was a cool game that has its moments and even if I had more fun with DMC2 will admit that DMC1 is a better game. But compared to DMC3-4, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden 2 to now, and other current hack n slash games its a bit outdated.

As for atmosphere, it was developed by a Resident Evil dev team so of course it would be dark and creepy compared to dmc2-4 that were developed by a action/fighting game oriented dev team so if you want a DMC1 styled DMC game again better have a Resident Evil team make it this time cuz Kamiya sure probably won't (or can't) emulate DMC1's style.