Why DMC1 is still that damn good.

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Reasons why DMC1 is my favorite game
good challenging game play, its story managed to be simple while still being intriguing. Dante's personality is best in this one, The atmosphere was amazing .
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DMC1 is my second favorite but that's just be because I played it second. But that's beside the point, It's my oppinion that the game is so badass because of the originality, pure awesome environment, great weaponry, and a true beast character whose personality is one that will remain in our lives forever. In retrospect to the other games it also seems more complete and for the most part better overall, even though there were slight upgrades but even those upgrades can't beat the original. Now that could be an opinion but, the idea is that there are things that could've been better but would not have made it greater because there is a spot in our hearts for it.
I still play DMC1 on a regular basis, has some killer enemy design and the combat is pretty brilliantly made even if it's not as varied as 3 or 4. Every move has an applicable purpose, and nothing is overly over or under powered.

I often change my mind whether DMC1 or DMC4 is my favorite in the series, the fact that DMC1 overall can even compete with the genius that is DMC4's combat is a testament to it's legacy.
Atmosphere, atmosphere, atmosphere!! This is what I missed in all of the later games. Maybe I was just a young chicken growing up, but the creepy music, the castle.....the marionettes *hides under bed* this game pretty much gave me nightmares and I loved it!. I have to say that's one thing I really missed in the others because they just didn't have the same effect for me (even though I like them for different reasons)

DMC1 and the reboot are probably a tie for me as nutty as that might sound to some.

Seriously, THIS! DMC1 actually legitimately scared me when "Karnival" (the haunted castle theme) started playing. I had this growing feeling of dread and disaster the whole time, climaxing at the first Nightmare battle and staying at that level of climax up until it reached new heights during the Hell segments. The music in this game is what really set the tone, that's for damn sure. The Underworld theme "Final Penetration" remains one of my favorite video game songs of all time.

And you aren't alone in the "DMC1 and DmC are tied" state of mind, friend. I'm the same way.
Simply put DMC 1 is just Goddamn PERFECT ! Except for those underwater parts :/

There's Blood,The enemies are just creepy especially those damn Mannequins

and it had Metal too !
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I think DMC is a great game too, but i look at him more as a great adventure game than a great hack'n'slash. The level design, puzzles, mechanics all are great and introduced some really cool things to the franchise as concepts (sword-cancelling in Nelo Angelo battle is freaking cool, you can clash swords with him and can win without that QTE things, using your skills). He served as a powerful and rock solid foundations to what they would bring to us with the entire franchise, and had much more of that "developing" in the level designs through the game, you are seeing in the actual levels what is happening as Hell becomes more "integrated" with the human world, they tried to simulate this too with the rise of the sins in DMC3 but just no worked so well compared to how it was in the first DMC.

As for Dante's personality, i like him too in DMC and the way i like to see this is: he's much more tense and serious in that stance, he doesn't how who Mundus is, but he knows that he's a very powerful being, the most powerful being of Hell besides his father. And he go to that mission knowing that he can have his revenge on that family matter, but just in the first cutscene the game show his sense of humour when he acts like he's weak and is getting a spanking from Trish when she tries and "fight" him. And he just get up and show how powerful he is.

I do not like the DMC2 Dante, but it's like a "natural" evolving of a powerful and "immortal" being. I mean, the cutscenes shows how overpowered Dante is in that game, he becomes apathetic while beating demons and that weak things. It's a shame to see someone talking about humanity and how humans never surrender on the end of the first game becoming a silent and apathetic guy.

I like how Dante is in DMC3 and DMC4. It's very entertaining to watch he doing his crazy, non-sense and "i don't give a flying ****" things. The dialogues with bosses like Cerberus and Beowulf are awesome too, and the Beowulf one contributes to his development when he sees that he cannot hide from the truth of his father being this guy who messed up with and drived that demons so mad.
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And he go to that mission knowing that he can have his revenge on that family matter
I don't get why DMC fanbase interprets that "Dante wants revenge"

Dante isn't the type of guy who holds grudge and besides he only followed trish because that's what his job was he wasn't being personal until Mundus showed
he becomes apathetic while beating demons and that weak things. It's a shame to see someone talking about humanity and how humans never surrender on the end of the first game becoming a silent and apathetic guy
just because he's silent and given no dialog doesn't mean the character is simple a cold hearted B-tard He would've killed Lucia if he was such an apathetic person
I don't get why DMC fanbase interprets that "Dante wants revenge"

Dante isn't the type of guy who holds grudge and besides he only followed trish because that's what his job was he wasn't being personal until Mundus showed just because he's silent and given no dialog doesn't mean the character is simple a cold hearted B-tard He would've killed Lucia if he was such an apathetic person

He says clearly that he seeks vengeance:

Apatethic is not same as "evil" or something like this. But looks like that he does things without having any passion for it, get it?
He says clearly that he seeks vengeance:

LIKE WHAT ? that video only shows that Dante's cool and badass 24/7

dante seeking vengeance is just freaking quasi-fanfiction nothing else.. he never says anything like :-

"You killed my Family !? NOW WE'RE TALKING!" or "I'll KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" he has NO LINES like that

even in DMC3 it was made clear that it was vergil who had a personal vendetta... not Dante

its just like Batman where everyone just goes "Oh he's just doing it for personal vengeance"

Apatethic is not same as "evil" or something like this. But looks like that he does things without having any passion for it, get it?
whatever dante is clearly not apathetic in DMC2 as he has the heart to stop and actually guide lucia that's FAR from being "apathetic" its just that Dante had like 12 lines in the whole game
LIKE WHAT ? that video only shows that Dante's cool and badass 24/7

dante seeking vengeance is just freaking quasi-fanfiction nothing else.. he never says anything like :-

"You killed my Family !? NOW WE'RE TALKING!" or "I'll KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" he has NO LINES like that

even in DMC3 it was made clear that it was vergil who had a personal vendetta... not Dante

its just like Batman where everyone just goes "Oh he's just doing it for personal vengeance"

whatever dante is clearly not apathetic in DMC2 as he has the heart to stop and actually guide lucia that's FAR from being "apathetic" its just that Dante had like 12 lines in the whole game

Man, he says that in clear words on that cutscene:

"Dante: You were the first one to know about my >>>> avengeance <<<<. Looks like I'm getting closer.
Trish: It seems that way, but I'm not your enemy. My name is Trish. I came here to seek your help to put an end to the underworld."
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(sword-cancelling in Nelo Angelo battle is freaking cool, you can clash swords with him and can win without that QTE things, using your skills). .
I love doing that in the Nelo fights. It may not be the most effective but is the most fun and the most satisfying
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Still there are no lines where he expresses his anger

Here i agree with you, he shows no anger or a passionate desire for this revenge. But he clearly wants to avenge his mother and brother, and as he says "sooner or later i will hit the jackpot".
Here i agree with you, he shows no anger or a passionate desire for this revenge. But he clearly wants to avenge his mother and brother, and as he says "sooner or later i will hit the jackpot".
Yeah i guess we both agree then.. Dante isn't the type of guy who simply lets darker stuff get to his head.

I think everyone should just ignore DMC2 it was just rushed..
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This game was the best Devil May Cry ever to me because it had more horrific enemies (the marionettes are the best DMC enemy ever!!) and it also just had a really well made atmosphere.