Do you think, maybe, the whole "DmC sucks" "THIS DANTE IS NOT MY DANTE. GO BURN IN A FIRE NT!!" thing might've been avoided if Capcom decided to keep the protagonist's name a secret? Maybe pull off something like what Kojima did with MGS2, y'know? Plus, what if they showed something along the lines of the recent "Public Enemy" trailer instead of the one we saw at TGS 2010. Or maybe something like this:
or this:
Maybe not having gameplay (since they couldn't have got gameplay ready that early in 2010) snippets but something that showed off how cool the new protagonist is and stuff.
Or what if they just would've chosen to divulge details about the new DMC game later and not as early as in 2010 TGS. I seriously think people wouldn't have been as angry and hostile about this game as they are right now if that would've happened. And I also think announcing the fact that this game would be made on the unreal engine as early as in 2010 added fuel to fire. So yeah, do you think the whole fan vs NT war could've been avoided if they chose to withhold details like the character's identity, the game engine or maybe even if they announced the game later and not in TGS 2010? Maybe when they had some solid gameplay footage?
Also, this is my first post in this, hi everybody!
(Although I'll mention the fact that I'm a long time lurker. I get all the new info about this game from this forum. You guys are the quickest most of the time.
or this:
Maybe not having gameplay (since they couldn't have got gameplay ready that early in 2010) snippets but something that showed off how cool the new protagonist is and stuff.
Or what if they just would've chosen to divulge details about the new DMC game later and not as early as in 2010 TGS. I seriously think people wouldn't have been as angry and hostile about this game as they are right now if that would've happened. And I also think announcing the fact that this game would be made on the unreal engine as early as in 2010 added fuel to fire. So yeah, do you think the whole fan vs NT war could've been avoided if they chose to withhold details like the character's identity, the game engine or maybe even if they announced the game later and not in TGS 2010? Maybe when they had some solid gameplay footage?
Also, this is my first post in this, hi everybody!