Rage with regards to DmC: Could it have been avoided?

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Sexiness Personified.
Dec 4, 2011
Do you think, maybe, the whole "DmC sucks" "THIS DANTE IS NOT MY DANTE. GO BURN IN A FIRE NT!!" thing might've been avoided if Capcom decided to keep the protagonist's name a secret? Maybe pull off something like what Kojima did with MGS2, y'know? Plus, what if they showed something along the lines of the recent "Public Enemy" trailer instead of the one we saw at TGS 2010. Or maybe something like this:

or this:

Maybe not having gameplay (since they couldn't have got gameplay ready that early in 2010) snippets but something that showed off how cool the new protagonist is and stuff.

Or what if they just would've chosen to divulge details about the new DMC game later and not as early as in 2010 TGS. I seriously think people wouldn't have been as angry and hostile about this game as they are right now if that would've happened. And I also think announcing the fact that this game would be made on the unreal engine as early as in 2010 added fuel to fire. So yeah, do you think the whole fan vs NT war could've been avoided if they chose to withhold details like the character's identity, the game engine or maybe even if they announced the game later and not in TGS 2010? Maybe when they had some solid gameplay footage?

Also, this is my first post in this forum...so, hi everybody! :D (Although I'll mention the fact that I'm a long time lurker. I get all the new info about this game from this forum. You guys are the quickest most of the time. :D)
Im going to disagree with you. For me game is fine, my only rage was on begining when NT changed character look, but when I seen those all trailers I ended my hater rage and now I from time to time support game.

Ps. Maybe unrelate to topic. Welcome on forum
Well, it is not just about you. It is about all those 'loyalists' or the so-called "REAL DMC" fans who got ****ed off and started badmouthing NT and raising slogans against them all over the internet. My question wasn't "Are you still ****ed off about it?"; It is "Do you think doing this or that would've prevented the fans from getting ****ed off and made them accept the game as a true devil may cry game instead of condemning it?"

But yeah, glad to know you're warming up to it. I like it now as well. :D And thanks for welcoming me. :D
Tbh, I think many people were just as angry with Kojima for what he pulled with MGS2. The demo made people believe that the game would involve playing as Snake, who would be the main character. What they got was 20% of a game in which they could play as Snake. What he apparently feared came true in that regard - by trying to trick the audience, they only became more annoyed.
Well I felt that the hate comes down to three main things.

1. the poorly done Pr.
2. The look.
3. The fact that its a reboot.

What your asking about is how Capcom could have done to present it better which is the first one. Granted the last two would still be a factor but it might be lessened depending on how capcom handles PR. The main problem with the pr was that it wasn't able to assuage fans doubts of the game because their only answer was wait and see. And you had capcom running around like a chicken with its head cut off contradicting itself at every turn and the whole Tameem thing.

That could have been avoided had they coupled the tgs reveal and the E3 gameplay video together and had shown it at captivate instead of tgs.
Really I'm one of those, "speak with your wallet" type, too busy playing Skyrim to rage, I had a bit of fun trolling everypony here and there, but in the end, I just decided to do the exact same thing as Eventstatus advised "You rage at them, yet when the game comes out you go crawling back to them, but what you should be doing is speaking with your wallet" . And no I do not follow him blindly like you assume, it was good advice,

" stop raging, stop buying from people who feel like I'm just another dollar rather than a loyal fan."
Too me it's all about the PR.
Because NT and Capcom didn't handle the fans very well of how fans should give the game a chance or whatever it is.
They responded to the 'rage'. That in itself is generally seen as an 'unprofessional' habit. Most professional companies/people keep mum so perhaps people viewed it as CAPCOM and NT being too ready to argue with and/or blame/beg the fans they are trying to woo? I like the idea of a company being somewhat responsive to its fanbase, but not to the point of arguments or of being influenced at every turn by the (sometimes silly) whims of fans. I wonder if NT and CAPCOM have learned not to do this after this whole DmC thing. I guess we will know in the end when they release the game whether all of this has been worthwhile or futile.

But you could argue that Dante's re-imagining and all the hype and rage is one big PR stunt/boost. Maybe this game will sell much better for all the furore and attention from it than if there wasn't one, and in that case all the 'controversy' is a good thing (for CAPCOM).
main event status is coming out with another anti-DmC video soon. In the video, he said "next week" this past Saturday, so, let's see how loudly he tries to scream into the void. It's....odd how he says, "Oh, these questions in the Tam interview sound like my questions. They're trying to go against me. They're gonna lose badly."

I'm paraphrasing him, but you see where I'm going with this. Tameem isn't aware of his comments, let alone his existence. Just goes to show you how over-inflated main event's ego is.

(I'm not capitalizing his name because anyone who calls themselves not just an event but the main event, seriously needs a reality check. Anyone else can do it, but I won't.)
There will always be raging fans when making changes to a game franchise. It is unavoidable, no matter how delicate you treat the matter. Because of the many and heavy changes there's been between the original series and the new Devil May Cry, the raging fans have been very loud about their protests. I'm just glad Capcom and Ninja Theory stuck to it all through the rage and are completing this game instead of bending to the loud minority, because that's what those die-hard raging fans are: a minority. They just seem like alot because they yell the loudest. Negative response is still better than no response at all, so it has definately brought attention to this game which in the end will most probably mean that it will sell well, because people wants to know what the fuss is about. The raging fans might not buy it, but as said, they are a minority and it won't be a big loss for Capcom, especially not when this game has brought in so many curious and eventually new fans.

Call it bad PR if you wish, but it's working none the less, however, nothing is certain until we have seen how the sales went. I predict it will sell well though.
The bad PR came second, the TGS trailer is what everyone was ****ed about. It just wasn't DMC to some fans and they were extremely ****ed off. If people are still wanting an apology for things Tam and Alex have said i don't think they should hold their breath becasue like me and plenty of other people, we never believed it was an insult just an opinion and why even bother about it anymore. Alex jones laughing at fans lol I laughed to when he said "dont freak out about the hair" I mean when do people ever freak out about hair? only dmc fans i guess, i mean real dmc fans.
The bad PR came second, the TGS trailer is what everyone was ****ed about. It just wasn't DMC to some fans and they were extremely ****ed off. If people are still wanting an apology for things Tam and Alex have said i don't think they should hold their breath becasue like me and plenty of other people, we never believed it was an insult just an opinion and why even bother about it anymore. Alex jones laughing at fans lol I laughed to when he said "dont freak out about the hair" I mean when do people ever freak out about hair? only dmc fans i guess, i mean real dmc fans.

Word. Except for the real DMC fans. There is no suh things as "real" or "true" fans.
Thanks, ZeroLove and wallenb, that makes me feel better. And thanks to chocolateghost for liking my post.

Yeah, the rage fans really are a loud minority. It just feels like they're in the majority because they're on the comment threads more than others. You know where I'm coming from though, right? main event twists the facts and the things that Tam and Alex say, calls them unprofessional then turns around and insults them and the fans when they didn't do anything wrong and he drew first blood. I just get the feeling he's doing this to get more viewers. That guy most likely didn't have as many fans as he did before talking about DmC. I never heard of him before then. To top it off, he said he was "going to tear that game apart" at the end of his last vid. What?? The game will obviously play well and have at least a decent story, so anything he says now won't make any difference from this point on. It never had. He's not some "quality control" expert who "pushed" NT to make a better game. Nobody working in the game industry even knows who he is, despite his claims.

"No matter how hard you try, you're never gonna be like [yahtzee/moviebob/thatguywiththeglasses/any other talented internet critic.]"

NT knew that the Original DMC was mostly about combat which stayed more or less the same. The only things that changed were the backgrounds and the actual artistic theme itself. I personally don't see the problem here.
I don't think Main Event would say anything positive about the game anymore. I don't think he will allow himself to do that. If DmC is a fantastic game, he'll still rant on about it regardless. The hole he's digging for himself is way to deep now and nothing is going to take his foot out his mouth at this point.
I think avoiding the fan rage was impossible. They could have handled the things in a better way. After releasing a trailer with the main character "seemingly" resembling a fairy by the name of, dare I say, Edward Cullen, and then speaking about Dante getting laughed out, made the bitterness even more bitter. First bomb was TGS 2010 trailer and the second was Tameem.

They said they knew there would be backlash, and I think they just forgot to prepare for it.
Is Main Event the same guy as Event Status or whatever that youtube blogger everyone seem to praise is called? If he is, does he ever say anything positive about any games at all or is he just hating on the new Devil May Cry?

a fairy by the name of, dare I say, Edward Cullen

What's up with the unnecessary homophobic comment? I understand the hate on Twilight though.
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Is Main Event the same guy as Event Status or whatever that youtube blogger everyone seem to praise is called? If he is, does he ever say anything positive about any games at all or is he just hating on the new Devil May Cry?

What's up with the unnecessary homophobic comment? I understand the hate on Twilight though.
oops, yea, its Event Status i mean sorry.

and i couldn't tell you if ES is ever positive about other games because he gives me a headache everytime i hear his voice. Maybe he does but i'm not willing to check another 20 minute video to confirm it.
He just hates on whatever happens to be the new "whipping boy" of the masses. Sometimes he talks about other "lesser" known games in a positive way when he tries to be "indie". **snrrrkkk** In the meantime, he makes a big deal with a lot of games, most notably "Mass Effect." Look, it's a bad ending for a sort of good game. Let it go.