Yeah, when I re-watched the last scene a long time ago, I got the sense that that was the last time fans would see old Dante. But I didn't think it was a terrible goodbye. You have to realize that Dante hasn't been the Dante from DMC1 since DMC3 was released (or actually DMC2). DMC4's version of him was a continuation of DMC3 Dante. So I guess they made him say goodbye
in the way Capcom thought most fitting: being the wacky, powerful and badass version of him seen since DMC3. I thought the Lucifer dance was very fitting and not necessarily meant to be funny - it was just well choreographed and reflected Dante's dual nature of being a bit joking and sexual but also deadly. They needed him to demonstrate how Lucifer worked (like with all the other devil arms), and he did.
Fine, I'll accept the fact that Dante was never gonna be the same as DMC1, but that honestly doesn't mean you have to have him talking about having sex while throwing blades into a hell gate. Considering this was Capcom's way to say bye to Dante makes me annoyed because this was literally the campiest I've seen Dante. They could've given him a little bit more dignity instead of being the monkey dancing to music for lose change.
Basically, if they suddenly made him like DMC1 Dante at the game's conclusion, that wouldn't fit their vision of him. Your criticism is about DMC4 Dante in general, not his final moments in DMC4. And we already know how you feel about him. I feel pretty much the same way; I think it would have been best to make him more like DMC1 Dante again (though I wasn't
that unhappy about DMC4 Dante). DMC1 Dante seems a bit boring when you compare him to DMC3 and DMC4 Dante, so maybe
something in between DMC3 and DMC1 Dante would have been the best move. I mean, since the writers of DMC4 were not the same people who wrote DMC1, we all knew DMC1 Dante wasn't coming back.
I don't think it would've been that hard to recreate DMC1 Dante. Plus they could've at least made him a more intresting character instead of force feed me over the topness. He could keep the cool moves and style, but at least do something about the character's personality to refelct how far he's come from his fight with his brother, defeating a demon king, reuniting with a woman that reflects his mother, and saving the world. With DMC4, it feels like all that went out the window and he's put back in kid mode.
It's not even about DmC. It's about having Classic Dante BE cool not ACT cool. That this is the last I'll see of Classic Dante, and I'm stuck with douche McDickhead in leather chaps.
Not to start a fight, but I found this to be a very odd statement, since DmC Dante is the definition of 'acting cool rather than being cool'. The quote ''you can call me Dante the demon killer'' illustrates that clearly. He obviously finds himself to be very cool - which I think is very vain. At least DMC3 Dante can be vain in a funny, caricature-like way (looking at his reflection and outright stating he's so handsome

True, but the thing is I liked DmC Dante's subtle way of acting cool. He didn't try to dress like a leathery FF character to be cool and he didn't need to do any stupid stunts like the Lucifer Devil Arm bit to show he was cool. The fact he stands up to these big demons and is willing to go through hell not just for himself, but for the rest of humanity is why I call him being cool instead of acting cool. With Classic Dante it's a given that he's going to save humanity in the way he acts, the way he dresses, and the way he's put on a high pedestal.
To be honest, I hardly noticed DMC4 Dante wore leather chaps, because it just fits his style - like leather chaps would fit bikers' clothing. The rest of his clothing looks pretty awesome. He's an outrageous and powerful character, so he wears some outrageous clothing. The fact that his clothing is almost entirely red should be enough of a problem to people.
Well that may be all good for you, but it's just a subjective opinion I have and I just didn't find it suiting for Dante.
Anyway, there's various definitions of cool. If you dislike DMC4 Dante for his clothing or how he acts, no problem. I just think it's
one of the sides of Japanese character-building; there's strong silent types and there's outspoken, obviously awesome types. I like both, so it could go either way for me.
Yeah, you're right. But it's not like I'm saying he should be silent, but if he is going to be the awesome type of character, the least they could do is actually make him awesome. Again, this is just a subjective opinion, but he could have been cooler. Maybe like I don't know Spike from Cowboy Bebop, or as cool as Alucard from Hellsing. (minus the blood thirsty sadistic part)
Oh, btw: I have to agree on Man of Steel. What an insipid movie. Yeah, it had action, but it wasn't even choreographed that well, and the plot was just garbage.