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Xbox One fanboys petitioning for the Restrictions back.....WHAT THE F**K!?


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
Sad part is it isn't trolling, they're ACTUALLY trying!!

Those moronic Xbox One fanboys started not one, but TWO f**king petitions to bring back all the horrible restrictions that we know and hate. I can't f**king believe this!




Yes fanboys do stupid s**t, but this is pathetic!

Thank god there are more intellgent people who are against this crap :)

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
I have no idea why anyone in their right, or not so right, mind would want someone to monitor them constantly. It's creepy knowing something or someone knows where you're at, what you're doing, when you're doing it, etc. The issue with monitoring is that is costs money, money that could be spent on other things like better servers, development, etc.

Everyone knows that anyone is capable of cracking any security. Why do you think bandits, thieves, hackers, pirates - old-school and new-school -, spies, scouts, etc., are all capable of breaking through the most impenetrable walls and take what they want? If someone wants to steal information, they'll find a way. If they want to steal money, they'll find a way. If they want to steal videogames, digitally or physically, they will find a way. They always will.

The future does not always mean the death of things. We still have record players, CD players, Blu-Ray, y'know physical format for playing media. Some people like the novelty, some are nostalgic, and some just can't keep up with the times. The Post Office is obsolete compared to things like e-mail, texting, Facebook, Twitter, etc., but some people might not understand how to use computers, technologically inept people, or some like getting fresh mail everyday. Stuff like government documents might not have reached a secure enough level for digital formats. Or maybe something limits us to use physical formats like say a game that never got a digital release or an old computer that you were forced to use for whatever reason.

The gaps between automatics and manuals are so unnoticeable that while automatics are much more practical, that doesn't mean manuals are dead. I drive a manual transmission car because I just like manual transmissions; it's a stupid and simple reason. I'm not driving stick because I want to look cool, or because manuals get better mileage - between older models of cars this is much more valid than say a 2013 auto Honda Civic and a 2013 manual Honda Civic -, or because I have some animosity against automatics - I kind of do only when I'm driving, it's just boring driving an automatic for some reason. Given the choice in a dangerous situation, I would rather find and drive an automatic than a manual. In everyday life, I would choose a manual if possible; if I lived in New York City, I probably won't drive or would drive an automatic. Some people, like me, just like manuals. Some might not have a choice; I think you can only get a driver's license in Europe only through manual cars, unless you have a valid reason; in Japan, you can drive whatever, but during the test, you must prove you can drive a manual, as far as I know. The other reason is if you live in another country without the fancy new cars that countries like Germany, Canada, France, England, Vietnam, the United States, and Australia to name a few. So that means you're stuck with that car from the 20's that was stick-only. Cost could be another factor, if you could only afford a $3000 vehicle and it happens that most of them are manual and younger than the automatic ones, why the hell not and just learn to drive a stick with a fairly decent car. There are so many variables that factor in to why something stays when it "should" be dead.

Well, whatever. This reminds me when there was a petition to the White House to bring DmC down. Oh, what lengths people will go to get what they want... We could talk about that, but it'll lead to nasty arguments.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Then one of the very reasons why XBOX will fall is because of it's so called loyal fans.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Not just the fanboys that thought it was bad that Microsoft removed it but lots of big Media sites too. However people will always disagree and will always be those who didn't mind the restrictions that gave new features that hasn't really been seen on consoles before. Some of which were taken away after the restrictions were lifted. Its a shame a balance couldn't have been brought in and most of the restrictions lifted but then keep some of the other features in favour of a compromise. Restrictions themselves are never a good thing as such as they are of course restricting your freedom but I can also see some of the positives and the benefits of certain features that were badly explained originally.

Im happy they dropped the restrictions personally but I also know some people that aren't happy that the Xbox One has now taken a backwards step in pushing the console generation forward. It actually took away features that the Xbox One had that the PS4 didn't and new things not done by consoles before. Bottom line was that the DRM and features it allowed would have only really benefit America as most wouldn't be feasible in most other areas due to Internet speeds.

Lots of links like this around so not just moronic fanboys at all...

The Xbox One reversal has only postponed an inevitable DRM future

Microsoft threw out its only good idea with the Xbox One DRM policy reversal

Why Xbox One Was Better Before

6 great Xbox One features you are losing with DRM reversal

Why the Xbox One DRM Compromise Isn’t Good for Gamers

Bleszinski: Bad "handling" killed Xbox One's DRM, not bad ideas

Let's Talk: Xbox One DRM - it's not your worst enemy

I can see the pros and cons from both sides but overall though im disappointed in loss of features im happy there are no restrictions. Some features could make a return at a later date if they can find new ways of incorporating them I guess.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Okay... *breaks desk with headdesk*... I only thought Microsoft stopped the whole DRM thing, not the 'sharing with family and friends' thing as well.

I can't imagine there are many people out there that want this 'online every 24 hours' travesty back.
Are they really fan boys or just trolls?

(This is just as bad as and stupid as the DmC petition... if not worse)

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Microsoft are apparently working on measures to bring back the features they lost when they scrapped the DRM in other ways according to sources over last few days. So hopefully those great features that the console lost will return without the restrictions. No matter what petitions say the DRM as it was will NOT return, a lot of Sony fanboys have been signing it so its not a true representation of figures that want it back for legit reasons (return of cut features).


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
New features or not I'm never gonna get a Xbox One, I'll never support anything that tries to bring always online to gaming and not to mention something that gives me less options.
Also even though I'm more positive of the PS4, I'm still not gonna get one until it's been out for a while to see if it remains a gaming console or pulls an Xbone on us.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I'll never support anything that tries to bring always online to gaming

Unfortunately many sources say that this is the way technology is heading and them reversing this particular policy is only delaying the inevitable for another generation. Developers of games are starting to design them around always online but so far its a choice not a total requirement but there are expected to be more and more that have entire games built around always online.

The Xbox One reversal has only postponed an inevitable DRM future

One example of a game already designed to be always online but not a requirement this time but how long until it is....

Ubisoft: Watch Dogs is designed to be always-online, but this isn't a requirement

We will see more and more of this popping up until companies decide to totally take the leap.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
Unfortunately many sources say that this is the way technology is heading and them reversing this particular policy is only delaying the inevitable for another generation. Developers of games are starting to design them around always online but so far its a choice not a total requirement but there are expected to be more and more that have entire games built around always online.

The Xbox One reversal has only postponed an inevitable DRM future

One example of a game already designed to be always online but not a requirement this time but how long until it is....

Ubisoft: Watch Dogs is designed to be always-online, but this isn't a requirement

We will see more and more of this popping up until companies decide to totally take the leap.

If that time comes I'll still have my PC, old consoles and old games, plus there's still loads of games out there I haven't played yet and not to mention that there will be lots of hackers out there that will find ways for me to remove that DRM crap.
I'll never pay for always online games that don't require to be online.
Also when that DRM crap ruins gaming, I'm willing to bet there will be a system out there that will cater to the LOADS of people who are against the always online garbage, like maybe Nintendo or someone new and the loads of people who hate always online will go to them.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
If that time comes I'll still have my PC, old consoles and old games, plus there's still loads of games out there I haven't played yet and not to mention that there will be lots of hackers out there that will find ways for me to remove that DRM crap.
I'll never pay for always online games that don't require to be online.
Also when that DRM crap ruins gaming, I'm willing to bet there will be a system out there that will cater to the LOADS of people who are against the always online garbage, like maybe Nintendo or someone new and the loads of people who hate always online will go to them.

PC has had plenty of DRM issues over the years and more games on there that require an internet connection to register and always be online etc than any platform currently. Though some companies have famously dropped DRM from all their games (Ubisoft) and some who are against the idea at all (CD Projekt Red). I would be PC gaming once again if I could afford it this year but with wedding and honeymoon I cannot. However I would be doing it for benefits PC's have over consoles but DRM isnt really going to be one of them. The Internet companies just arent ready for the leap to always online yet and with superfast broadband being 2/3 years behind schedule in UK its likely we arent going to catch up to most of the world for some time yet.

While there may always be a system thats against the same ideas other companies have, will developers be willing to release as many games on that platform knowing it could be easier to pirate for? They could develop for a platform that has safety of DRM and always online or one that shuns it. Developers are trying to find ways to cut their overheads and losses and piracy and digital distribution are 2 of the most popular themes that are coming up. Prevent piracy and make digital publishing and distribution easier for everyone and more widely available, would help save companies cash and stop so many going bankrupt. Again from business standpoint I can see why they might have been pushing for it, just it was too early.

Oh and heres a link I spotted a minute ago on Twitter...

Xbox One Petition gets a response from Microsoft.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
The developers and publishers need to realize though that forcing the always online DRM and taking away options is just gonna encourage more piracy, that's not gonna give them more sales, I mean the mere mention of Xbox One having an online requirement made a lot of Xbox fans jump ship in one day and a lot of those fans have come to the PC and are going to the PS4, because those systems give us more options and benefit us. Always Online DRM does not benefit the customer at all, online trading, sharing and stuff would be awesome and would benefit us alot, but always online DRM does not.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
IT HAS 20,000 SIGNATURES!!!! Why? WHY?


Microsoft are apparently working on measures to bring back the features they lost when they scrapped the DRM in other ways according to sources over last few days. So hopefully those great features that the console lost will return without the restrictions. No matter what petitions say the DRM as it was will NOT return, a lot of Sony fanboys have been signing it so its not a true representation of figures that want it back for legit reasons (return of cut features).

That explains the 20,000 signatures
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