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Woman kills ten week old kitten

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Enma Katana no Kami
An eye for a eye makes the whole world blind...

only if people with one eye randomly stab other people in the eye despite knowing what would happen to them.

punishments should always fit the crime and there are some crimes where it is not possible to punish someone to much.


Oldschool DMC fan
Eurgh, sick.

That's about all I can find to articulate my thoughts after reading the article. A person who'd put a cat in a microwave (for 'revenge') isn't a person I'd trust anywhere near me, or near anyone else.

It's psychopathic behaviour. It shows the person has no empathy or sense of responsibility or concern for another's pain whatsoever, and if they can do it to small animals, you bet they could find some way to take 'revenge' on a person too. I bet there are plenty of psychopaths walking around there though, and this one will get a slap on the wrist.


Entertain me.
More likely she needs mental treatment. A good judicial system would see her sent to a medical center where she can get the treatment she needs. Our prisons are too full of people with mental problems who do the ugly because their condition went untreated. No sane person would microwave a cat and spin that story thinking anyone would believe it.


Well-known Member
only if people with one eye randomly stab other people in the eye despite knowing what would happen to them.

punishments should always fit the crime and there are some crimes where it is not possible to punish someone to much.
Maybe I'm to soft, or maybe its integrity, but I don't believe in this way of thinking, nor with many of the ideas stated in this thread (which I have already addressed).

It's integrity.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Maybe I'm to soft, or maybe its integrity, but I don't believe in this way of thinking, nor with many of the ideas stated in this thread (which I have already addressed).

It's integrity.

I agree. I don't agree with any of the "punishments" on here. If you go with "an eye for an eye", you are no better than the psychopath you're punishing.
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I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
least i wouldn't do it to a defenceless animal.

perhaps people's opinions are affected by the way they've been treated by life. As Simon Le Bon said, "you can't laugh all the time". People take life differently too.

Also, just thought. I am quite psychotic (thinking back to my teens). so anyone comparing me with her is only insulting me a little because i wouldn't do that to a cat or any animal. And yes, my gp does know that i'm mental.


Oldschool DMC fan
Psychopaths (generally speaking) don't feel empathy for others and no remorse for hurting them. If you can imagine the pain and suffering of that cat and never in a million years would inflict it on a cat yourself, you're not lacking empathy or the capacity for remorse, so you're not a psychopath.

It's somewhat different in response to being hurt or being attacked in some way, or the way a person automatically responds when one of their loved ones is attacked. If someone attacks you physically, it's not psychopathic to defend yourself physically, or attack them back. Same as, it's not psychopathic to feel you want revenge for someone's deliberate death or murder. They're common human responses to aggressive attacks and you can argue they would help us survive and fight off a threat, so they are 'natural' as opposed to the 'disorder' that psychopathy is said to be.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
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Xen-Omni 2020
It's not irrational for a human to say bad things out of anger. Trust me, we all do it. So I don't think it has anything to do with integrity. I don't think anyone should be saying they hold more integrity for their response to all of this. I don't condone what she did. I wouldn't do what she did. I wouldn't hurt her myself for her actions. But whatever punishment she gets probably won't be enough for her in my eyes, and therefore justice is lacking in this country.

We all have different views. But at the end of the day, us saying we'd do something is completely different to us actually doing it. She actually did something. She killed an innocent animal over something so pathetic. As I said earlier, she had loads of other ways to get revenge. She decided to take the life of a defenseless animal instead, which is totally vile and cruel. If you think that we should be soft on her, or soft on what we say about her, then I honestly don't understand why we should be.


Well-known Member
What that woman need is some therapy. She needs to learn the basics on what is right and wrong, and the value of life. And probably some anger management classes too.


Well-known Member
you don't agree that the punishment should fit the crime?
I do, but I have already said that there is a difference between justice and cruel and unusual punishment.

It's not irrational for a human to say bad things out of anger. Trust me, we all do it.
Just because people do it doesn't mean it's okay or should be done. A lot of people smoke: that doesn't make it a good thing.

So I don't think it has anything to do with integrity. I don't think anyone should be saying they hold more integrity for their response to all of this.
If you are going to call me out on something then do it directly. I have no problems with people disagreeing with me straight up.

I don't condone what she did. I wouldn't do what she did. I wouldn't hurt her myself for her actions. But whatever punishment she gets probably won't be enough for her in my eyes, and therefore justice is lacking in this country.
So because what will be done probably won't be enough for you that makes the courts wrong? So now you're the only one that can decide what counts as justice and what doesn't? That is exactly what I've been talking about. Its not up to any one person.

We all have different views. But at the end of the day, us saying we'd do something is completely different to us actually doing it. She actually did something. She killed an innocent animal over something so pathetic. As I said earlier, she had loads of other ways to get revenge. She decided to take the life of a defenseless animal instead, which is totally vile and cruel. If you think that we should be soft on her, or soft on what we say about her, then I honestly don't understand why we should be.
I can't understand how anyone could even have the thought of hurting someone else in such ways. It's disgusting.

Annnnnd revenge shouldn't be done at all. Certainly not in the way she got it, but really no one should be seeking revenge on one another. Nothing gets resolved that way.

And I'm sorry why you can't see why you shouldn't be passing harsh judgement on someone? I did already state why though.
-->"Judge not least you be judged." <-- Still words to live by.


Entertain me.
Someone does something bad and everyone cries for blood. That's how the Colosseum justice system worked but this is not the Roman Empire. If she wasn't of sound mind when she did it then we should place blame onto a world where someone with a mental disorder was never diagnosed or given treatment. It's a direct result of that and nothing else. That should be her punishment.

It's not irrational for a human to say bad things out of anger. Trust me, we all do it. So I don't think it has anything to do with integrity. I don't think anyone should be saying they hold more integrity for their response to all of this. I don't condone what she did. I wouldn't do what she did. I wouldn't hurt her myself for her actions. But whatever punishment she gets probably won't be enough for her in my eyes, and therefore justice is lacking in this country.
It may be common for people to say things in anger, but just because you're angry doesn't mean you get a free pass to say whatever you want to whoever you want. You are still accountable for your actions and you are still capable, and expected to use, self control.

We all have different views. But at the end of the day, us saying we'd do something is completely different to us actually doing it. She actually did something. She killed an innocent animal over something so pathetic. As I said earlier, she had loads of other ways to get revenge. She decided to take the life of a defenseless animal instead, which is totally vile and cruel. If you think that we should be soft on her, or soft on what we say about her, then I honestly don't understand why we should be.
Lets get hypothetical here for a moment.

One day you're out at work and your neighbor out of the blue takes a baseball bat to your car. Completely bashes it in. Then he goes up to your front porch and smashes every window, goes inside and starts breaking furniture, smashing walls, destroying everything in your house.
You come home to a big shock and start looking around outside.
You find the baseball bat with glass lodged in it on your neighbors front porch so the perpetrator is pretty obvious. You're ready to bring this sucker down lawyer style. You've caught him red-handed. You take him to court and everything is going fine. He's going to pay you $250,000 in damages and face several years in jail. Then something unexpected happens. Your neighbors attorney reveals to the court that his client was subjected to a psychiatric evaluation and it was discovered that he has schizophrenia. When he was destroying everything you own, he didn't even know he was doing it. The court rules that he still owes you the fine. You break it you bought it, right? Though instead of prison, he's placed under house arrest and where he'll be visited by a psychiatrist in his home three times a week. While you're busy repairing your home and replacing all your worldly possessions he'll be next door with a doctor coming by every once in a while to see how he's doing. You're infuriated to think that all the while he'll still be in the comfort of his home only a few hundred feet away from you.

So I ask you, was justice served? If not, why?


Is not rat, is hamster
If we all punished one another according to how we saw fit then I'm fairly sure we'd be dead. Or horribly mangled.
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TimeLord Detective
This thread is starting to remind me of


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
i think its easy to blame mental state for abhorrent crimes.
either way, you still have to be f***ed in the head to do something terrible.

I'm a **** for thinking the way i do. most have made it perfectly clear. if you don't like what i am make it clear and i won't speak to you anymore. I'd hate to think people have got got to speak to me when they haven't. AND it still bothers you, don't follow me.

And nobody is perfect.
Most humans do judge, its part of the human psyche.


TimeLord Detective
Hey now, this is just a conversation. Everyone puts her/his own thoughts here and discuss it with one another. I don't think anyone meant to insult anyone else at all. We are all different, so we are bound to disagree.

Different people would do different things and believe different stuff.
As you said VB, no one's perfect (well I'm pretty close, but I still have a way to go :cool:) so I believe no one wanted to say anything bad to you/for you either;) I think most of the members think you're pretty coolXD

As for the matter itself, putting the DN jokes aside, as I said before, punishments are important. The bad thing about punishments, are that you're able to evade them if you have money even if you're guilty, but you might serve a sentence even if you're innocent if you have no money. I really believe that when you need to pay something for this kind of thing, the price should change according to the individual's income. Otherwise big deal.

However, torture goes a bit too far. And what if you torture an innocent person? Then you can't take his/her suffering back. But if you just imprison that person, you can at least free him/her. The count of monte cristo is a good example of that.
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