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Woman kills ten week old kitten

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The Dark Avenger © †
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Xen-Omni 2020

And the sick bitch's defense was some cock and bull story about how the cat climbed into the microwave and another cat turned it on. Yeah, because I always see cats using microwaves, it's a common thing.

That woman is sicker than sick itself, I hope she gets a seriously harsh penalty. If it were my way, I'd have her hands removed so she couldn't lift anything again. That woman is absolutely disgusting and people like this in the world make me vomit.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
we had a story similar to this in Cornwall last week.
I wouldn't chop her hands off LoD. I'd tie then down to two rings of a cooker, and turn them on full blast. See how she likes the suffering. Maybe she'd get an idea of what the cat went through.
Not unless we build a giant microwave for these idiots...
it really upsets me to think people are capable of this.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
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Xen-Omni 2020
What I meant was she has to eat her hands after they have been chopped off and cooked.


Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby!
I heard about this on the news recently, it really makes you wonder why someone would do such a thing. There are loads of stories of people killing animals, and its just sick.


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
Maybe im in virtual space more of sadist, yes In games Im doing some nasty things, but In real I really couldn't attack anyone, that means that I could not kill human or animal, and seeing what other people do for ex. torturing or killing animals, this sometimes make me sick


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
rip out her womb and feed it to the pigs... or her ( alongside her hands as a garnish)... people like that shouldn't be able to breed... I'm sorry, i know it's harsh... but...:mad:


Well-known Member
There has been some crazy ideas for punishment in this thread...

Now hold on a second! If ya did that to her personally, or if ya wish that someone else would that that puts you no better than her. Even if you don't really mean it I find it disgusting that anyone could even think up something like these things to put someone through. Yes what she did was horrible, but I do not wish ill on her. I say leave it up to the courts to decide what's right. I am not about to say what she deserves. I am in no position to place judgement on her. Absolutely none of us here are. That is up to the courts to decide.

And God. *runs*

"Judge not least you be judged." <---words to live by.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
^ Fair point. I just find that true justice doesn't show itself much, at least not in this country. In other countries you can have your hand chopped off just for stealing. She murdered a ten week old kitten, that is worse than stealing in my book. A life of anything being taken is worse than stealing, to me. And sometimes we need harsh punishments for people, to show other people NOT to do things like this. Maybe some of the things said seem a little morbid, and are just said out of anger. But sometimes these harsh actions need to become a reality, otherwise how will anyone be scared to commit these actions?


TimeLord Detective
Hey now, a discussion about TRUE justice totally goes too far.
No one should kill anyone, (obviously excluding what we eat) but nothing justifies cutting a person's hand. Ok someone stole once or twice. Without a hand, that someone would live a life in misery, being unable to do simple stuff, being emotionally broken about it, and probably unable to find a real job - if he or she actually wanted one.

Prison, is not as easy as it sounds. Losing your freedom is punishment enough.

Furthermore, okay that woman killed a cat. I did not read the article so I do not know the circumstances, but one of your posts suggests that she said it was somekind of an accident. One of those that happen one in a million. She could be saying the truth you know. It's one of those times when something happens to you, but explaining it would make you look mad, yet you have no other choice. I'm sure you guys have been in those.

Now I'm not saying she is innocent, in case she really did it, but some of suggested stuff are actually kinda scary. Though after a point, I kinda thought that each post was trying to outdid the previous one, in terms of finding an even scarier punishment, so I know that it's not actually your real thoughts, but something that came on the moment. Humans are really scary, and worse stuff, we do to our very same race. Animals are awesome, and since we are more clever and better than them, we should act the part, that's true.

We do not need to make people SCARED of doing something bad. We need to make them understand that it IS bad, so that they will not even think of it. That's what I think so anyway. I know it's something really difficult, but in the end, the goal does not justify the means;)
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The one true son of Sparda
that's just horrible why did she kill an innocent animal.the sick individual's we have in our world today just makes me sick


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
Also I not mentioned how high authority have PETA in my country. In Poland try to torture,starve or kill animal, they could make you into trial, and have an 2 or more years in jail.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
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Xen-Omni 2020
I'm sorry, I just don't agree with those who think that serious types of justice are not required. In this country, criminals have it way too easy. I've heard prison is a life of luxury here. Most likely why most people re-offend.

She killed the ten week old kitten because she is a sick individual. The reason she did it was out of revenge. The story clears this up. She tried to defend her actions by making up a farfetched story. She doesn't need to be killed in a microwave, but she deserves a very severe punishment to say the least. A life is a life, no matter what animal.


Well-known Member
I'm sorry, I just don't agree with those who think that serious types of justice are not required. In this country, criminals have it way too easy. I've heard prison is a life of luxury here. Most likely why most people re-offend.

She killed the ten week old kitten because she is a sick individual. The reason she did it was out of revenge. The story clears this up. She tried to defend her actions by making up a farfetched story. She doesn't need to be killed in a microwave, but she deserves a very severe punishment to say the least. A life is a life, no matter what animal.
And you misunderstood me. I do think serious judgement is in order, but there is a difference between serious judgement and cruel and unusual punishment. I vote for the former. I also believe in a fair trial and withholding accusations before the court's decision. As of now she allegedly murdered the kitten and if so is sick and crazy, but if not then not. All anyone has to do in these situations is take a step back and withhold judgement. It's right.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
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Xen-Omni 2020
^ I didn't misunderstand you, I got your point entirely. In fact I was referring to some of what Tony said.

I disagree in being reasonable with these people and holding out on judging them. I think she knew exactly what she was doing. She killed the cat, unfairly. Her actions were soulfully and intentionally done to get revenge. There were many things she could of done instead to get revenge, that would not of taken the life of an innocent animal. I don't condone these, but here are just a few.

She could of spread rumors about the person, trying to make their life a misery. She could of vandalized their property. She could of sought to any action that did not put anyone or any life in danger, yet got her message of revenge and getting even across. She did not, however. And therefore on those grounds alone, she should be judged for her actions. This is how I view it.

I'm sorry but in this country, I find the law to be too relaxed on things. It's the reason why most people re-offend, as I said earlier. Unless harsh actions are taken towards these people, then nobody will learn. To me, it is the only way. It may be unfair, but it's the only way in which people will change their ways. Things like this can't keep happening. What next? A baby in a microwave? Things need to change.

^ Note that the above statements are purely my own opinion.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Condemn the offense, not the offender, guys. Some of the punishments I've seen on here are borderline bizarre...

Though, if it were MY pet (my mini dachshund or my Burmese python) I'd f*ckin' find the person and strangle them. Not that you're going to fit my snake in a microwave though. XP


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Condemn the offense, not the offender, guys. Some of the punishments I've seen on here are borderline bizarre...

Though, if it were MY pet (my mini dachshund or my Burmese python) I'd f*ckin' find the person and strangle them. Not that you're going to fit my snake in a microwave though. XP

But the fact that she killed a ten week old kitten isn't bizarre? She actually did it. I would not be the one to take my anger out on her. The law and the punishments they give will 'sort her out'. My point is they are way too light most of the times, which is why things like this happen.

A tougher approach is needed in this country on people like this, so others do not follow in their footsteps. People see behaving bad a good thing in general day society. Bad means bad, simply that. This is something they don't understand, because everyone else is so easy on them.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I bet it's great living in a country where the justice system works, because people that do have no idea what goes on in other countries.

The worst thing this country did was drop the death penalty. If they hadn't our prisons wouldn't be bursting at the seams.

What i said may make me no better than her, but remember this, i'd get life for doing what i said. What will she get? a fine and a ban on keeping pets.... f***ing whoop. yeah, that's what killing an animal means in the uk.
If it was a human, she'd be another person locked up too. So sorry if i'm some sort of monster,but that's tough sh*t, that's me, VeeBee with a disturbed mind, i've always been that way. Just because i think that if you inflict pain on something on someone or something else, you deserve the same. I believe it's called an eye-for-an-eye.

(believe it or not, I'm holding myself back)

EDIT: Like i said, if that had been Tilly. I'd be seeking revenge. Whether anyone liked it or not.
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