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The devoted
shouldnt this be in the gaming part?

Probably because there are more action games, and females(in general) dont really like action/blood/gore but there are the female games e.g. all barbie games, brain training, wii sport, wii fit ect.

Mostly nintendo games, aiming at females, younger children and me lol =]


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Oops, sorry.

I'm alittle tired so I must have forgot!:p

Yeah, and all nintendo is doing is putting woman back into a stero type.


Is not rat, is hamster
I dunno - maybe games have always been traditionally marketed towards a more male audience? I asked my sister why she doesn't like games and she said it's coz they are soooo boring (yet she will happily own and play a Wii or DS) - a lot of my other female friends simply do not understand the gaming world and to be honest, if you were a girl on COD4 listening to the trash talkers saying how they're going to rape you, it'd freak you out somewhat if that was your frst initiation to the gaming world. Those more accustomed to the ways of online idiots are able to hold their own - or at least remain unfazed by it all - but by and large, it can be a rather intimidating environment to jump into. You're either patronised, belittled or hit on, to some degree...this can irritate the hell out of some females.

Most girls I know are too busy socialising to sit and play video games - that or they're going on about hair or makeup or whatever the hell it is that seems to matter to girls these days. The thought of sitting down to shoot bad guys or roleplay can be regared as somewhat immature or beneath them and often they will make a snap judgment of this sort without ever picking up a controller and playing the game in question.

That being said, I think there are more and more female gamers now - far more than anyone has bothered to quanitfy - and the days of geeks in glasses yelling "I'm wizard level 99!!!!" to no one in particular are swiftly on the decline...


The devoted
yeah, but i do like some of the games e.g. pokemon, mario, super smash bros

But i dont own a 360 or a PS3, and PC cant really handle UT3, assassins creed, bioshock and all my other good games


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Angel;120433 said:
I dunno - maybe games have always been traditionally marketed towards a more male audience? I asked my sister why she doesn't like games and she said it's coz they are soooo boring (yet she will happily own and play a Wii or DS) - a lot of my other female friends simply do not understand the gaming world and to be honest, if you were a girl on COD4 listening to the trash talkers saying how they're going to rape you, it'd freak you out somewhat if that was your frst initiation to the gaming world. Those more accustomed to the ways of online idiots are able to hold their own - or at least remain unfazed by it all - but by and large, it can be a rather intimidating environment to jump into. You're either patronised, belittled or hit on, to some degree...this can irritate the hell out of some females.

Most girls I know are too busy socialising to sit and play video games - that or they're going on about hair or makeup or whatever the hell it is that seems to matter to girls these days. The thought of sitting down to shoot bad guys or roleplay can be regared as somewhat immature or beneath them and often they will make a snap judgment of this sort without ever picking up a controller and playing the game in question.

That being said, I think there are more and more female gamers now - far more than anyone has bothered to quanitfy - and the days of geeks in glasses yelling "I'm wizard level 99!!!!" to no one in particular are swiftly on the decline...
It's funny, when my cousin saw me playing games she honestly wanted to know how I could be so into it!

I guess if your trying to get into gaming then you should start small. Seriously, games that can be played online can be a bit much, so I see where your coming from. Thats another thing I wanna comment on. If you've never given something a chanc how can you call it beneath you or bad?
It's not like were asking this to sniff cocaine!


Is not rat, is hamster
I got into it because of Steve, myself - I'd always liked certain games but nothing like how I enjoy them these days. He introduced me to Fable The Lost Chapters and then Dark Drakan recommended Oblivion et voila! I was hooked :D

But try and explain the appeal to my female friends and I can see their eyes glazing over and I know I've lost them almost immediately :lol:


Dines with dementia
Because most games are full of violence and females have a built-in conservation system. Basically, men don't usually think twice before shooting the head off a zombie in a game, but some girls might think that every life is precious (Even a zombie's life, lol!). Women tend to take care of things, and not destroy stuff.

Some people still consider that guys are better at games than girls, which I think is a load of bull. Women aren't always best at cooking, so men aren't always good at gaming. ;)


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Angel;120456 said:
I got into it because of Steve, myself - I'd always liked certain games but nothing like how I enjoy them these days. He introduced me to Fable The Lost Chapters and then Dark Drakan recommended Oblivion et voila! I was hooked :D

But try and explain the appeal to my female friends and I can see their eyes glazing over and I know I've lost them almost immediately :lol:
OMG, I know that look!

It's like what were saying is a code that is trying to be put into a retarded computer!:D
I've talked some of my female friends into playing consoles and they had to keep looking at the buttons and they couldn't even move the analog stick right!XD
Is it some kind different language we speak?


Is not rat, is hamster
It certainly is a whole new world to work out for anyone unfamiliar with it - I mean, you've got an entire subculture created here. Not to mention the weird language of leet speak and unwritten rules about which weapons/items are for n00bs only.

Tie it all up with the creation of games which presume a certain level of capability before even reaching normal mode and it's a very different world indeed - and a rather unforgiving one too.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I think it is because women tend to have a lot to worry about with real life, to deal with issues on a game. Whereas us men, tend to think that getting that last perfect score on something is more important then saying "Yes love, I'll do the dishes right away" :lol:


Is not rat, is hamster
Funny thing yesterday happened along those lines - the 360 was on but just on the dashboard screen and Steve and I were sitting together and chatting when suddenly the message came up that Steve's cousin was online and all I got was a hand pushing me in the face and Steve saying "yeah! Matt's online! bye!" :lol:

I think also perhaps women might be a little more sensible, on the whole, about what time they stop playing - with COD4 Steve will play for hours and hours and hours then in the morning complain he feels ill and tired but is happy because he went Prestige for the billionth time or however it works...unless the woman is free and single, it's unlikely she'll be able to devote that kind of time to gaming - at least, not with a family to consider and all the millions of little unnecessary stresses we give ourselves to worry about each day...


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Well, women are smarter then men :lol: They understand how to organise themselves better, but we tend to think that things will just work themselves out around us. Kinda stupid really..


Is not rat, is hamster
Dunno if women are smarter - just different. And I think the gaming companies are taking note of these differences and making games which will appeal to a wider fan base. Sure, it can be stereotypical having the majority of DS games revolving around babies, animals and cooking - but they sell. Can't really moan about sexism whilst you have a copy of Cooking Mama in your hand...

I think also the definition of gamer as most people regard it will have to change - it doesn't apply to those with primarily shooting/acion games in their repertoire anymore. It will have to be stretched to include those who own a Wii Fit, play Nintendogs or have a bash at the Sims on the PC...there are too many consumers buying these sorts of products to ignore them as part of the subculture


Dines with dementia
LordOfDarkness;120468 said:
Well, women are smarter then men :lol: They understand how to organise themselves better, but we tend to think that things will just work themselves out around us. Kinda stupid really..

Dude, you just called the guy population dumb >_<
I don't think women are smarter, I'm pretty sure we're all equal. I actually prefer a guy's thinking, they know how to choose fun in life and not hard work. I try to follow such a pattern too, mwahaha! ^__^

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
First I challenge you to define intellegence. It's pretty damn hard to define, maybe impossible. There's no real objective way to measure it as who are IQ tests set by? Other people and their skills may not coincide with the skills of others.

More to the point, there are more games oriented at males. Games for girls is a relatively new innovation. There are probably, at best, 50 games specifically oriented at girls/ women. I don't think I'm exaggerating saying that there are AT LEAST thousands of games oriented at boys/ men. Also, men like to think that their in charge of the universe and a lot of games give them that nice parallel reality, which, sadly, only fuels their egocentricity. Women generally prefer more relaxed ventures in gaming. I'm speaking from the experience of having two rather loud sisters who also quite like gaming, albeit, not to the extent I do.


Devil's Advocate
Womans Opinion :D :

I was always a tomboy so I was into games immediately at a young age as well as violetish movies and what not. Girls sort of started with barbies, dolls and makeup whilst boys are given robots and cars and stuff.

Because there are games with robots and cars and stuff, this immediatly appeals, but obviously the gming world lacks in dolls and what you can do with them. I think it goes from there. Girls diverge because theres never been anything there that interested them. Today there maybe but they've lost interest already.

I, tho, was given cars and robots instead of dolls and grew to love gaming.

I think in school too, gaming is seen as "nerdy" or "lame" so girls drift away as none of their friends play whilst boys get together to blow up zombies.

In summary, lol, I think it stems from your upbringing... If you were introduced to games early or the concept of blowing things up, armies, whatever???


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Janny;120472 said:
Dude, you just called the guy population dumb >_<
I don't think women are smarter, I'm pretty sure we're all equal. I actually prefer a guy's thinking, they know how to choose fun in life and not hard work. I try to follow such a pattern too, mwahaha! ^__^

Correction... I stated we aren't as smart as you women. So as to compliment you women ;) A smart move that any man would do.

Women are definitely smarter then men *IMO* Life is hard work though... Which is why women do a much better job.


Aya Brea
Out of the lot of my female friends when I was younger, usually got on me for playing video games. Sure, we all played video games, but they really weren't into them and rather watch movies or play dolls. I'm not kidding. I never owned a barbie doll. A few stuffed animals, but that was it. My BFF was my super nintendo, nintendo64, and sony playstation and became facinated with Aya Brea from Parasite Eve (PS1 game) and Final Fantasy. When my friends and SOMETIMES my mom got on me for not playing with dolls, I felt like I was being told what THEY wanted me to be and do than what I wanted to be a do. I want to be more than a gamer, but truely, I enjoyed them. I wasn't being told, "NO! I'M BEING BARBIE! YOU CAN BE KEN AND THE DOG!" There were no boundries, and I could do whatever. Just like my male friends who enjoyed video games, it was basically IN YOUR FACE action that took it's time and was close to any type of action that wowed as that we could get.

Most (not all) video games are geared towards men, but over time you now see that they want to attract both genders. I know plenty of women who love Halo, Gears of War, Metal Gear Solid, action/shooter games and even a fair share of Nintendo. They love it for it's story line and of course, game play. Then there are those who think video games degrade women like rap music. I'm not saying this is EXACTLY how they think it is, but they may feel that the image a video game gives off of women is telling them women are meant to be barely dressed, huge breasts with no stomach or any type of meat on their butt with a box of 1000 sexy/bada$$ quotes that will make their boyfriend or husband say, "Wow! I wish my wife was just like her." Plus not all women are not that fond of outrageous violence. There more violent video games that are to be released this year than ever before.

It's different for everyone, but this was just my thoughts.
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