Why You Should Be Hyped For Devil May Cry 5

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The devil in the dark
Feb 17, 2015
This is going to be a bit of a ramble but I wanted my thoughts out there. So first and foremost, I am ecstatic that Nero is the main character. I've always liked Dante more than Nero but I also always agreed that Nero was a better character than Dante, or at the very least post Mundus Dante. The reason I say this is because while Dante is an awesome character he doesn't really have anything that can bring any emotion out in him anymore. Everything is purely business, lady and Trish can handle themselves so he doesn't need to worry about them and his story arc finished the moment he beat Mundus. Not only that but he's become so insanely powerful that it ruins tension because we know that Dante post Mundus is more powerful than sparda himself. Nero on the other hand is a much more human character. He affiliates himself with weak people that can get hurt. He gets frustrated and annoyed but can still be an awesome character. Not to mention the plot threads he has and all the room he has to grow. Nero might not be as fun a character as Dante but at this point he is much more interesting. And Capcom is no stranger to switching main characters. Second off is the look. I'm glad their differentiating Nero from Dante and making him his own character. My problem with DmC wasn't that they changed the game or made it more realistic. It's that they expected us to believe that was Dante. DmC Dante feels like a test run of what Nero would be in this game according to the trailer, I'm fine with this because it lets us keep the regular Dante while giving Nero his own identity aside from "small Dante with masturbation arm". This Game is exactly what Devil May Cry needs, it doesn't alienate new players and isn't too Japanese for others to take it seriously but it also doesn't throw away the existing universe. Putting Nero as the protagonist is the perfect way to reasonably set this game in the city. Because its reasonable that after everything Nero knew was a lie he'd take on a different lifestyle and make his own relationships with people. Now the demon designs. This is a matter of opinion. I personally prefer the demons of previous games as of now because they were unique and had their own origins. They had habitats and lifestyles like an actual living being instead of just cannon fodder. But these demons do look more intimidating and if they want to show the mass public being effected then it's better having demons that people in modern day would take seriously. All in all I feel like this was a good move on capcoms part. Especially since it seems they are trying to show Devil May Cry some love and make it a triple A title along the lines of resident evil. Well those are my thoughts and I'd love to hear yours.
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I lol'd at this.

You're entitled to your opinion, of course.

But yeah, the first thing I thought of was RE7 and Vergil's DT looks like a giant jawbreaker.

(If that is Vergil I mean.)
Thats a long one lol but i read it all and well with all respect i disagree i am happy for the game but altho Nero is cool Devil May Cry is Dantes story so making him not the main guy will always be a sour spot for me
I still don't know what to think. After DmC, I'm skeptical that this will match its gameplay in terms of enjoyment. I'm optimistic about its story, though. I feel like they'll want to push the plotline forward with this one, instead of just raising a ton of questions like they did with DMC4.

Heck, maybe it could spark another season of the anime, or maybe a movie. That would be pretty exciting. As far as character designs go, I like them so far. The faces look odd, but that would be pretty easy for me to get used to.
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I’m also happy that this is looking to be Nero’s story because we’ve been waiting 10 years and asking countless questions about the guy. Now we might finally be getting some answers.

But I do disagree that Dante’s story is over. I can see why you’d say that, but depending on what the writers can come up with then no character’s story is ever really over.
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I think to be hyped is the right way for me. I trust Capcom. Im hyped because Im sure they have learned from the past problems of Devil May Cry 4. (Not the best Story telling for Dante and massive backtracking ) And as you said, there is a lot of Story and secrets left. Dante story isnt finished because of his mentor role for Nero.
DmC brought some much needed updates to the classic's controls, much in the same way Nero did previously. I can only hope they don't revert to the mutated RE controls we've had before. I'm tired of side-rolls and Style buttons when it's so easy to give players the freedom and access to everything they might want when the controls are actually designed for an action game.

Or at least, give players an option somehow.
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I think Dante can still get interesting story, but for this they need to separate themselve from "Sons of Sparda" storyline. Good example is max payne. Just when his story was over, they found new one for MP3. Otherwise I'm pretty happy with new direction, especially since gameplay seems so far more on side of DMC than DmC : )
Right now I'm excited to have another DMC to play and look forward to playing it next year.

Im not hyped yet but give me some more trailers and we'll see ;).

Im on the fence about Nero being the lead and i dont think that would have changed with Dante. But we'll see how it goes.
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Honestly i think Vergil would have been the best option for the lead character. Nero's second place while Dante is third. Someone new is always an option but i could see them suffering the same problem Nero did. I would not have said no to a Lady/Trish spinoff tho (if DMC3 ever gets remade she and Arkham need to be playable.)

The 3 campaigns hook feels like the best way to go tho. Here's hoping they pull it off better than 4.
It's obvious that Nero is the lead for this game. That piece of art with the 3 walking towards the tree is going to be the cover and who is at the front and center?