Uh, aren't you talking only by your standards? For me, story should be something optional, you can make a really great game with a crappy story or just no story at all. If the gameplay is good, is not "mindless fun" just like you say, the depth of a good gameplay make it really exploitable and enjoyable, not just "press X to win". I rather have good music and visuals than a "good story" because, well, you know, most videogames sucks at it anyway. If I asked for games with a good story of this gen most people would name me BioShock Infinite, The Last of Us, Heavy Rain or Assassins Creed, which tell me that they never read books or they never played a game with a good story at all (like Planescape: Torment, Persona 2 or Deus Ex).
I do agree with you.
I'm not saying story isn't important,for me it's important,but I can enjoy games that aren't so story-centered.
Some games are focused on certain aspects,like either gameplay or story.
But they should have at least a decent story or gameplay or else these cons would bring them negative reactions.It'd be a pity if a game with very good gameplay has a bad storyline.Same goes with games with good stories and bad gameplay.
Also,I think other aspects make up for those.Like the game's atmosphere,or the characters,or the music,lines and such.
I only say it would be sad for a good game to have something that brings it down.
As you said,good music,visuals and so many other elements may make you like it without it having a great story,but being good at something else.
It's hard to have them all,some people prefer other things than gameplay in games,what I'm saying it's that it isn't so important because it's a video game,but a decent story should exist.
Plus, I did say that some games do survive on good gameplay but bad stories.
One thing I seem to be against is that these days video games became too visually and cinematically centered. I'm not saying it can't be enjoyable,but it's like a short movie that can be watched on You Tube rather than being an actual gaming experience. For me these are great,but their direction is more towards a movie rather than a video game.
What do I do once I buy that game and beat it easily? I can watch the cutscenes over and over again on Internet if I want,but I can't have the pleasure of playing it again and beating it so easily because..it simply doesn't give me any joy,any challenge.I played it,I beat it in 3-4 hours then I leave it on the bookshelf.
In our days visuals seem to fascinate people and trick them into thinking that the game is very good just by showing them pretty graphics and movie-like cutscenes,when in fact most of them are only centered around that and nothing more.
Sure,not all games are like that but the majority nowadays is and it's a pity.