Oh, and Twitch streams. How could I forget Twitch streams? LOL, it's even worse there. While on YouTube you can still have a discussion with those people, on Twitch your comment will be freaking overcome by the mass of other posts... frustrating!
:hungover:"Wow, so this is how Dante and Vergil became enemies in DMC3!"
If you have to reach all the way down to the cesspool of youtube comments to find even a single person that acts the way you describe, I don't think you really have a case. You've got anecdotes from idiots, at bestI repeat, good for you. I've met plenty of those people under DmC walkthrough videos. The most recent cases were under the videos of an Italian youtuber I follow from time to time: even though he clearly explained in the first video that DmC is a reboot, guess what people said after the last episode? "Hey man, play DMC3, you'll understand more, cause this is a prequel!", "Wow, so this is how Dante and Vergil became enemies in DMC3!", "So, this game connects with DMC4!", and other crap like those.
Here's the video of that last episode, check the comments and translate them with a translator if you want, but I wouldn't recommend it for your sanity.http://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PLWtijZhBUdA3r8nS9nneXZ4242Caxk-9S&v=YCtb-2PwBLk
I met some of those people under Angry Joe's review too (very old comments though, I have no intention of scrolling the hell out of them just to let you see them, Angry Joe's videos get lots of comments, do it for yourself if you're curious). Also, LOL (or should I say SIGH?), you got an example in this very thread, look above (and that's not even the worst case).
you have to reach all the way down to the cesspool of youtube comments to find even a single person that acts the way you describe
i know, right?Heh I know it hurts, man... but to me, the most annoying people are those who say "This is a prequel, dumbass! Dante's hair get white in the end! Can't you see the connection?!11!"
A classic.
i though only moron made those mistake. but how this website.
http://www.game-debate.com/games/index.php?g_id=2562&game=Devil May Cry 5
According to NT, it is the prequel to the original prequel, but the rebooted version.It's astonishing how many people believe, after almost 2 years since DmC's release, that it is a prequel to all the old saga. And I'm not talking about people who never played the old series, but people who did! Didn't they notice all the inconcistencies between DmC and DMC? Or didn't they get informed earlier? It blows my mind, really.
^Pretty much this.Well that's how it works when you make a prequel to a reboot. Someone mentioned Tomb Raider. It's the same thing, "this character is an earlier version of the character you're used to, he will become that character later, but not exactly the same, since it will be a rebooted version. "
but so far I've seen zero evidence that it isn't true. Citing a youtube comment as a reason to hold a fanbase accountable is like me quoting a special ed student and then asking all of you "why do so many of you believe this?"Heh, I wish that was true, man... I wish it was.
but so far I've seen zero evidence that it isn't true. Citing a youtube comment as a reason to hold a fanbase accountable is like me quoting a special ed student and then asking all of you "why do so many of you believe this?"
^ I agree..and there will always be fans like this in every fanbase not just DMC... I try to be patient and explain it properly to them. Most times they don't listen..Well, leave them in their ignorance..If that's the way they wanna enjoy the franchise, let them..no need to get upset about it..
Yes...They can be quite vicious with their arguments and completely oblivious to the fact that you're only trying to enlighten them...seen that one too many times myself.. and yes, it's quite irritating. But seriously, don't let it get to you..People will always be like that..just try to tolerate them..I would agree, if only they didn't attack me when sometimes,in YouTube videos or Twitch streams, I pointed out that DmC was a reboot and not a prequel. They got angry for some reason and picked the most absurd argument to prove their theory. That is what upsets me.
Nobody has denied that DmC is a rebootActually I read an interview with NT posted in this very forum where they stated that DmC was a real reboot. In every interview I read or watched they stated this.
There you go, read it:
Nobody has denied that DmC is a reboot
Honestly I'll find links to backup my post once I get back on pc. DmC is both a reboot and prequel.
Yeah, that's the usual response I saw on youtube too. "There are so many, I can't list them all because it would take years! There are so many I can't even list one!"That's the point, I cited a few comments in this thread, but that (unfortunately) doesn't mean that that's it, they are just examples of the worst cases. There are many more, but of course I can't post all of them, I would stay here writing the whole day.