I'm partially correct with my OP Dante's character development,appearances and personalities are terribly inconsistent and he's acting like a pretentious idiot and that's my Opinion and i'm pretty damn sure many people who're reading this thread would agree with me on that and why should i restrain myself from saying that ? i don't know..
Unrealistic = Yes it always was
But out of logic ? Dante has MPD ? lady dresses like a hore ? Dante suddenly has obsession with circus clothing ? At least they could've shown in a cutscene where he bumps his brain and gets retarded and then DMC4 starts it should've been bouns video or something
Because honestly devs if you're continuing the same story at least make it believable that the story and character personalities are consistent
Yes from a far far distance maybe....
What is up with the boots ? who the hell cares what he wears for his boots ? that's the last thing which comes to my mind when i think about any character's appearance -_-"
Nah the design of older coat was simple
.. this one's fancy
dem pants just make me double faceapalm......
Well its a standard kind of outfits used in many movies.. i liked DMC 1 dante's costume in DMC3 i would've loved to see some in DMC 4
Yes ! you're right that's what he needs to do don a fancy costume fu*k!ng around like an immature jackass like he was in DMC 3 totally forgetting that he has a really bad past and he shouldn't be acting like this in the first place
What the.. do you boot fetish or something ? because what a character's wearing on his/her feet is the last thing i notice
If you have perfectly working eyes you can see what is what
why did he cut off two fingers ? lady gaga does something like that too for the sake of "fashion"
I guess the gloves are again part of his image. It shows he's less serious than the one from DMC1. Look, I get that you don't like DMC4 Dante, but what did this have to do with the thread? And why do you feel the need to tell everyone your opinion again and again? We get it.
Jeezie Christ, you mentioned his appearance all the time, then I reply with a comment about his boots, his coat and all that (what makes his appearance), and YOU choose to focus on me talking about his boots. Don't just take things out of context for the sake of arguing/rubbing someone the wrong way.
I honestly don't see the problem. So Dante wears a bit more leather this time around. So what? I think it suits him, and that's that. No need to reply again, telling me ''it's stupid''. That's an opinion, so don't go around saying your opinion is fact. I'm sure you don't mean to, but it does come across like that.
Dante has pretty much the same appearance. If he wears a slightly different coat in DMC4, different pants and different boots, I wouldn't say he's an inconsistent character. He still wears red, he still has white hair, he still has a long coat, he's still got Rebellion. I'm pretty sure there are many more characters that go through bigger change. Deal with it.
I will agree, though, that I too find Lady's appearance in DMC4 to be far removed from DMC3. And the big knockers - pardon my French - was maybe the biggest problem, because the rest of her seemed alright for an older version of her.
I believe we were talking mainly about Dante's appearance. I agree that DMC4 Dante had to make too little effort to defeat enemies, and that he didn't go through change and all that. I never said I didn't agree about that. For me, that was that. I'm not going to reply again, because I don't feel like getting into an argument about how my opinion must be wrong and yours is right.