Here's me doing some rough runs with a dreamrunner on dmd limiting the amount of parried attacks and trying to keep a forward momentum, it goes from most successful to least successful, at least in my eyes, there's about 5 runs so yeah, I do feel that with a little bit more work I could be even more aggressive, and avoid dodging or being parried. But let me know what you think.
Also, I guess to be fair, Dreamrunners are like mini-bosses, so their ninja like ability to parry makes sense, and I really happen to love the ebb and flow of battling them.
Superb usage of kablooey on that one, good property to use to at least negate the recovery of the Dreamrunners after their parries. My experience with the Dreamrunners was different than this, they parried me more often because i don't make good usage of kablooey for that battle, so i developed another techniques to kill them quickly, who relys mostly on demon evade and overdrive or Trinity Smash. And i got your idea of a mini-boss, if i remember well they mention the Dreamrunner (and that drakosomething, the upgraded Dreamrunner) as "elite guards" of Mundus, so i understand your point. But if you look with care, the battles can goes to opposed extremes: or the player dominates the monster (after they find something like Kablooey to make use) giving him no room to fight back, or the monster abuse of his skill to stop the combat action, it's still not the best design choice but at least there's ways to deal with it without stoping the dynamic of the fight itself.
And i enjoyed the fights with the Dreamrunners too, when i played on DMD i needed to put some thought on how i were attacking them, before learning some general tactics to beat them i was kinda demon evading everywhere and getting my combos parried often, sometimes taking the damage from their counter-attacks.