You guys remember my "hometown gets turned into Silent Hill" type dreams, right? I think my mind just made up my own version of Pyramid Head. >_< I guess he represents my guilt, because that's what he represents in the games, but he was seriously ****ed up compared to his game counterpart. Well, more ****ed up than he was.
Instead of the pyramid helmet, it was a sort of mesh in the shape of a pyramid, revealing his face to look exactly like mine! He carried not one but TWO Great Knives, and he was FAST AS ALL HELL. It took me three full shotgun clips to get him to just KNEEL. Then I ran like hell to a safe area. And then he busts through the goddamn wall. Lovely. I like to call him Pyramid Nemesis Twin, because he looks like an evil PH version of me that busts through walls like Nemesis. My dreams are WAYYYY too creepy... >_<