What is your worst nightmare?

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Nightmares? Huh! I have plenty of them. In fact one of which that I really considered scary is when I was sitting in the very first set of the well-arranged seats inside a theatre movie, watching "This Is It" by the king of Pop then suddenly a familiar voice pop up, blocking the big screen with his enormous size while singing his favorite song that goes... "I love you. You love M-" --STOP!!

Seeing that 'thing' really creeps me out causing me to breathe with difficulties as I began shouting and running in circles around the said place.

Glad that I eventually stumbled down, causing me to gain my consciousness back from such a pain. XD
I've just thought of another... a dream where my teeth fall out... it's seems really real... and its always the same teeth. I wake up with my hand in my mouth...
I don't really have nightmares - not for a very very long time. Just odd dreams involving all my teeth falling out or rhinos dancing to Spice Girls' music.

I'm odd...
hehehehe - well I suppose someone has to do it :lol:

I tend to dream about stuff I've been playing, reading, watching and dealing with in real life all at the same time. It's a bizarre combo sometimes but can be pretty funny.

I also dream tactics in my sleep if a game is particularly difficult for me. I'm such a sad case...
I have periods with bad nightmares, they occur at random I think. Not had some really bad ones for quite a while now. I dreamt something dramatic yesterdday but I don't remember what it was.

Vergil'sB*tch;206654 said:
I've just thought of another... a dream where my teeth fall out... it's seems really real... and its always the same teeth. I wake up with my hand in my mouth...
Angel;206657 said:
I don't really have nightmares - not for a very very long time. Just odd dreams involving all my teeth falling out
Lmao, you both dream your teeth falls out?! Unbelievable. :lol:

Angel;206660 said:
I tend to dream about stuff I've been playing, reading, watching and dealing with in real life all at the same time. It's a bizarre combo sometimes but can be pretty funny.

I also dream tactics in my sleep if a game is particularly difficult for me. I'm such a sad case...
My dreams are also often a combo of the same kind as yours.

How well does your dream tactics work? :lol:
Surprisingly well actually - not all the time but it is said that your brain does some major working out in your sleep and tries to solve problems you would otherwise struggle with if awake. I've dreamt solutions to tricky boss battles and used them with about an 88% success rate, I'd say.
Seriously? I did that to kill Zidonius in Ninja Gaiden II! He still killed me around thirty times before the strategy worked though...
When i coudn't stop playing Lagacy of Kain... I dreamt i was walking around the Sarafan Keep.

And I've rode a camel with Vergil... but that was after a long stint on DMC3 SE.
I do not know why the camel was there though :lol:
I often have nightmares about giant bumblebees and wasps with a really loud low pitched buzz. I am terrified of anything that makes that buzzing noise >_< I can't even relax in the same room as a fly. Plus I play Donkey Kong Country quite a lot which probably doesn't help lol.
I have nightmares almost every night, so.... *shugs* And my worst one would probably get me banned.

My latest nightmare, though, was that zombies were destroying the world and David Bowie tried to save everyone, then everyone died when they were turned into zombies and the world exploded....
I have a nightmare that a huge 2010 style wave is sweeping towards me and my family and friends and I am the only one that has seen it but I cant say anything because I know there is no way to escape.

I get a bit messed up for a day or so afterwards. Go me.
I had a Fatal Frame-ish type of dream. My school haunted and ghosts kept chasing me, only these ghosts were my teachers. And everytime I tried to use the Camera Obscura on them, it wouldn't work.:O