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What is your religion?


Aya Brea
I do not have a religion, it has kept me sane. Even though, I do not put others are argu of what they believe. Though I don't follow something, I am religious. Of course, people got some sand in their private parts (I'm not sure if we're allwed to say the actual organ here...)and have argued with me. Did it hurt my feelings? No. Did I lose sleep and baaaww over it like they did? No.

I like learning and understanding all kinds of religions, but I, myself, do not follow.


The devoted
well i dont have a religion because i beleive that religion is the reason that most wars exists, but if i was for some reason forced to chose one, it would be Buddhism because it is all about being a good person in a good world, rather than DO THIS DO THAT! like some religions, but like Devil Razor said, i have my own religion, which changes most days lol

The dark knight

Well-known Member
Well if you like the sound of Buddhism why dont you be one?I reccomend Christianity.It doesnt require you to do this and do that.There are Ten commandments.Christianity is not that strict.But you cannot kill and many other things.Try to go to church one day.About Buddhism.....they have no god....no afterlife.Just peace......


Dines with dementia
I'm supposed to be an Orthodox, but I'm not at all religious. Haven't been to confession since I was around 6. Let's just say me and God don't agree on many. He doesn't like me and I don't like Him. But I try to keep this relationship civil, until I start swearing that is...


Aya Brea
Janny;66826 said:
Haven't been to confession since I was around 6.

I lost "the faith", in 3rd grade. My prayers were never answered. Especially during the long, LONG, long, long battle of my parents divorce. I never asked for much (unless a Dad counts as too much), but yeah... People are always going to see it differently. Religion is free, just as those who are to choose which they wanna follow.

But whichever you do follow, I do hope it is not for evil or to cause harm to any living being or nature.

Bad Wolf

32 flavors and then some
I was raised Catholic, but don't really have any religion right now. I think that there is something beyond us, but am reluctant to label it as "God." I guess that would qualify me as agnostic. :D

The dark knight

Well-known Member
Everything happens for a reason.You know what....mods close this.I am tired of people whining because they never got what they prayed for.i wouldnt be surprised if you people prayed for a million dollars and didnt get it and quit believing.


Aya Brea
As in the words of Dante... religion and I don't mix. Also, we didn't whine over it. It's a let down, but I didn't lose sleep over it.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I dont understand religion, it's one of the most confusing things because everyone argues about which is right and wrong.
I wouldn't class myself as christian because I dont neccesarily belief in God, but I believe that something must be the answer to our creation and whatever that is I will call that God, because I dont see God as a person but as more of a force that holds everything together and in balance.


Dines with dementia
LordOfDarkness;66920 said:
I dont neccesarily belief in God, but I believe that something must be the answer to our creation and whatever that is I will call that God, because I dont see God as a person but as more of a force that holds everything together and in balance.
Nicely put. People definitely can't create a perfect balance by themselves and we need some kind of outside force to guide us. This sounds way better than the idea of a all-knowing creature that looks human.
I suppose I'm not that religious because I believe people tend to worship anything that seams more powerful than us. A long time ago people worshiped the sun, rain etc.
Just read Dune to see other examples :p


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
^ Hey thanks Janny very kind of you, yeah I dont see why God has to be a creature, and besides there are thousands of different Gods.
Perhaps God just means an almighty presence much more powerful than mere beings, so God doesn't have to be a creature. I think we shouldn't question each others religions because they are different but to simply respect others beliefs, that is the only way to achieve peace, but because we will always disagree with others beliefs, opinions and feelings, then war will always be a problem of life.

The dark knight

Well-known Member
Okay.......And rainbow God couldnt have gotten your parents back together because it was from their free will to get divorced.God wont interfere with our free will.That is what he gave us.EDIT: Okay guys.I respect your beliefs.I should not judge.


Gosh Napoleon...
VI-Rainbow;66761 said:
I like learning and understanding all kinds of religions, but I, myself, do not follow.
Thats exacly the same as me i love learning about different religions but i am not religious, i do believe in reincarnation though

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
while as i have my own beliefs about god and such, i dont really think u can call it a true religion. but i mostly just believe in the gaming gods..lol..now i know some of u are either going to make fun of that, or say something about how im not taking this seriously..or something along those lines...dont misunderstand..im not saying there isnt a true god...im just saying from my own personal standpoint, i dont have any compelling evidence from any resource to make me believe any one religion...so i basicly piece together what i believe to be true from most other religions.
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