I don´t understand what your trying to convey.
now that's what i'm talking about sylvans and incarnated demon
What do you mean?
In my opinion i don´t understand people who say they are big fans or hardcore fans or whatever you´d like to call it, but then they embrace changing of the character whom they claim to be fan of.
Let me give a good example of my observation with Dante and NTDante. A pro for why NTDante is better character is because "He is more relateable", i assume because he looks more like a real life person, and in particular a teen.
So "NTDante is slightly better because he is more relateable". This means that you find it a flaw that you can´t relate to original Dante. And so having NTDante who is relateable is fixing that flaw.
But Dante is a video game character, he is not supposed to cater to your life nor be a representation of you. Therefor using that argument of "Dante is not very relateable" is like saying "He´s flawed".
Don´t misunderstand me, if you can relate to a character, then that is great. But a character being relateable does not necessarily make him better than the character that´s not relateable.
Unless the point of the character is to have people relate to him/her.
But Dante is not a character that was made to get people to say "Hey i see myself in this dude! He´s awesome!".
And if your a big fan, you will know to be critical towards what your fan of. You won´t gulp everything company throw at you, and say "OH THANK YOU your highness".
I like Dante but as i have stated, i won´t bother with DMC 5 if it´s going to have same standard as DMC 3 (from a story perspective) and DMC 4 (from a overall perspective).
I demand better story, better gameplay, and overall higher production quality.
Sometimes being a big fan also means you may say farewell to what your a fan of. Why not? Everything good ends. And by DMC ending, it will pave the way for a new serie with new character and story but gameplay inspired by DMC. A spiritual successor from a gameplay perspective, while story and characters will be brand new.
Dante´s story more or less is finished also. There is no need to go over that whole "Son of Sparda", "The Legend", "Murdered", bla bla.
Dante´s story is finished.
DMC 1 made the closure for his story well, where as DMC 2 kinda brought the story back from the grave and repeated it.
But this does not mean we will bury Dante in a grave, no he will make appearances in crossovers and in DMC games when it´s appropriate. e.g if a game about Trish is made with her as protaganist...obviously we´ll see Dante now and then.
As a hardcore fan i take pride in knowing when a serie should end (RE arent you dead yet?), and when the story of the protaganist i am fan of is finished and therefor he or she should step aside before it becomes redunant.
I also take pride in not wanting to change Dante but build on him. For example if i were to make a DMC game, i would pick DMC 1.
I would take everything that is bad about it the game and improve it.
e.g i would change what Dante says in the "Light!" scene, but have a fundamentally similar scene that is done well.
Isn´t this rebooting you say? Possibly, but its so minimal and so appropriate that it would make DMC 1 better. Because the whole point of "Light" scene was to show that Dante regret telling Trish to get lost, and i would make sure to convey that fundamental pillar in that scene well.
Where as scenes that are good like :
"Dont come any closer you devil, you may look like my mother but your nowhere close to her. You have no soul. You may have the face but youll never have her fire!".
Now that scene was AWESOME! And i would not dare to touch it.
However i would alter scenes or dialogue so that they are better. And we all agree the light scene wasn´t conveying what it was supposed to (a emotional scene) well, we practically make fun of it lol!
Being a hardcore fan to me means, being faithful to source material (not asking for it to change or reboot it), let go of your fandom when it´s time and being critical and not eating everything companies throw at you.
Snake fans are in a phase where they must let go of Snake as his story more or less has ended, and if it hasnt ...it will with latest game.
So if Kojima decides "Ill make another Snake story", then that is milking and could taint the story of Snake that was already ended.