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What Does This Mean?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I had a really freaky dream last night... One that I'm going to share right now.

Alright... I was on a quest with a friend of mine (who's name I shall not speak for now) to find some weapon. I don't know why I needed it, all I knew was that it was unique and very valuable. We were in a forest, and my friend told me that she needed to go somewhere, and told me to stay put. So I did, and she left. I waited for an hour, and then went the way she had gone. She was gone. All that was left was a note. This is what it said, roughly. I don't remember the exact wording.

The weapon of wealth you seek is behind the graves... My ascendence taught me so.

-Her Name​

I looked behind the grave that was next to me, and lo and behold, there it was. A flattened disk with three holes on one end and a glove on the other, with blades coming out of the holes. Very light, very easy to use. But I realized with a sinking feeling that my friend wasn't coming back... I muttered "Thank you..." But... I felt so empty. I somehow knew that she had committed suicide.

I searched for days, hoping she'd turn up... But she never did. I lost my will to go on, and collapsed in the very spot where she left the note. As I began to pass on, I thought I saw her... Then it ended.

But... What does this all mean? Surely it has some meaning, doesn't it?


Well-known Member
Sounds like it means something. I need to know more about you and your friend though. You don't have to name any names. Send me a PM if you don't want to post it in the thread.


Oldschool DMC fan
Who knows...?

I had a dream I told my boyfriend about once - I was infiltrating an air hangar held by Nazis in WW2 with a coin-operated gun. Then I ran out of coins and the Nazis kept coming. I started trying to stuff twigs into the coin hole in desperation. He said:

"It means you've got money problems. LOL."

...And he was right.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
Probably you were really sad about sometyhing that happened to a friend.

I say that maybe the stress caused by your sadening condensated into a dream and so it made you have a really bad dream.


Nein, not ze puppies!
Dreams can be very symbolic. This one seems to be telling that the object you seek will lead you to wealth but will possibly mean that you will lose something in return for said wealth.

But, that's just one way of looking at it though.


Anti - Little D
I have sent you a PM explaining Mine and LOD's expertise in the areas of Dreams ..

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Wow...that could mean a number of things. It could mean that you're feeling guilty about neglecting a friend in order to focus on something that will benefit you. Or it could mean that you're at a time in your life where you have to make a decision between two options, where you'll have to sacrifice something to gain something.

You have to keep in mind that your subconsious plays a very important role in deciphering your dreams. Your dream might specifically revolve around her, but then again she might only be a substitute visage for the principle of a friend because you had seen her that day/she was on your mind but you weren't really thinking about her much during the day.

Didn't you say you had a friend that was deeply troubled not too long ago? It might be that you were worried about him, or that your subconscious was kind of 'reminding' you about him.

I'm not an expert on dreams aside from my own though, so it is up to interpretation. Mine tend to be premonitions of sorts.


Well-known Member
I don't think it is very hepful to ask other people who don't even know you what a dream means. Even if it was one of the standard, flying/having sex with your mother dreams, it could mean something totally different to you than to others.

Dreams work with an internally coherent logic (some might say metalogic), even though they make no sense in waking reality. So you have to analyze the dream as a dream in itself. What I mean is, don't try and abstract everything to correspond with its real life counterpart. A skull might be a symbol of death in real life, but it might be something else entirely within the context of the dream logic.

So what is important to look at is your relationship with this person inside and outside the dream, the actual sense that the dream makes to itself, and what you have been neglecting of repressing in your waking life. Also, consider if you ate some spicy food or had melatonin before you went to bed. Sometimes a dream is just a dream.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Honestly, I think I'm just afraid of losing her. That's all that I think this represents.


Oldschool DMC fan
cheezMcNASTY;287697 said:
eww interpreting dreams. that's too Freud for me.

Dude, the whole of modern consumerist society appears to be based on an interpretation and exploitation of Freud's observation of human unconscious desires, and everything is aimed at teasing those desires to get us to buy things. I thought I'd seen it all till I saw the cover of a PC nerd magazine was actually being advertised by a chick licking a CPU. Your society is steeped in Freud.


Well-known Member
I don't think it is really "Freud" anyway. He is simply one of the first people to uncover and study unconscious human instincts and present them to the world. It is not like Freud makes us attracted to women licking things. He merely recognized the psychic energy centers around which most human desire constellates.

Anyway, dreams are more of Jung's thing. Just because everything is about sex, doesn't mean everything is really about sex.
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