Awww, DS c'mon, gimme a break already!....
I hate pain, it better clear off tomorrow, I wanna make my fave dessert....XD
Awww, DS c'mon, gimme a break already!....
WHAT?! I can catch it and send it to you in a box if you like? I HATE those things! Especially when they ninja out of nowhere and I almost TOUCH it. Have you ever stepped on one? They don't squish, they're like friggin cockroaches! ....okay, so I didn't fully step on it because I jumped a mile high before I put any weight on my foot, but still, I HATE WETAS.Awww, DS c'mon, gimme a break already!....
Back at primary, unbeknownst to me, I had one thrown at my back and it crawled onto my torso before I screamed my head off and punched the guy in the head who out it on me as a joke. Every time a weta is brought up, I remember that day, and it still gives me nightmares, especially since I tried to whack it off and it clung to my hand....WHAT?! I can catch it and send it to you in a box if you like? I HATE those things! Especially when they ninja out of nowhere and I almost TOUCH it. Have you ever stepped on one? They don't squish, they're like friggin cockroaches! ....okay, so I didn't fully step on it because I jumped a mile high before I put any weight on my foot, but still, I HATE WETAS.
The only thing worse is dreaming that a huge weta sprouts long legs and grows hair and becomes a mutant spider of sorts....ffff scariest dream I ever had.
And yes I now have a phobia of wetas.
CT: I need to get off the forum and go write.
Lucky fish, I'm freezing my fingers off!!!Thinking....
It's autumn here, yet it's still hot at night...
Something happened to me in superdrug once. My bags kept making the alarm go off... in the end, they made me empty all of my stuff out on the shop floor (i suppose if they found that I had stolen anything, they would've made an example out of me.) When I told my mum, she was fuming.Me and my girlfriend got stopped in town today and were FALSELY accused of shoplifting from Boots. Something about the staff members were watching us and that a bottle of conditioner had then mysteriously disappeared by the time we had been in there and then left.
The strange thing about it all is that I use to work there as a cleaner so I would of thought the staff would have trusted me not to do such a thing. But evidently not...
NaNomachines? ;3Well, I finally have a NaNo excerpt up. That's one thing off my list....
Writing thing...NaNomachines? ;3
DS: Had I found that, I would've screamed my head off too.
Something happened to me in superdrug once. My bags kept making the alarm go off... in the end, they made me empty all of my stuff out on the shop floor (i suppose if they found that I had stolen anything, they would've made an example out of me.) When I told my mum, she was fuming.
I hate Boots and I hate Superdrug.