Explain this phenomena!YES!! I have just successfully executed a double-jump in my backyard!
Im gonna high five myself for that! :lol:
Well, I began to do a simple jump to start it off, then, I brought my knees a split millisecond before the pinnicle of the jump, and the momentum thrusted myself just a little higher than my jumps summit!!!Explain this phenomena!
Well I'm blown away.Well, I began to do a simple jump to start it off, then, I brought my knees a split millisecond before the pinnicle of the jump, and the momentum thrusted myself just a little higher than my jumps summit!!!
I know that I wanted Shane to die in The Walking Dead. I was expecting him to die by a hoard of zombies, not a knife to the chest by Rick. And how the hell did Randall and Shane re-animated into zombies?
Seriously? He died? >_< Greeeeeaaaaat. /sarcasm *hasn't seen the episode yet**goes and emos in a corner*
^i think exactly the same thing.
Great minds think a like.For real why do folks do such mean and awful things?