Can't they just inject some anaesthetic into your jaw/gum to numb the area? They do it at the dentist so why not?
Also, I absolutely hate taking pills too. I'd rather sleep off a headache than take paracetamol for it, or drink honey tea for an upset stomach/sore throat. People are way too dependant on vitamins and meds these days. Makes me wonder how they would survive if they only had natural resources to live on. :blink:'s my wisdom teeth so I actually have to get surgery for them since they've not cropped up yet and they don't want to wait till they do. :/
Ditto! I agree completely. :S Seems like there're pills for everything wrong with you and then more pills to cure the problems the other pills created. It's insanity. XP
Me thinks they wouldn't...survive, that is. :/
HATE one line reviews. 'Interesting.' is not a review. 'Subscribing.' is not a review. Grr! Lazy reviewers!But thankies for reviewing me cuz I'm hopeless like that. <3
I just used a live chat service to speak to my courier about a tracking error - they have no customer service phone numbers, just a live online chat window to ask questions. SO much better than hanging about on the phone listening to BAD music. Really fast and efficient. I sure hope this is the future of "customer service" for everything else too, including HMRC. (lol that will be the day)