Well, from tomorrow out its busy, busy, busy... town, doctors and shopping... saturday mother will be cooking the whole day, then Xmas day when we get to eat the beef that she cooked the day before.... om nom nom nom...
EDIT: Need to sort out some games to get rid of... Bioshock 2? Mirrors Edge?.... Guitar Hero Metallica?... Shadow the Hedgehog? Now there's a starting point
Throw them my way!
Actually I still have Enslaved, Bayonetta and Marvel VS Capcom sealed from a Xmas pressie my friend gave me last year![]()
XD...Drakkar's a girl? ._. *so unobservant*
You'd be more than welcome, but... I need money, and to pawn some games is the only way I can get it... I also have over 100 ps2 games to sort through... I think I'm hoarding them
Wow, thought I had a lot. If you decided to eBay them, lemme know! ^_^
I can't part with any of my PS2 games. The ones I got now are my favs and ones which I know I'll keep forever, untill they make HD versions of them all anyways![]()
Yep. ^^ Aww, isn't there a game she likes? LOL I didn't beat him my first time, either. Instead, mum came in in the middle of the fight and I ended up shrieking at her to get out before I died..... >_>
Heh. Yeah. >_< I loath zombies...but mum loves them, so.... *shrugs*
3rd April!!!! What happened to Feburary!!!
Veeb! You can't throw away Guitar Hero Metallica! It's epic! >_<