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I finally got the DMC4 game and a while ago cleared the first 6 missions on it --- ok, Neropatti isn't that bad. Actually he can be fun, but my main beef with him is how he looks just like Dante. Poor kid, had the developers given him different looks, he would've been more personal and for sure more liked (at least I think so).
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30 minutes my backside...I've been left here with three crazy kids for over 2 hours now. Can you please hurry up and get home so I can have some lunch?
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Sounds in the night are rather relaxing to listen... it's raining here and something is wrong with the eaves gutter as it is rattling like a devil --- but it kinda blends in well with the clanking the trains passing by are making.
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Fair enough, I usually listen to really loud heavy metal music if I can't get to sleep, next thing I know, I get a fright from the music, trash my whole room trying to shut it up and I'm late for my studies and I'm running all over the place. I need a better method, help?
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Fair enough, I usually listen to really loud heavy metal music if I can't get to sleep, next thing I know, I get a fright from the music, trash my whole room trying to shut it up and I'm late for my studies and I'm running all over the place. I need a better method, help?

Oh my... well, I usually put the radio on, but not loud, and while absent-mindedly listening to it I can relax and fall asleep better than rolling around and wondering will I sleep at all before the morning. But if music makes you energetic, then... well, they say drink a cup of tea or hot milk or whatever, but I don't know.
But it's true that if you just lay in the bed staring the ceiling, you're not going to fall alseep; yet if you at such times get up for a little while, or read a book for a little moment, sleepiness will come back to you when you're not concentrating on it. But it's not guaranteed; why would I be awake at this time of night if I could sleep, haha. xD
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Then sleep away my friend, cuz I could do with some now.
Thanks for the advice.

No problem. ;D
Hehe... my eyes are starting to sting from the lack of sleep, but my brain isn't just able to shut down for some shut-eye. I have this strange urge to play KoF now... as Ash. But staring at TV (at computer screen, too...) is one helluva good way to drive the sleep away as it is very stimulating to the brain... oh well. Maybe I should just go and do what I talked about; book in hand and radio in the background... hmm.
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Fair enough, if you need to, you need to, but this is all the chatting I'm probably gonna be able to give you because I'm about to leave in less than 2 mins, catch ya later!!
And get some rest soon.
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Not gonna reach my deadline. I just know it. I never reach my deadline. I feel like a failure and only my mother does anything to try and sway me from that feeling. Does it never occur to my family that if they tried to motivate me to something I wanted (hmm, like accepting that I don't want to go to culinary school just because they like my cooking, and maybe trying to convince me that it is possible to finish a project this big in a week) I might actually succeed? No. Of course not. Instead, they continuously tell me I won't manage it and that I never finish anything and that I waste my time doing things I enjoy when I should be out working in a job I hate to support everyone in the family but myself when no one in the family needs or wants my support. I'm sick of being there for everyone and not being stood up for. They're supposed to be my family. They're not supposed to nitpick and complain about the things I try to acheive. They're supposed to care. Thanks, family. You sure know how to make me feel worth it and not like I should give up. :mad:

Angel: I'll wear it :D I love dressing up :D

Shadow: It doesn't help when you put yourself down. I know encouragement from parents help, but don't be so hard on yourself. I was exactly the same back in college. There is only one person that can drive you and that's you. I found that out myself. Trouble is, i was too hard on myself, and i have to admit, i still am. But, you can't break bad habits. (I know, that if you (yes you Shadow) can put you mind and time into anything, you'll get it done. as for me, i just don't have the drive anymore.) Anyway, it wasn't technically advice... call it VeeBee sticking her ugly hoot in ;)

Ooh yay, a 360 and ps3 update, must be my lucky day... not...>.>

Oh come on... stupid internet...

EDIT: Is it just me, or can any tell if a game is made by SquareEnix by just looking at the cover (without seeing their logo at the bottom). It's like all of their game designs are the same (ie, they all have the FF look about them)
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