Don't worry, I do that too.
Hehe, woot for confusion. X3
Ha...! the power of a gentleman.
Heh, indeed. And there are so few gentlemen left.... *glad there are still some, though*
Don't worry, I do that too.
Ha...! the power of a gentleman.
i never want dat feeling of ban hammerness it would hurtYou'd be surprised. Guess it's just too irresistible here and they LOVE the feel of my banhammer...
Heh, indeed. And there are so few gentlemen left.... *glad there are still some, though*
"gits and shiggles"
You'd be surprised. Guess it's just too irresistible here and they LOVE the feel of my banhammer...
I try to be gentlemanly when I can. XD
Speaking of confusing words, I tends to sometimes actually say IRL "gits and shiggles" when I mean... Well, y'know.
Hehe, you're very gentlemanly, DT. ^^ LOL Gits and shiggles? I like that. XD *ought to start using that*
their pobably stupid or something u dont sound crazy to me or we could be on the childish side a lil bitThe majority of people on my bus prolly think me and my best friends are crazy -__-""
OH WELL*skips away merrily*
(Some Horror game) = Silent Hill.....and that's what makes it cool.(Some Horror game) = DmC COOL
(Some Horror game) = Silent Hill.....and that's what makes it cool.
History is killing me.
What made you think that?So...uhh... you mean that the latest trailers of DmC showing the environment ain't 'cool' ... Because it ain't a horror type...??