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So it was chocolate and lollipops to blame. I was wondering what we were on! XD

MC:*sits down beside Dante and takes his face in her hands* Okay, ready
*kisses his cheek*
D: O_0
What, that's it?
MC:*swats him over the head* You were just snogging my friend. Like hell I'm gonna kiss you!
R:*takes picture* Aww. :3 *surprised that she finds it cute*
Yay *bounces over to Raven to fangirl over photos*
D:Are you gonna get going now or what?
R: Eh...do we have to? =(
MC: Sure. One more picture, though Of you and Vergil this time.
D:Me and... did I hear you right? *shocked*
R: O_o
V:*is heading for the door*
R: Yeah...I was wondering the same thing... *blocks door*
MC: Yeah what? D: What did I say?
R:Were you saying that they had to take a picture of them kissing? O_o
D:*exchanges looks with Vergil* I think I'm gonna be sick.
MC:*reflexively gags* AH NO! Oh my gosh, NO!
That's not what I Noo no no no, I hate yaoi!
and twincest, and all that unnatural sword-fighting stuff..
R:*bursts out giggling* /xD
MC:I just want a picture of you two together. As brothers. Standing next to each other. Not touching. At all. In any kind of way whatsoever. And I'm rambling now because everything I say makes me think 'yaoi'. *facepalm*

OMG, it's hilarious how everyone - EVERYONE - is following except for me! XD
That's not faked confusion, btw. I really was confused. Yet somehow Dante knew what was going on.
Wait. How the HECK did I manage that? :crazyface:
So it was chocolate and lollipops to blame. I was wondering what we were on! XD
OMG, it's hilarious how everyone - EVERYONE - is following except for me! XD
That's not faked confusion, btw. I really was confused. Yet somehow Dante knew what was going on.
Wait. How the HECK did I manage that? :crazyface:

XD ROFL just...ROFLMFAO. I always wondered how we did that. Woot for the sugarhighs! Dun worry, my muses know things I don't know most of the time...or they figure things out before I do. Doesn't it get annoying? >_>

Robin: "Wait...where are we?"
BB: "*stares up at DMC sign* Dude...no way! We're in Devil May Cry!"
Raven: "Which...is what again?"
Cy: "Hey, I know where we are! *looks at BB* Isn't this that game we got our butts kicked on?"
Star: "*confused* We are in a game? This game has injured you? *worried*"
BB: "Not just a game. A totally awesome, butt-kick, action game! *fanboys*"
Cy: "*also fanboying*"
Raven: "*dryly* So...I take it by the name, we're going to be fighitng demons?"
Everyone: "*stops**remembers Trigon**begin mental freak outs*"
The more I write of this crossover, the more I like it. XD
I hate this phone. No i dont want to share a link! D:<
Are you going to go to sleep any time soon? Please? Mommy feels like poo. Yes like the poo you just made.I wish you'd stop smiling at me. Sleep NAO, smiles now-now!

LOL. We have a way of twisting things, don't we?
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Just don't understand why people post about things they don't like. Wouldn't it just be smarter to keep quiet about it and avoid being told off when you say something rude?

Also...why does everyone say I'm like the manipulative, bad guy in every fandom I like? DX It's either that or the airhead. Or the moody one. I'm not that bad, right? *finds it weird*
Been thinking about what Meg talked about a little while ago, about "what'll happen when DmC comes out". Honestly, I'll probably be of the very few who still support it if it tanks. ._.
"A little while ago"? You mean a few hours before you posted? :P