*tumbleweed rolls by*
wow this place sure is quit tonight...Hi if your on ^_^
wow this place sure is quit tonight...Hi if your on ^_^
Estate Agents are evil! I mean really ******* evil! They blatantly lie to your face. I'm like helloooo! I'm an adult human being! Your wasting your time - they are trying to get money out of us by bull****ing it's disgusting. And I thought politicians were bad.
I quit from university, my afternoon classes are finished and now I have nothing to do -_-
I can see into your near future... I can see you turning into a jobless bum with nothing better to do than lie on the couch watching daytime tv, drinking stale lager and eating last weeks leftover curry, all the while lamenting of what you could have been doing back at UNI if you'd done things a little bit different while listening to Linkin Park and then posting here. Word of warning bout the curries- don't eat the brown lumps, they aren't raisins. Do you have rats?
Where's the dislike button when you need it? =/
Ehh? You don't like what I said?Don't think it merits a dislike!
Anyways, I'm off to work now. NPower staff - I'M COMING TO GET YOU *******!