
That was good.
...the fangirl squee overtook me when Dante did his twirly thing with the guns after we defeat-
After I defeated.
e_e after WE defeated the Saviour (18)
And I made plenty of notes for my IHEAY fic, to get at least some of the details right about Fortu-
My head's still spinning from running around that place in circles.
Will you just SHUT UP!
Not until you come back for some more play. I'm not done yet!
But Nero killed my buzz when he slumped out of the statue's heart
I forgot all about him until he came grunting and groaning with his melodramatic perform-
Admit it, you love me.
I think you're lying.
Oh yah? If I could, I would've kicked you while you were down! How's that for showing the love!?
Don't be like that. We're nearly done with DH, just suck it up for a little while longer.
I don't like playing as you.
Well you gotta go through me to get to him *points at Dante*
He's got a point.

That was good.
...the fangirl squee overtook me when Dante did his twirly thing with the guns after we defeat-
After I defeated.
e_e after WE defeated the Saviour (18)
And I made plenty of notes for my IHEAY fic, to get at least some of the details right about Fortu-
My head's still spinning from running around that place in circles.
Will you just SHUT UP!
Not until you come back for some more play. I'm not done yet!
But Nero killed my buzz when he slumped out of the statue's heart

Admit it, you love me.
I think you're lying.
Oh yah? If I could, I would've kicked you while you were down! How's that for showing the love!?
Don't be like that. We're nearly done with DH, just suck it up for a little while longer.
I don't like playing as you.

Well you gotta go through me to get to him *points at Dante*
He's got a point.