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There should be a show about it called
"Babies I don't care about"
The baby would win
I swear I heard that before.
But honestly, I care more about the cassini(?) that's in Saturn's rings taking pictures of earth
That should be the thing the world should be waiting for, because that little blue dot is us.
But nope. LOOK. A BABUY
In seriousness though, congrats for her, but...to me it's just something I'm not going to get worked up about.
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It's been like a media circus from start to finish. I just hope it will all be over soon. If this wasn't a royal baby, no one would care....instead we have this ridiculous amount of media coverage full of substanceless drivel. >_<

There making too much out of this. Woman has a baby...not like this has never happened before.

I kinda feel bad for Kate, having a baby, probably feeling really tired, then having to face the press asking loads of questions and firing cameras in her face.

Some of the comments I have seen have been rather...unkind. Most of those pertaining to how Wiiliam will now have mistresses because Kate has ruined her body by having a baby; or how Kate is nothing by a royal broodmare who has now done her duty.

You know how it is, talk is cheap, and hardly anybody out there has reason to care that much about a family that realistically has nothing to do with them. And I'll bet that talk was on the internet. The media pushing it in people's faces urgently the way they have is bound to raise a few hackles too. If you ask me it looks like being used as a massive distraction from all the important stuff going on, like the continuous erosion of liberties in the UK for starters, "Call me Dave" Cameron telling people what they can and cannot own on their adult DVD shelf, among other things...
That was a good idea (with the goggles).
No problem :3 Well it's a new type of picture. Victoria and Nite were kind of 'experiments'. Let's just say I won't be making a habit of it. I've nearly finished Victoria's picture though (it had to be completely re-drawn in paint .net >_< I messed up quite a bit ).

Thankies. :3
:O Oh! I see. Well, I'm excited to see it. ^^; *sorry the experiment didn't go as well as you wanted it to, though*
And I'll bet that talk was on the internet. The media pushing it in people's faces urgently the way they have is bound to raise a few hackles too.
Yep, if you have that kind of news in your face frequently enough, it is going to annoy people, especially when a lot of the so-called news was pointless speculation, and throwing anything in just to seem relevant.

If you ask me it looks like being used as a massive distraction from all the important stuff going on, like the continuous erosion of liberties in the UK for starters, "Call me Dave" Cameron telling people what they can and cannot own on their adult DVD shelf, among other things...
They want to use anything as a distraction to take peoples minds off what is really going on in this country. Got to say though, I haven't heard about this DVD restriction. I'll have to look into that.
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They want to use anything as a distraction to take peoples minds off what is really going on in this country. Got to say though, I haven't heard about this DVD restriction. I'll have to look into that.

Not a DVD restriction, they literally want to block all adult material at the ISP level, unless you opt in, plus they've just banned rape porn here, claiming its "immoral", but making no distinction that I know of between real rape porn and pretend rape porn, or drawn rape, just as they banned violent porn also recently. David Cameron claims he "does not want to scaremonger or moralise", but that is exactly what it is. And it won't protect children from seeing porn, or protect kids from being exploited for child porn, because no paedophile is going to type "child porn" into Google for crying out loud. They use the deep web, apparently something Cameron has never heard of.

So, that could mean a lot of manga and anime and yaoi is now going to be illegal here, owning it will suddenly be a criminal offence, even though it is not even real people (he hasn't clarified this, shocker) under that law; but it could also mean that any kind of nudity is going to be routinely blocked under the other one... because let's face it this government is utterly incompetent, and I wouldn't trust any flagging system they'll devise as far as I could throw it. It concerns me because I make my living as an artist, I deal with human nudity. Not porn, but artistic nudity will almost certainly be flagged as some form of adult content we can't let the Little Dears see. Which means I'll probably be routinely blocked, because I make sculptures that before their clothes are on are often photographed in the making and might be showing a pair of clay ta-tas. And I can't opt out of such a system because I need to be able to access things like artistic nudity and tutorials that show life drawing, human anatomy, etc. as a normal part of my work, and I don't want them blocked for me. Any video streamed online in the UK is also apparently going to have to be vetted as well under these proposals, so get ready for a whole bunch of normal Youtube stuff etc. that won't be visible until some clown vets it for your consumption. . .

Welcome to the United Kingdom of China.
Welcome to the United Kingdom of China.

In China, they probably can access porn and mature material (the keyword there being 'mature' Mr Cameron)... ¬_¬
People have liberty and freedom in the west eh? Not anymore. Surely it vilolates some human right... and if it doesn't it should (freedom of expression of something).

Thankies. :3
:O Oh! I see. Well, I'm excited to see it. ^^; *sorry the experiment didn't go as well as you wanted it to, though*

Thanks :), I'll try and get it posted later.
Not a DVD restriction, they literally want to block all adult material at the ISP level, unless you opt in, plus they've just banned rape porn here, claiming its "immoral", but making no distinction that I know of between real rape porn and pretend rape porn, or drawn rape, just as they banned violent porn also recently.
I didn't even know that rape porn existed:O That I agree with banning. However, if a guy or lady is going to rape someone, they're going to do it regardless of a video. Same with being violent. Some people are just pre disposed to be that way, or they learn it.
I heard Sweden was also considering a ban on drawn pornography, especially depicting children, or adults who look like children.
But, even if they want to ban this sort of thing, people have ways of distributing it. I guess this is a bad comparison to make, but prohibition was a big failure. They thought banning alcohol would help, but people still wanted it, so alcohol went underground, and people drank it anway at speakeasy or made their own.
If they keep on banning pornography or restricting, then people are going to find a way around the ban and it will cause worse problems than the ban claims to solve. If you force porn underground, then that might be putting the actors in danger or cause a number of other problems.

David Cameron claims he "does not want to scaremonger or moralise", but that is exactly what it is. And it won't protect children from seeing porn, or protect kids from being exploited for child porn, because no paedophile is going to type "child porn" into Google for crying out loud. They use the deep web, apparently something Cameron has never heard of.
If a pedo wants those sort of images or videos, he or she will know where to get them, whether though the internet or real life contacts.

So, that could mean a lot of manga and anime and yaoi is now going to be illegal here, owning it will suddenly be a criminal offence, even though it is not even real people (he hasn't clarified this, shocker) under that law; but it could also mean that any kind of nudity is going to be routinely blocked under the other one... because let's face it this government is utterly incompetent, and I wouldn't trust any flagging system they'll devise as far as I could throw it.
I don't see why they should ban it. The yaoi manga I've seen for sale in comic stores is wrapped in celophane and clearly marked as yaoi in an adult section of store. So, its not like a kid could buy it.
The only thing I have issue with is rape manga. I know it's not real people, but for me it's just not right to be publishing a book about rape.

It concerns me because I make my living as an artist, I deal with human nudity. Not porn, but artistic nudity will almost certainly be flagged as some form of adult content we can't let the Little Dears see.
I don't think artistic nude should be banned. Who cares if there's tits...I don't see the big deal.
As for children seeing things, I don't think it's a bad thing to see artistic nude...unless you want children growing up with body shame.>_<
Maybe a sytem like DA where artists put an age block on their work that they feel might be unsuitable for children could be implimented? That might satisfy people worried about children, and artists can choose who sees their work.

Welcome to the United Kingdom of China.
Not quite there yet...thought I have noticed Virgin are blocking quite few sites recently. :mad:
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Well, I don't appreciate this government telling me what constitutes acceptable sexual material in the privacy of a person's own home. Owning rape porn, or a book or a story about rape, or a drawing of rape or a yaoi story does NOT automatically make someone a sexual deviant or a criminal, or a person who is highly likely to run out and rape somebody because they read about it. And this is a fact, apparently often forgotten. Who am I to tell other people what they should and shouldn't find arousing or interesting? This, and knee-jerk banning things you personally don't like, or because you think it will help, is the thin end of a very large wedge, which, if it can lead to this, what's next? Take your pick. This government sees fit to treat the adults of this country like children, so I wouldn't be too hopeful that this is the end of their little moral crusade.

They are telling people what they should and shouldn't get off to (bear in mind this is the same government that endorses homosexual wedlock, and they are supposed to be conservatives. Do they even have half a clue what they are doing any more?). On the one hand, I agree that rape in general is not something to encourage - but you tackle that by education and encouraging respect from day one, not with a "ban this sick filth" campaign. If anything all that does is make people (children especially) even more interested in things that they are "not supposed to see". When I was a child, the internet did not exist, but children still saw porn and took it to school and hid it in their lockers to giggle at. Nothing can realistically stop them seeing it, only education (by their parents especially) can give them the power to view it for what it is. Entertainment or make-believe (what it should be, anyway) , not something they have to re-enact on impulse.

And with the way they are going about this internet porn ban, and the sort of responses I am seeing to it ("you DON'T agree with a porn ban? SO YOU DON'T HAVE ANY CHILDREN THEN? Your opinion is invalid/you are obviously a pervert!" etc.) belies an ignorance and nonchalance towards the personal freedoms being pruned away with it which is frankly shocking. Doesn't anybody care that, in the guise of protecting your kids, they are going to be stigmatizing a whole lot of people for the actual innocent ownership or production of artistic things. Drawn pornography for example. Exactly how can this possibly more corrupting and 'evil' than real pornography - or has there been an actual scientific study performed that has demonstrated statistically that it somehow turns a significant portion of people consuming it into rapists or other types of criminal? I haven't seen such a study done, nor heard of one being done. And until there is one, I will not judge purely on my own personal tastes whether something should be considered truly criminal or harmful. Because that is scaremongering.

The way many people are behaving about it online at least, and the fact this is actually being pushed as much by the Daily Mail and its crowd (nauseating) as any other group, makes me think these people don't even deserve their freedom, because if you throw away your freedom for an illusion of safety, you deserve neither - as Franklin suggests - because they certainly don't value it, nor seem to understand how Freedom works. (I.e just because you don't like something doesn't mean you get to stop others liking it). I agree with restrictions upon real rape material, just as I agree that snuff movies are not to be encouraged, but it isn't a clear-cut black and white line to draw when it comes to that which is acted, drawn or not real, and sometimes it is difficult to tell. By all means rate it, and filter it from family friendly sites, but this one-size-fits-all censorship of the web simply to save parents the bother of keeping an eye on their own children is going to cause more problems than it solves, whilst not solving the rape-porn and child-porn problems, at the same time taking this country one step closer to the types of dictatorships and regimes our government so often criticizes elsewhere.

If anything we're in regression; censorship and restriction is for children and those with diminished sense of responsibility, and a more intelligent or enlightened society should possess the brains and the judgement to cope with, avoid or self-categorize this sort of material by itself. But apparently this population can't be trusted to think for itself, according to this joke of a leadership. It is easier to ban than to educate, and fail to solve the problem at the roots as long as it appears on the surface that 'something is being done'.

I don't really need to mention how inadequate in reality such a proposed ISP porn block or rape porn ban will be. Anyone vaguely familiar with the internet (not MPs evidently) knows that all that stuff, including banned stuff, is as accessible as ever to those determined to find it. How far did banning torrent sites get? Not very: the effect is only 'skin deep'. Before they even implement this how many millions upon millions of websites will the ISPs need to flag or unflag before they can begin? And the job will be continuous and almost impossible to perform fairly, as sites appear and disappear and reappear elsewhere under different names constantly. The web shifts and evolves every day faster than any single group of people can cope with - it can only ever be 'regulated' in any sense actively by ALL of those participating in it, not by any one body, and even then only inasmuch as those participating are willing to, and what cumulative effects might arise from it. This government doesn't seem to know that what it is suggesting can't be done properly at all.

I didn't even know that rape porn existed:O

You really haven't heard of Rule 34? My oh my.
My god, I can't stand this place anymore.
I constantly hear my sister yelling and bitching at her husband, she treats him like he's a retarded monkey.
I'm surprised he doesn't leave her, but then again I'd be stuck with her.
I need my own place.
You really haven't heard of Rule 34? My oh my.
If it exists, there is porn of it:troll:

Well, I don't appreciate this government telling me what constitutes acceptable sexual material in the privacy of a person's own home
My only objection to that would be people who keep sexual images of children in their homes and actual rape videos. Those should be banned because they involve people in situations they were forced into, situations that damage them for life.
Pornography on the other hand, it's all just acting anyway, and presumably the people involved want to be there because they are paid to do it. So I don't think the government should restrict the legally made porn videos because there are already guidelines in place to ensure the health and safety of the porn actors.

The way many people are behaving about it online at least, and the fact this is actually being pushed as much by the Daily Mail and its crowd (nauseating) as any other group, makes me think these people don't even deserve their freedom, because if you throw away your freedom for an illusion of safety, you deserve neither
I think there's a saying to do with that, something like: 'If you want an argument against democracy, then spend 5 mintues with the average voter'.
I think they should maybe talk to someone who owns pornographic material and then maybe they'd find out that not all porn watchers are creepy old men living in a basement who are just waiting to be rapists or child molestors. Yes, some are going to be like that, but not all. Besides, they also seem to ignore that women watch porn too these days.

Owning rape porn, or a book or a story about rape, or a drawing of rape or a yaoi story does NOT automatically make someone a sexual deviant or a criminal, or a person who is highly likely to run out and rape somebody because they read about it.
True, owning something like that does not mean that every owner is a rapist, but what about things like sexual images of children or child rape? That's banned for a reason because the owners of that sort of material are paedophiles.
Plus, it is known that if someone is exposed to material like that, it normalises that behaviour and it would make them likely to carry that behaviour out in real life.

On the one hand, I agree that rape in general is not something to encourage - but you tackle that by education and encouraging respect from day one, not with a "ban this sick filth" campaign.
Should not be encouraged at all. Rape is a crime for a reason. It damages the men and women it happens to.
Children should be talked to at an appropriate age about it, and told it is wrong, and told why it is wrong.
It like I said in my previous post: force something undergound, and you're going to make worse problems than the one you wanted to solve.
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@ Loopy

Perhaps I did not emphasize that my slant and concern on all of this is from an artist's perspective, and I'm not advocating rape, or owning rape porn, or child porn, I'm speaking largely about pornography that is either faked, or drawn because I draw manga myself, and my concern is chiefly with the idea of a nanny state blanket-judging a whole lot of things under some 'sexual deviant' umbrella, including the artistic. Or my freedom of expression, general freedoms and privacy being raped also. It goes without saying child porn is bad, but a) this won't actually stop it and b) I do not trust those who make the judgement on what is necessarily 'good' or 'bad' for the population to do so in a fair and objective manner, to judge on evidence over certain beliefs and compulsions that are currently giving the shrieky British press a whale of a time as they whip the public up with it as much as possible. Pedos on every corner and so on.

For example. The recent "Dangerous Cartoons Bill" passed quietly and sneakily by the UK government now means that shota and lolicon are banned here. I don't consume either of those, and I would not say that either of those are healthy to encourage at all but the fact is, they ARE just drawings and no child was coerced or abused making them. Now what DOES concern me is the artistic slant. If you've not heard of Trevor Brown for example, Google him. I have a few of his books and I like his work. It's NOT pornographic or paedophilic - but certain idiots out there have labelled it such, simply because he draws cartoonish child-like characters with somewhat adult accoutrements or with abusive connotations. Like a child-like fairy riding a flying a dildo for example, NOT naked or indulging in sex with it, just riding on it like you'd ride a bloody fantasy dragon - I admit, what he does paint is sometimes obviously controversial, like "Little Boy Blue" for example, but it's not explicit. However, Trevor Brown has been threatened and harassed simply for being an artist such that he left the UK quite some time ago. I don't think his works are anything close to 'dangerous' or pornographic, but the lynch mob mentality and the busybodies up on high could easily label it thus, and then what am I for collecting his art books? A pedophile? How easily I could become one if someone on high says I am, and get carted off to jail.

In fact, you could draw a stick man and a stick woman having sex on a scrap of paper, and draw an arrow on it pointing to the figures that says "these are having underage sex" and you'd be breaking the law. THAT's how blanketing and unspecified that bill is, according to the wording last I read it. Dangerous cartoons: drawings sexualising underage children. Even if they are stick children. Even if they don't even look like children, or if the person judging it just thinks they do. When you visualise this, it's evident that while its intentions are good, it's been woefully set out and implemented on the sly without any debate or public involvement at all, and can potentially criminalise just about anyone, or depends HEAVILY on the judgement of a prosecutor, who under this, could pretty much do whatever they want to defendant stick-children doodler.

I remember Trevor Brown pictures of little girls with black eyes, too. If the man wants to paint children with black eyes, he should be free do to so in this 'free' country, but he frequently was labelled as someone who advocated child abuse because the pictures showed a black eye or whatever. Seriously. People are that dumb, and seem to miss the whole point about art being a medium of expression or a medium that evokes thought and debate, not something that should only be undertaken if it doesn't offend any given person's personal sensibilities.

If someone has a whole bunch of real child porn which by definition can only be created by exploitation of a minor, they are breaking the law. Someone who drew it? No child was exploited to make a drawing, so in my book it can't be considered the same as a photograph or film of a real child. As for whether exposure to cartoon kiddie sex normalizes behaviour - I'd like to see some hard evidence that it definitely or addictively corrupts, or 'converts' (or creates or whatever the hell it is) pedophiles at an equal or faster rate than already are converted or created by regular child porn, since psychology currently treats paedophilia as a disease and not an orientation or something other (who knows? It seems nobody wants to seriously research and treat this apparently rampant condition, they just want to scream about it). If there is hard evidence with statistics to back it up, I'll more than accept it, I'll champion it. But until - I'm not going to accept as fact with all the screaming turkeys around. Japan, for example, well known for the production of manga and anime, some of which is pornographic, some of which features minors. The crime stats for Japan tell a different story - extremely low violent crime rates per capita there, rape apparently not through the roof either as a result of a higher level of potential exposure to this material (it is discouraged and 'underground' in a sense but not illegal - yet, to my knowledge). Of course we don't know if a good deal of rape or underage sex is going unreported there, but we don't know that here either; but if stats mean anything, what you're seeing there is that it isn't as damaging or corruptive as most people believe, or else their society is just a hell of a lot better at holding itself in check than ours? Even so, I'd still like to see some actual serious studies done on the statistics here and elsewhere, because all I seem to see all over the newspages comments sections are those on their moral high horses and not a whole lot of facts supporting their calls for bans.

I can certainly guess and make opinions about whether or not I think this material is dangerous, but I'm tired of mere opinions including my own and I want to see some academic weight put into this, if it's such a massive concern to so many governments. Of course rather it could be a convenient gateway for them to induce internet controls, and what next will be censored for your "protection"? Subversive political opinions? Foreign news sites? Searches about government activities? Religious groups? You can already be flagged and watched in this country for visiting certain websites the government want to keep an eye on, even if you arrived there by accident. If you opt in for 'adult content' with ISP in the UK, which I also assume means it include websites for gambling, drug information, cruising, dating and other such things, your name will potentially be on a list of people who opted for it, another privacy you won't have.

If rape should not even be seen, dissected or discussed in any media, there's quite a few 'normal' movies and God knows how many books that would have to be removed from mainstream sale, in order not to 'encourage it' by presenting it as part of the 'entertainment' industry, many of which deal with serious stories, issues or real-life events. I don't think it should be 'encouraged' and certainly not 'glorified', but it SHOULDN'T be censored. Anything but. Censorship only tends to achieve even more ignorance about a subject that's been going on since the dawn of Man, so very long before the Internet.
@ Loopy

Perhaps I did not emphasize that my slant and concern on all of this is from an artist's perspective, and I'm not advocating rape, or owning rape porn, or child porn, I'm speaking largely about pornography that is either faked, or drawn because I draw manga myself, and my concern is chiefly with the idea of a nanny state blanket-judging a whole lot of things under some 'sexual deviant' umbrella, including the artistic.
I got the wrong end of the stick and thought you were mostly talking about rape porn videos versus real rape videos.:blush:
As for artistic, I don't think there should be any restrictions because it's a drawing, a book or a sculpture. People have been drawing naked people since forever, and writing adult novels. That sort of thing doesn't harm anyone, and people have the choice to look or not look.
Besides, if they ban one thing in the name of protecting people, then they will use that excuse again and again to ban anything and everything by making people so afraid or paranoid that they won't stop the ban because they've been made to believe that the ban is for their own good.

Japan, for example, well known for the production of manga and anime, some of which is pornographic, some of which features minors. The crime stats for Japan tell a different story - extremely low violent crime rates per capita there, rape apparently not through the roof either as a result of a higher level of potential exposure to this material (it is discouraged and 'underground' in a sense but not illegal - yet, to my knowledge). Of course we don't know if a good deal of rape or underage sex is going unreported there, but we don't know that here either; but if stats mean anything, what you're seeing there is that it isn't as damaging or corruptive as most people believe, or else their society is just a hell of a lot better at holding itself in check than ours?

With Japan, there are news stories of guys groping women on trains, teachers having sex with underage girls, wives having sex with schoolboys, 'health parlours' being raded for using minors...I just hope those kind of news stories are rare...

What I find strange with Japan is the censorship laws. They blurr out the genitals, but you clearly know what is going on.:/

As for levels of crime, they are lower. You leave your purse somewhere, and most likely it will be handed in to a police box. The Japanese are good for that kind of honesty.There's a societal expectation that they must be that way, and anyone who isn't, is shamed publically.

There is a lot of social and societal pressure in Japan to put on a normal face for the world, keep your problems to yourself and just get on with life, which does lead to a lot of private problems and high suicide rates.
When a person finally snaps in Japan, they do it spectacularly. One adult guy burned his mother alive because she threw out his Gundam figures and asked him to get a job. :blink: At least those cases are rare, just like any other part of the world.

If rape should not even be seen, dissected or discussed in any media, there's quite a few 'normal' movies and God knows how many books that would have to be removed from mainstream sale, in order not to 'encourage it' by presenting it as part of the 'entertainment' industry, many of which deal with serious stories, issues or real-life events. I don't think it should be 'encouraged' and certainly not 'glorified', but it SHOULDN'T be censored. Anything but. Censorship only tends to achieve even more ignorance about a subject that's been going on since the dawn of Man, so very long before the Internet.
I don't have a problem with it in a movie or a serious plot; maybe it could help someone, or give them the courage to speak up.
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Why is nothing making sense?! I'm reading stuff 4/5 times and I still don't understand it >_<

So, I assume the MP knows nothing about the internet? Great... (Sorry, I assume that's what the article is saying, my brain didn't process that very well).

CT: I'm sorry, but when does a cosplay of Dark Magician Girl (Yu-Gi-Oh! And a few other cosplays) fit into a group about DMC?![/quote]
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I got the wrong end of the stick and thought you were mostly talking about rape porn videos versus real rape videos.:blush:

In general I wasn't, but it is another point to mull. The strange laws of this land now state that you can engage in some pretty hefty BDSM sex in real life, well, anything as long as it's consensual - but under the 'violent pornography' ban they brought in last year, if you filmed it in your own bedroom or otherwise recorded it visually, you're a criminal. Same if you now decided to enact a rape or non-con roleplay scene I suppose, which could come under BDSM. Even if it was between two perfectly consenting adults for their own entertainment. So they're not so much intent at stamping out the practice itself, as they've freaked at the idea of people watching it. I assume they think it'll lead to an increase in sex attacks and rape, or in injuries resulting from violent sex between consenting adults... but given the prevalence of this sort of material on the web if you decide to search for porn, and the apparent high consumption of porn in general in developed countries, by this rationale we should be swimming in criminal rapists and perverts... but we're not. Not statistically, anyway. That's probably because most people know the difference between right and wrong, and most people won't end up as sex attackers. But if the govt. is so intent upon raising the standards of 'sexual decency' in this society, just banning rough and rapey porn is hardly enough to do that, wouldn't you say? They would have to teach sexual etiquette in schools or something instead (my stomach turns at the thought of missionary position and bland foreplay lessons XD) but at the same time appear rather squeamish about teaching kids the sex stuff, even when their advisors have claimed that it would benefit kids to receive their sex ed far earlier than they currently do. We must preserve their innocence at all costs, they cry, probably ignorant that a good deal of 11 year olds already know full well what sex is, and get their 'education' from their friends... and perhaps they should ban the sort of stuff on TV that has kids being fed sexualised imagery or has them aspiring to be sexual before the all-knowing Brit govt. thinks they should...

Not that such a law is going to stop people recording it and distributing it if they want to, though, they still do. How they actually did sit down and logically categorize this violent BDSM material for this law is anyone's guess, I'd imagine certain types of gay porn might also fall under this umbrella because they refuse to categorize that properly too, and Cameron has implied - rather heteronormatively - that rape is an act that takes place between a man and a woman (so male rape doesn't exist apparently?). You get the feeling most of the people involved in making these laws never sat through an actual BDSM film as part of the lawmaking process, and have simply opted for a set of 'body parts that must not be damaged' which they label as 'most harmful' for the public to see. Sounds like somebody thought, "well if it's not around to see, it just isn't going to occur to anyone to do it, is it?" But I'm fairly certain that there's a streak of it in all human cultures at all times somewhere and a certain number of individuals will experiment in any case. I mean, it's banned now, but realistically do you think cases of rape or sexual violence will go up or down as a result? I'm not a party to what the police or the ONS gets to see on their screens but I'll hazard a guess that there is always going to be enough of that going on to worry about regardless. Yes, it seems when they catch a particularly high-profile pervert out there someone's quick to point out "he had a dungeon of kiddie porn!" or "he owned violent pornography!" as if it's an ultimate vindicator, not so much something an already screwed-up individual would deliberately collect. Yet the sheer prevalence and easy access of this material online should suggest way more people are secretly horrific perverts, then - how the Cabinet sleep at night I don't know. They must be revolving in their beds.

While I wouldn't personally fancy a porno on par with Ichi the Killer, and I hear some of them can be pretty nasty, I'd sort of like my bans to be suggested by experts in the field, people who study the psychology of rape and sexual violence, or those who study those who commit it, and can comment upon the actual dangers of this material, and do so publicly. We have campaigns about how smoking is harmful, so why not this, if it is so harmful? Sure, one can speak of what they think is 'common sense' (not so common), and that 'surely violent porn can't be good', but these are people's personal freedoms being sliced away, a piece at a time - to underestimate and denigrate that in this age where the word "Freedom" is bandied about as an advertisement for 'how great we are over here' like never before is a mistake, I think. . .

As for artistic, I don't think there should be any restrictions because it's a drawing, a book or a sculpture. People have been drawing naked people since forever, and writing adult novels. That sort of thing doesn't harm anyone, and people have the choice to look or not look.
Besides, if they ban one thing in the name of protecting people, then they will use that excuse again and again to ban anything and everything by making people so afraid or paranoid that they won't stop the ban because they've been made to believe that the ban is for their own good.

Exactly. The government here has already decided that drawings are just as bad as real exploitation, and now certain types of pornographic entertainment as well. I am concerned because they constantly appear to be tying these things up together with paedophiles and child porn and "protecting children" in so many reported articles, quite aside from the idea of imposing a standard of decency... it's as if this idea of the children and their protection from the ever-lurking pedo is the ballast stone for their every argument, and the constant repetition of that is a reinforcement in people's minds that these issues are firmly connected, when only the child porn and pedophilia is firmly connected - strictly speaking, in this debate - and should have nothing to do with the case of access to "adult content", or questionable types of porn. I mean, look -


It goes from the issue of the censorship of adult content of the web to "them pedos" in seconds flat. Proving in a sense that those howling for the censorship appear to be allowing their personal fears/preoccupations to override or command the original topic, not to mention making some murky connection between rape porn and pedophilia in the brain when you come away from that article. "Protecting children from seeing adult content" certainly doesn't equal "getting one over on the pedophile menace", or shouldn't. It's an issue of the so-called justification for censoring the entire British web... and all they ever end up ranting about is the pedophiles. At this rate we'll be locking our children up in cages till they're 18.

With Japan, there are news stories of guys groping women on trains, teachers having sex with underage girls, wives having sex with schoolboys, 'health parlours' being raded for using minors...I just hope those kind of news stories are rare...

Quite true, I'm afraid that sort of harassment is prevalent and the Japanese don't like it or accept it any the more for it. Just last fortnight someone I know went on an exchange scheme to live in Japan a while and reported gropey men on the trains. They appear to be trying to tackle the problem - but I think part of the issue is that the gropers are exploiting the overcrowded trains. If they tackled the overcrowding with more trains or facilities, which they need to do anyway in some places, there would be nowhere for these people to blend while trying to grope. They only seem to do it where they cannot be seen, so... removing their cover seems the obvious choice... or the women's only carriages which I hear they wanna implement.

What I find strange with Japan is the censorship laws. They blurr out the genitals, but you clearly know what is going on.:/

It's an old law made way back, like the one that states pubic hair should not be visible... I guess they just don't want to dig up the laws and amend them, or perhaps some people still believe such a pointless censor actually... achieves something.

As for levels of crime, they are lower. You leave your purse somewhere, and most likely it will be handed in to a police box. The Japanese are good for that kind of honesty.There's a societal expectation that they must be that way, and anyone who isn't, is shamed publically.

There is a lot of social and societal pressure in Japan to put on a normal face for the world, keep your problems to yourself and just get on with life, which does lead to a lot of private problems and high suicide rates.
When a person finally snaps in Japan, they do it spectacularly. One adult guy burned his mother alive because she threw out his Gundam figures and asked him to get a job. :blink: At least those cases are rare, just like any other part of the world.

Aye, I know. Like with the gropers, that sort of overt crime isn't usually to be seen where it 'can be seen'.

I don't have a problem with it in a movie or a serious plot; maybe it could help someone, or give them the courage to speak up.

I think it does. There have been some movies I've seen that dealt with rape or gender issues and they can expand your horizons on the subject, particularly if you've ever had these issues, or been attacked, like I have.