The cat and the dog are playing together.... *hides*
I'm sensing the word "chaos". :lol:
CT: I feel a rant coming on... but I'm feeling deflated...
OH MY... She's working on a shirtless Vergil model.... *runs around screaming* that's the only good thing that's happened today.
It was. XD But they're nice and calm now, so....
*knows what you mean about ranting*
"They've read so much cr*p they don't know a good story, anymore." Thanks, mum. Not only does that cheer me up, but it makes me sad I haven't made you a birthday cake.... @_@
When is your mom's birthday?
My dad's is tomorrow... the old fart is 60 :lol: (fart meant in jest... I have called him worse)
That's nothingthe old fart is 60 :lol: (fart meant in jest... I have called him worse)
Tomorrow, as well. ._. LOL Mum's turning 43. I think she's trying to forget that fact. (She says she's turning 23, LOL.) :O Wow, 60! *amazed and amused*
That's nothingmy mum and dad are 65, yet I'm 18 and the youngest of 6 and we're all from the same parents. Work that one out
That's nothingmy mum and dad are 65, yet I'm 18 and the youngest of 6 and we're all from the same parents. Work that one out
Thinking; I need a haircut badly, I just hate dealing with long hair.
my mom's turning 35 this summerI think my mum wishes she was 43... again. Actually, I wish she was 43 again...
then again, they say age is only a number...
Plus I look as it like this, women are pregnant for nine months... when you think about it, it's not really a long time.
If turning 60 is bothering my dad, it isn't showing.
my mom's turning 35 this summer
^story of my life...Story of tonight:
Mum: Turn off the laptop now
Me: Yes, yes, doing it now
*Continues to use laptop*