Yeah, that sort of party pack sounds about right for her considering how some people feel. Opinions of her are very divided because of what she did during power.I wouldn't go have a party about her death, but neither was I too keen when they proposed a tax funded state funeral for her.Apparently where my Uncle lives in Derbyshire (he's been back in Cornwall for the past few days... yay ^^), they've been selling 'bereavement kits' for when she died (...obviously). He didn't say what was in them.... (probably a party popper, a party horn, party hat and a CD of "hey~ho the witch is dead, which old witch, the wicked witch."...not my words... yeah, it's a life and she's dead but... at least I'm not out in the streets partying...) She should've taken Cameron with her though.
(Apologise if this caused offence but there are some people out there who's lives she ruined i.e. took away their lively-hoods.)
CT: I'm thinking of what to do next...
Got to say she lived a long time though.