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Just when I was starting to forgive Evangelion thanks to the Rebuild series, they kill off Unit-01 and introduce an evil counterpart version of her, Unit-13. She looks AWESOME, but my God, why would you do that to Unit-01? ;~;

And Kaworu dies. Again. But I kind of saw that coming. Him taking the bullet for Shinji was something I did NOT see coming.
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I don't know why people hate twilight or is subject of ridicule on every forum i go to. I like vampires and werewolf stuff. Its not another high octane hollywood action of saving the end of the world.........Please...there are worse stuff than twilight. By this i don't admit that twilight is worse. I am jus saying there are worse hollywood movies.BTW , I hate transformers. Talking robots, yeah right.

EDIT : Wat about fantasy movies like narnia and the golden compass. God i could not watch 5 minutes of those movies.
Gah! Why do I have to get sick on the weekend? -.- Going to try and beat some of mah vidja games and think on some plot ideas for my stories. Muse give me ideas!:devil:
Muse: -.- *Images of Vergil and Dante naked appear.*
Me: *Super nose bleed a-go-go* O.o x.x
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I don't know why people hate twilight or is subject of ridicule on every forum i go to. I like vampires and werewolf stuff. Its not another high octane hollywood action of saving the end of the world.........Please...there are worse stuff than twilight. By this i don't admit that twilight is worse. I am jus saying there are worse hollywood movies.BTW , I hate transformers. Talking robots, yeah right.
I like the Twilight movies, I've been to see the last two at the cinema. At the same time, I completely understand why people hate it, and I find the jokes funny. x)

EDIT : Wat about fantasy movies like narnia and the golden compass. God i could not watch 5 minutes of those movies.
I watched them when I was little so I like them. (Only the first Narnia film though, the others aren't that good.)
And when I was younger I read all of the Northern Lights books, what The Golden Compass is based on, so I liked the film when it came out.

Know what films I hate? Christmas films. With the exception of Gremlins, they are way too cliched and annoyingly fake -_-
Know what films I hate? Christmas films. With the exception of Gremlins, they are way too cliched and annoyingly fake -_-
You mean movies totally based on christmas???How many movies are such????I saw polar express. Did not hate it much but did not see the whole movie either.I don't watch much CGI films. I prefer live action ones. And some "home alone" movies.I guess they are more fun or watchable only till christmas ends. We can't have christmas all year , can we???lol.

I am very subjective in entertainment, be it music or movies. Though i am not fan of shooter movies, I still like rambo movies and recently watched "act of valor" which was pretty good. It all depends on how the movie is than the genre it belongs.
I don't know why people hate twilight or is subject of ridicule on every forum i go to. I like vampires and werewolf stuff. Its not another high octane hollywood action of saving the end of the world.........Please...there are worse stuff than twilight. By this i don't admit that twilight is worse. I am jus saying there are worse hollywood movies.BTW , I hate transformers. Talking robots, yeah right.

EDIT : Wat about fantasy movies like narnia and the golden compass. God i could not watch 5 minutes of those movies.
There are two possible reasons for the hate.
1 - they are fans of The Vampire Diaries, ages before rip-off wanna-be Twilight came out
2 - they're aspiring writers who can write crap better than Twilight

The only thing worse than Twilight is Drag Me To Hell. Both are ridiculous with weak plot points and lame anti-climaxes.
I liked Transformers. It took the 'talking robots' story further, made it different to A.I., I am Robot and Terminator. I like that style of film, I also really like supernatural romances.

Narnia and Golden Compass suck. Twilight is not a fantasy movie, it's meant to be a supernatural romance, so why you threw those two in there makes no sense to me.

Personally, I didn't like the Twilight books. I read the first, not even halfway through it I had 'this reminds me of VD' thoughts. I let it slip by, but a few pages later, there was another instance that made me think of VD again. Very similar scenes. Yes, I believe in creative license, but if you can directly track a SCENE back to a book that was published 10 years prior, you have to ask yourself whether the story is really that original. If any book makes you think you're reading another book, it's called a rip off. I call BS on SM stating that she never watched or read vampire books. What a friggin liar.

Maybe, if the books had been shorter, with less idling stupid paragraphs and more character development, I would have liked it. Whoever was SM's editor? I want to track down her name and make sure I never come across her in publishing world. She clearly didn't do her job well. And this, above and beyond anything, is what drives me as a writer NUTS. This woman just randomly decided to write a story in three months and submit it for publishing. She's never written before, and she claims that she didn't research her topic beforehand. She gets published right away.
This isn't called luck, this is called stupidity. WTF.
It's a punch in the face to writers who give a **** about their audience, who put endless hours of effort and thought into their work. You can't blame us for taking the mickey out of her.
I don't know why people hate twilight or is subject of ridicule on every forum i go to. I like vampires and werewolf stuff. Its not another high octane hollywood action of saving the end of the world.........Please...there are worse stuff than twilight. By this i don't admit that twilight is worse. I am jus saying there are worse hollywood movies.BTW , I hate transformers. Talking robots, yeah right.

EDIT : Wat about fantasy movies like narnia and the golden compass. God i could not watch 5 minutes of those movies.

Also, Bella has as much personality as a teaspoon. And vampires sparkling is just an insult. Pixies sparkle. Fairies sparkle. Vampires? Drag you into an alley, rip open your neck, and drain your blood. Anywho.
I'll admit, I started reading Twilight because a boy I liked reccommended it to me (this was before I had ever been able to come onto the internet, mind you, so...gulible, much?) and I tried to read through the entire series because there's no point in starting a series if you're not going to finish it. Book one was...okay, nothing special. And, let's be honest, it's nothing more or less than what it is: an overhyped YA book designed to get teen/tween girls obsessing over "hot" male lead so they'll go and buy books and make everyone money. (And, as long as it's getting "kids" to read, why complain?) The second and third books bored me beyond all get out and I didn't even finish the fourth one because of the whole vampire-baby-with-a-cr*ppy-name thing. What turned me off to the series the most, ironically, is the fans. The hardcore Twilight fans are batsh*t. The series itself isn't bad...but it's nothing good, either. It's just mediocre and overhyped to the point you either feel like you have to like it or you're missing out on something or you hate it by default because of all the stuff going around. Plus, Bella was just annoying.
Hate for the movies...I guess it comes down to bad acting.

Mum's hogging the TV again. =(
+ Now I can't get the thought of vampires out of my head. >_< No! I don't want to work on that story! *goes to attempt to kill her male lead*
Sonic song "Wrapped In Black" + "Gangnam Style" = "Gangnam Style Boss Remix" and it is GLORIOUS.

EDIT: Oh god, why did I even bother checking that thread out? It's like I walked into a room full of anonymous people of varying ethnic backgrounds and accents and half of them hate everything about me right off the bat. >_>